Fitness: 3-5 Warm-Up Sets then a medium heavy 3×5
Performance: Work up to a heavy single then drop back to 80%x4-10 reps
Post loads to comments.
conjugate exposure 3/6
As Many Rounds As Possible In 10 Minutes of:
Run 400m
21 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″
Post time and Rx to comments.
Last Saturday the 9am crew had the pleasure of doing the Run+Dip/Push-Up WOD during the rain storm. Despite the heavy downfall everyone in class opted to still do the runs. This soaked floor is the aftermath!
News and Notes
- Hooray! We’ve got 127 people signed up for Fight Gone Bad! We’ll start making all the teams today and get you the information to sign up ASAP!
- There is No Teaser Class, Comp Class or Active Recovery this weekend as David will be taking the Starting Strength Seminar with Mark Rippetoe (Coach Jess too!)
- There are a boatload of new photos up on our Flickr page.. check them out! Also, don’t forget our Facebook page or to check in on Foursquare, if you’re so inclined. WhatupmayorGina!
- The CFSBK Book Club meeting was pushed back to 9/23 due to the Jewish Holiday. This month’s book is Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72 by Hunter S. Thompson. All are welcome to attend!
- The 2012 CrossFit Games will be airing on ESPN2 all this week. Check out the schedule here.
Recommended Reading
We’ve been seeing Romanian Deadlifts this cycle on Mondays. Many have griped over sore hamstrings and inadequate grip strength for the movement. Check out Greg Everett’s article discussing the history, technique, common faults, transferability and details of the RDL.
Watch… Long Jumping
Watch… The Highland Games
Think Volley Ball is Hard? Try playing with your feet.. Watch Sepak Takraw
Ngyuen Thi Buch Thuy: ‘Just Give Me The Damn Sepak Takraw Ball’
When we started RDLs this cycle I was nervous. Bruce Lee permanently fucked his back doing Good Mornings (a similar lift) and potential injury freaked me out a bit. The article here however does a great job explaining the lift and some issues around it. I appreciate that it ends with the always good advise to start with lower weight and get your technique right.
On a separate, completely random note, Beats of the Southern Wild is amazing and you should go see it in the theater.
If you drink from the water pitchers in the fridge, you should ask yourself after every long, cool pour, "Is this pitcher full?"
If the answer is no, walk over to the tap and fill it up.
If you don't, be prepared to be called out in public by a conflict-embracing bitch who has no issues telling other people what to do. Don't sleep; I live for that shit.
I am seriously tired of pulling out the pitcher and finding it empty.
You need an inane pop culture reference in order to "feel" where I'm coming from?
Pretty please. With sugar on top. Fill the fucking pitchers.
What is the lowest possible amount of water that one can leave in the pitcher without having to fill it?
Inane pop cultural references are cool (yes, I see the internally illogical bit behind that). I don't drink from those pitchers, and now I am scared off for life. Scared straight.
6:14 on yesterday's WOD. Lost track of time a bit – got near the bottom of the page, then noted the time. I guess life isn't a perfect as I want it to be, or think it is, but I am a very fortunate individual. Seeing it in print was a great way to lend a little perspective.
Anyway… Does anyone know of / can recommend a cool place to work out in Memphis? Am participating in the Smokin' Aces BBQ competition in Tunica, MS – might just be a baby back amrap, at best. Still, any suggestions would be welcome.
I'd say that management would appreciate a refill anything below halfway. Or better yet you could just put more water in after every use.
A bit more diplomatic than ms. Belle. 🙂
Please fill the pictures – photographers really hate it when they have to keep saying, 'Closer, closer'. All these damn wide-angle lens can only take in so much.
6am with Josh. Worked up to a 285 single on the high bar back squat. Attempted and failed at 295. Simply wasn't organized on the lift and never got out of the bottom. 285 went up smoothly. I'll get 295 next time. Dropped down to 230 and knocked out 7 reps.
Metcon was a lung burner: 2 rounds + 400m. Did both rounds of the burpee box jumps unbroken. Second and third runs started out very slow.
I fill if there's not at least one good-sized serving of water remaining. Scout's honor!
Speaking of water, has anyone seen a green aluminum water bottle with a company logo (BioLumina) on it? I left it on Monday and didn't see it in the lost and found box.
Very happy that I could come in today instead of going out to the dirty Jerz. 145 for a single, then 115×9. I think I had more in me for the heavy single.
WOD, subbed rowing 500m for running, a measly 1 round + row + 13 BBJs. My arms are the limiting factor on burpees when I do them strict. Sigh.
Last night mobility work with Maestro Alec. I didn't even know that there was a water pitcher in the fridge. I have seen key lime pie in there before.
Worked up to 345 on the HBBS at the 7AM. Went for 355 because 345 felt really bouncy, but failed. It's definitely in there, probably at an evening class.
Metcon 2 rounds and about 265 meters. I could here the counting down as I approached the gym. I can feel my gas coming back after a bit of a lazy summer.
3rd 7am Class. Bizarro world. I will say this, it makes my work day start much more enthused. Been feeling pretty crappy of late, but today felt pretty good. I decided a few days ago to try and re-focus my training and set more realistic goals (Not 7 days strict paleo, but 5 for now) and to give 100% effort for every class im at.
Partnered with Charmel for the HBBSQ and hit 315 and then did a drop set of 3@255.
10MIN AMRAP felt pretty good i kept a consistent pace on the Burpee Box Jumps and did 2 complete rounds + 400m + 2burpee box jumps. Thanks to Charmel for counting and keeping me going.
Woah, I owe a couple of days. Umm.. Sunday made it to 24kb on the farmers walk then had to drop back down again as my arms were dragging the sidewalk. I have to get those grip grippy things to work on making mine stronger as that's always the stupid thing that fails first. Tuesday's makeup DL's and such I found to be a pretty great time – even with Le Planks. I hate those mofo's but putting my iPhone stopwatch btwn my forearms weirdly helped as did adjusting my feet from narrow to wide and back again, was able to stay up all 4 sets doing that. Today 90# on the HB and 2 rounds Rx'd – yes I am counting the 21st that I grommed in there a split after time was called.
For the rest day writing WOD, a good one MGMT!, this is something that I try to do every day. My friend Buster in Seattle created a wonderful little thing, called, and I was an original beta tester and stuck to it – which I'm really glad that I've done. No need for punctuation, spaces, whatever (unless you want it) – its private, put the words in, you learn from them to see if there is a common thread, et al. I have no idea how long it took me so I guess it was NFT.
Re: water pitchers.. we have water pitchers?!? Apparently the only time I'm ever in there is when it's full o beer.
Oh hey – thought I would share this. On searching for bike rack info for my shop, I discovered that you can actually submit to the city a request for street bike racks – zoning and install on their dime. Well, you know what I mean. Anyway.. if anyone lives in an area that could benefit, yes its the city so it could take some time, here is the form to submit:
Squat: 275x5x3
Bench: 167.5x5x3
Deadlift: 315×5
Squats felt ok, knee is still a bit funky but much better. Went with 275, light but just enough to feel like I'm doing something. Bench was ok, heavy but there's more in the tank. I think we're approaching my old 1rm territory, sweet. Deadlift went light today, 340 last week was heavy as shit. Did 315 today double overhang and my grip held up (mostly). All in all a good day.
Regarding Pitchergate, as much as watching Michelle yelling at people would be fun. I think we all would rather just have full pitchers of water to drink. To paraphrase Black Sheep "FILL IT UP, FILL IT UP, FILL IT UP".
Re: "Beasts of the Southern Wild" Ooh yeah! Noah is so right. And that little girl is just as astonishing as they say.
Good 6am with Josh. Pleased I did the burpee box jumps Rx'd. Also signed up (gulp) for Fight Gone Bad. Stepping out on faith.
thanks, thanks, it's been a quiet mayorship thus far, i'll be taking applications if you think you should be eligible for a key to the city (err…garage door opener?).
did this workout yesterday evening with josh. was pleased that my wall walk-ups are getting better. i worked up to, drumroll…75# on the high bar back squats.
for the WOD got in 1 full round + 400m + 20 burpee box jumps, now i'm cursing myself for pausing in a daze after the 14th rep or i would have finished two whole rounds.
385 x5x3 BSQ
177.5x4x3 Press
I also have signed up for Fight Gone Bad and apologize in advance for bringing down your teams score.
Day two of my linear progression (out of foundations) on high bar squatting, 3×5 @ 135lb., pleased w that. looking far forward to the day that I don't suck quite so badly at box jumps and/or burpees. Putting them together was a real eye-opener, I barely got through 1 set and finished my second 400m run as time expired. Lots of work ahead.
6am class. I was doing Fitness, and I got up to 165 on high bar back squat, but could only do 3 reps at that weight. After that I dropped back down to 145 and did the rest of my work sets there.
I've been biking to work every day over the manhattan bridge, and I usually take it about as fast as I can. I'm starting to think this may not be good for recovery with all the deadlifts and squats we're doing. Felt pretty shaky and sore at the bottom of my squat today, for example, and didn't get near my goal. Gonna try slowing down on my commute, at least on days that I'm not squatting or deadlifting.
Got 2 rounds on the WOD plus ~200 meters. Felt *real* slow on the second two runs.
6PM class w/ Coach Fox, special guest appearances by Noah and MacDowell.
Rolled out calves, hamstrings, and glutes and warmed up the calves with some double-unders before class.
HBBS with Samir:
45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 165×3, 185×2, 205×1, 225×1, 235×1 (PR Single)
Drop set at 185×6
Pushed pretty hard all the way through the WOD, would have loved to hit 3 rounds but happy with the 2.5 plus 5 BBJ I made it through.
6pm class with Fox and Noah wooooohoooooo!
Squats were fine. I went up to 105x3x5. It felt good. I was thinking knees out the whole time, trying to get low enough, and hoping form was good. I'm still waiting for something to click, where I'll know I got it.
Looooooved the wod. Noah kicked me out of the nest tonight and I flew! I entered a baby who didn't think she could handle the 20" box, i left the same size knowing i could. I made 2 rounds and my run back to the gym, finished strong and looking forward to tomorrow's activities!
/giggle on the water… I'll rest assured because I take mine directly from the tap.
RDL's– I haven't read the article yet, but I definitely found my weakness is in the grip and moved to straps as per Rippetoe. It's a posterior chain exercise, so I don't want to be limited by my grip– I left my grip behind about 30 pounds ago. I find the grip much more difficult than when deadlifting double overhand. I can do 5 easily @ 225 on the DL (again, not switch, but DOH) and can't do that with the RDL. (I assume it's because I can rest at the bottom of each rep with DL)
I'll read the article, but my understanding is that this is for my back and gluts-hams, not my grip.
Oh, while we're on the RDL, I found both of these very helpful:
Mark Rippetoe Platform Video: The RDL
70's Big RDL overview
DIY ring dips: attempted 4×6 but failed on the last two sets. Will try again.
HBBS: warmed up to 185x3x5. Forgot to initiate with the hip drive on the second set, so that set was difficult. Organized myself on the third set and the bar went up smooth.
WOD: 2 rounds plus about 130M run. Felt great after this WOD (after I caught my breath, that is). Just right – challenging but not too much so.
Got in for 5PM with Foxenstein. Worked with the very particular Rickke, who is a great partner, although there were a lot of Odd Couple moments. Worked up to 295, probably had some more in the tank but ran out of time. I missed all of the last HBBS cycle, and probably hadn't squatted high since I got to CFSBK. It felt oddly good and snappy. Intrigued as to what this means for my LBBS 1RM.
Got through 2 rounds, 400M and 1 BBJ on the WOD. With the mandated step down the BBJs were much more friendly to me and emphasized my strength of slow, steady work. Emphasis on slow.
Loving group class, every day.
To be fair, it was Fox who pushed Crystal out of the nest and onto a 20" box, I just gave her a lot of grief when she questioned his wisdom.
Barely made it in for the 8pm with Noah and McDowell after a day of feeling a bit odd. In hindsight, glad I came. Also, fully half of my Foundations class was at 8pm tonight. Nice to see Tim and Pablo.
DROMs and intros, then 3 rounds of:
1 wall walk (overextended on round one), 16 reverse lunges, 20 sit-ups
HBBS with John Fox, who hit a nice PR today.
[45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 165×5] 185(3×5)
This is where I ended my last cycle of 3x8s. Felt medium-heavy today, which was right. Too wide on set 2 (thanks, Noah!), which made it the hardest.
WOD, still with John Fox. 2 + 320m, 24" box. Those extra four inches make a huge difference! Very happy given everything–the way I was feeling, new-ish box height, etc. Moved consistently and quickly throughout the 10 minutes.
Back in the gym after a week. Feel great/hurts a lot.
Fun group at 6 pm!!
Not so fun WOD results: Did 1 round + 400m + 3 burpee/box jumps with piw (partner in wod) Kristen. SURPRISE!!! I still hate running.