5 Sets Not For Time Or Weight
5 Front Squats
Row 350m with 22 S/M Cap
Rest as needed between rounds
Go medium heavy on the Front Squats. Heavy enough require organization and effort, light enough to be perfect for every rep. Try to stay consistent at 22 S/M on the erg. Count how many total strokes each piece takes you.
Post loads and time to comments.
- Programing Note: Tomorrow is the final day in our “Back Off Week” where we focus on skills and lower intensity workouts. We’ll be starting a 6 week training cycle starting Monday. For more information about the template, check the post on 8.22.12
- CFSBK Wine Wasters! Happy tasting this evening at the 3rd CFSBK Wine Wasting with Brian Scott. Participants will take a trip around the world via wine bottle while learning all the ins and outs of wine tasting and selection. We suggest walking or taking the subway to the gym!
Good Luck Team SBK!
Today is the final event in the 2012 CrossFit Subway Series. Team SBK will be taking on this hellish workout at CrossFit Virtuosity in Williamsburg. Best of luck to the competitors and a big thank you to any spectators going to show some Sea of Black love!
Scoring is one point per rep following the row.
Gender Differences in Fat Metabolism Mark’s Daily Apple
Band Pull-Aparts For Healthy Shoulders Elite FTS
1. Hey hey Rickke, looking fly!
2. Regarding the trivia questions from yesterday: Did I miss the correct answers being posted? If not, could they be posted?
Excellent work by Team CFSBK at the Subway Series today. We took 2nd place this week and finished in 3rd place overall! I'm so so proud of everyone that competed. Each week we got better. We placed 5th the first week, 4th the second week, 3rd the third week and 2nd this week. Too bad there wasn't one more week!
Favorite moment of the series was definitely watching Christian R. finish up his last few bar muscle-ups. Just when it started to seem like he wasn't going to get any more reps, we got louder and he responded by banging out his last 4 or so unbroken. So. Electric. CFSBK by far, offers the most support and encouragement to our athletes. Big thanks to our members who came out to watch and congrats to all of our athletes!
1. Sport: Polo
2. Hills: Pennines
3. Trade: Beirut, Damascus
4. Architect: Christopher Wren
5. City: Agora
Some Active Recovery about 10 minutes
3 Rounds:
16 Walking Lunges with 16kg KBs front racked
16 GHD Sit-Ups
Front Squats
135 Stop Squatsx5
Didn't quantify the Rows, just did them
10 Person Partner WOD
200 mile run for time
Hood to Coast Relay
Mt Hood to Seaside, OR