Lauren B with some early evening carries
Scheduling Note
There is No Teaser Class, Comp Class or Active Recovery this weekend as David will be taking the Starting Strength Seminar with Mark Rippetoe (Coach Jess too!)
CFSBKers Sound Off
We’re gushing at all the great content being produced from our own in-house athletes. Check it out!
- Michael S, a brand new CrossFitter at CFSBK has something to say about “What To Do When You’re The Worst“
- CrossFit Veteran Vincent D was featured on ABC 7 News in their piece on “Warning For Barefoot Runners”
- “The Professor” Samir C has a blog post on the physical and psychological stress of rowing with “Row, Row, Row Your Erg (Not So Merrily However)
Fight Gone Bad Update
We have a few slots left for Fight Gone Bad in order to make full teams. If you are interested and didn’t get to sign up, please email Jess ASAP at cfsbkfgb(at)gmail(dot)com.
Everyone that signed up for Fight Gone Bad (not FGBelated) should have received an email indicating your team and teammates. If you didn’t please also email me and let me know ASAP.
Rest Day Trivia
1. Today, marmalade refers to a kind of jelly containing the fruit and rind of many kinds of fruits, but originally, around 400 years ago, the first kind of marmalade was made from what fruit that resembles a hard yellow apple?
2. In 1943, French underwater explorer Jacques Cousteau helped create an invention designed for underwater breathing, and 60’s British rock group Jethro Tull named an album after it. What is it?
3. Who was the author of the 1961 classic of science-fiction, “Stranger in a Strange Land”?
4. By what three-word phrase do we name the index used to measure the quantity of harmful particles and chemicals in the air?
5. If all the U.S. state capitals were listed in alphabetical order, the first and last on the list would be capitals of bordering states. Can you name them?
As always, no researching allowed. If you know the answers post to comments, even if someone else already answered and you didn’t read it yet!
CrossFit and GPP by Tony Leyland
Aaron O’Connell: Making sense of a visible quantum object TED
1. quince! obv.
2. aqualung
3. robert heinlein
4. dunno
5. ditto
Michele has 2 and three connect. I think 5 is Albany (ny) and Trenton (NJ)
Nice, Tom! I was going to say Atlanta and Tallahassee, but clearly there is at least one pair of capitals that beats that.
I am very sad that there's no Active Recovery tomorrow, but that did mean I came in today to squat, and how can I be sad when I'm squatting? 150x3x3, probably should have done 155 because it was never a struggle.
Not telling what tomorrow's WOD is. It's kind of evil. Y'all will just have to find out for yourselves!
PS, speaking of trivia:
1. If you have a passing, or more than passing, interest in fashion, I'm looking for a few people to test-solve a set of trivia questions I'm writing about fashion and style. I basically want some people to weigh in on the difficulty of the questions and let me know if they notice any mistakes or hidden trip-ups I've inadvertently included. If interested, email me, stellavision at gmail.
2. If you love trivia, period, you should join LearnedLeague! It's an online trivia league where you play a match one-on-one each day for the season (each season is 25 days long and excludes weekends and holidays), answering questions and defending against your opponent by assigning point values to his or her answers. (It is possible to answer fewer questions correctly than your opponent and still win a match, due to this defensive component.) This is my fourth season with the league — I really enjoy it and would love to bring some SBKers into the cult. (You need a referral from a current member to join.) Again, if interested, stellavision at gmail.
6am with Nick. 275x3x3 on the back squat. Warm up sets at 45, 135, 225 and 255. Felt good overall. Pretty confident I have 285 for next week. For the WOD: 36 reps on movement 1 (Rx weight) and 188 on movement 2. Really brutal combination as both movements cause me to red-line.
Only 3 teams out of 26 have emailed me to let me know who the team captain's are for Fight Gone Bad. Please make a decision and let me know asap at cfsbkfgb(at)gmail(dot)com.
6am with coach Nick, who shamed me into starting a new book on the way to work today. I'm normally always reading something but I've been busy working nights on a top secret side project, which you'll all be hearing about pretty soon.
Did tomorrow's squats @ 295 and they were all pretty ugly. I just didn't feel comfortable under the bar today, even in my warmup sets. If we're keeping the WOD a secret, I got 41 reps on movement 1 (at a lighter weight than Peter, even though it stung my competitive pride) and 283 on movement 2. I hate movement 1.
6pm wod with Foxes and McDowell.
Rowed 50/40/30/20, 10 strict pullups, 20#WB.
Pullups broken into sets of 1 or 2. Rowing makes everything else 5x harder.
First round of wallballs was ugly as hell, but cleaned them up on the second round. Time was 17:04.
Followed by 4 tacos at Ho'Brah, my modest attempt to sneak onto the board before leaving.
Friday: Flight back to Seattle at 5:45. It's been fun! CFSBK is fantastic, I can't wait to come back next summer.
Ahhh have sinned!!!
About a month ago I thought I'd left my Buddy Lee jump rope at the gym. Next day took what I thought was my rope from the gym. Last night found my actual rope hiding from me. So I stole someone's rope a month ago. If you're missing said jump rope, please email me and I'll tag it with your name and leave it in lost and found. if I don't hear from someone I'll still leave in lost and found, just untagged.
Also, last night I misplaced my Ray Ban shades at the gym (I guess karma's a bitch, right?). If someone found pls let me know. I'll check the lost and found but I'd hate for my lovely shades to be bouncing around in that big ole box.
4= AQI, I think.
I posted in Thursday's for my WOD today…
did everything but the wallball at RX. 16 pound ball was a blessing. See why in yesterday's post.
Nick needs to read and post in the blog 😉 He was amazed at the sudden arrival of the new rouge plates.
Thanks again to McDowell and the cheers of the other 7AMers as I ground through the last 20Cals and 21 wallballs. in 16:09 RXed all but the balls at 16 pounds.
1. Quince
2. Aqualung
3. Don't know but The Cure wrote Killing an Arab after it. 😉
4. is it PIL? Pollution Index Level
5. I think its NY and NJ with Albany and Trenton.
way to rock the SBK t-shirt on teevee, Vince!!
This is addressed to whomever thought it was a good idea to stick their chewing gum on the collar of a green barbell.
Please let me see you do that again.
We can then have a very brief but intense discussion on weight room etiquette.
Maybe he/she was having a MacGyver moment.
@Chris A.
There was a pair of shades in the near bathroom yesterday. I asked around a little and then put them in L&F.
@Ben. TY very much! That's where I left them. will pick up tomorrow.
Attention sci-fi lovers! Not that we have any of those here…
Tomorrow night there is a 10-year-anniversary marathon screening of Firefly, right here in la lovely Gowanus:
http :// (remove space to use link)
OMG gum on a barbell?!
Jeremy: !!!!!!
Who does that?
Ah, Stranger in a Strange Land! Yes! i loved that book in college… Inspired me to post.
And what's wrong with using gum to keep the little plates on the bar?
Last nights Strength work:
355×3 (PR)
Close-grop bench: 185x5x4
Deadlift: 385×3 (PR)