Nicole A Gets Her 1RM Scrutinized By Coach Jeremy
Remember tomorrow is Movie Night at CFSBK! We’ll be showing Star Wars and 7pm and Pumping Iron at 9:15pm. Stay for both of just come for one, all are welcome. Herschel will be there!
Save travels to Coach Margie as she heads off for Wisconsin today. To say she will be missed is a profund understatement!
Check Out Krishnan’s Video
Want to know more about GMOs? Want to hear some catchy jamz? Want to see Krishnan V’s awesome editing and production skillz. Click here!
Subway Series Tomorrow!
Best of luck to Team SBK as they take on Event 3 of the CrossFit 2012 Subway Series at CrossFit LIC. Our guys and gals will be taking on the following “Diane” variant:
As Many Reps As Possible in 7 minutes:
3 Deadlifts, 225/155#
3 Handstand Push-Ups
6 Deadlifts, 225/155#
6 Handstand Push-Ups
9 Deadlifts, 225/155#
9 Handstand Push-Ups
12 Deadlifts, 225/155#
12 Handstand Push-Ups
adding 3 rep rounds until the clock runs out
Scoring is one point per rep.
Good luck, team!
Friday Trivia Questions:
1. During what war was the star spangled banner written?
2. Due to no particular belief in deity, which religion is often regarded as a philosophy?
3. What kind of bird can dive the deepest below sea level – about 500 meters underwater?
4. In 1783, the French brothers Montgolfier helped people go where no one had gone before, when they invented what?
5. A “perfect number” is one in which the sum of the divisors of the number add up to the number. The first “perfect number” is 6, because its divisors are 1,2,3. What is the second perfect number?
6. France borders five countries. Two of them are Germany and Switzerland. Can you name the other three?
7. Between noon and midnight, how many times do the hands of a clock form a right angle?
As always, no researching allowed. If you know the answers post to comments, even if someone else already answered and you didn’t read it yet!
Brooklyn Is Flooding Gawker
P90X Is a Fascist Workout iOfTheTiger
A Final Farewell
What I Tried to Say Last Saturday Night, But Better.
You all have been so generous with your good-byes, this is my chance to say good-bye to you.
I came to Brooklyn in 1999, a plump, typically insecure, and very enthusiastic recent college graduate. I went to work for the Roundabout Theater Company and made my own theater on the side. I kept making theater as I moved from Roundabout to New York Foundation for the Arts, where I worked until 2 years ago. Even as I pursued a life in the arts, I felt myself adrift and unsure of my commitment to what I had dreamed about since childhood. Basically, that enthusiasm quickly burned out, and I spent most of my twenties in an anxiety attack.
Becoming a part of CrossFit South Brooklyn coincided with an enormous, yet gradual turning point in my life and identity. It was a way for me to re-purpose myself, to cultivate new interests and new communities, and to bring clarity to my (privileged) confusion over what the hell I was supposed to be doing with my time. It has been integral to my transition away from the arts and into health and agriculture.
I am incredibly excited to move forward on this new path and sort of dumbfounded that I have the luck of being a student again at age 35. Of course, it's bittersweet to leave this place that has been so formative. It is a lucky thing when you get to spend your days working with and teaching people who are excited about the same thing as you. And it is a lucky thing to work for and be friends with someone as precocious, twinkly, thoughtful, silly and committed as David. I don't need to tell you all how peachy he is. I am grateful to him and to Jeremy for inspiring and aiding my growth as an athlete and as a coach, in particular a coach interested in building strong women. I didn't know I was going to care about that so much.
Enjoy yourselves as I know you all do so well. And when something is impossibly hard or heavy, and you can't stand yourself for letting it beat you, remember that you choose to come to this place for fun, for community, for physical release, for challenge, for learning, for good meat, for cool toys. This is lucky. This is a treat. Brush it off and continue to play.
Much love.
1. The War of 1812
2. Deism
3-7. No clue whatsoever
5: 28 (14+7+4+2+1)
6: Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Belgium (Switzerland and Germany) – isn't that 6 bordering countries?
7: 24 (bit of a guess on this one)
I'm gonna say Buddhism for number two.
Any rides going to LIC tmw? ๐
Wonderfully said, Margie!
1. War of 1812
2. Buddhism
3. Penguin
4. ?
5. David E's answer sounds right!
6. Spain, Belgium, Italy and Luxemburg
7. 24 (twice per hour)
1. – others got this
2. – others got this
3. – others got this
4. hot air balloon? I have no idea.
5. – others got this
6. – others got this
7. 24
1. War of 1812
2. Buddhism
3. Emperor penguin
4. Hot air balloon
5. 24 = 1+2+3+4+6+8
6. 4 additional countries border France – Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain and Italy
7. 44 times
Margie, I thought you did a lovely job speaking on Saturday night already, but this post is well said, too! Best of luck to you!
I can't answer of these any questions because Kelly this morning sapped all of my strength and has fried my brain cells to a crisp. Though I'm a newbie and haven't experienced the full roster of exercises and moves that CF has to offer, I've officially decided that wall balls are my own personal hell (which is all the more reason to work on them, of course, but damn, they smoked me this morning).
3 rounds + run & 15 box jumps @ 20" box and 10 lbs. Kudos to Isaac and Erin for kicking ass and taking names during this one.
Best of luck Margie. You will be greatly missed.
Margie, you brought tears to my eyes. You are of course the reason both Nick and I are part of this awesome community and it breaks my heart to see you go; I'm only managing because I know you'll be back, and because I'm SOOOOOO excited for what is coming next for you. I went back to school at 32 and except for the part where you are older than your professors, it is 100% awesome. You will rock it.
Lots of love
Glad to be joining back up with the team tomorrow for the Subway Series! Let's go SBK!
Margie, thanks for everything and best of luck!
Margie, that was great. See you when you get back!
Omnibus post here:
Wanna throw out Andorra as a possible bordering nation for France. Isn't it nestled between France and Spain?
Margie, we talked briefly at your party, but you made a strong impression on me in the short time we crossed paths at SBK. Looking forward to seeing you back when you visit and best of luck in Wisconsin!
Back in the swing of things. Couple WODs to update on.
DL and double-unders: went with 225 on the DLs (last few were tough, but this was definitely the right weight). DUs between 7 and 19, mostly in the 11-13 range. 19 came on the round when I found my rope in a knot when I picked it up! Worked with Bryan, who has great consistency and calm on his doubles.
7am crew today. First day with the 24" box (was today the day to do that?) and I was really pleased. 4 full rounds + a handful of meters under the cap. Kept moving the whole time. Big thanks to Jules and McDowell for keeping me going!
Best of luck, Margie. You'll certainly be missed, but this is just another example of how you crazy coaches inspire me by constantly bettering yourselves both inside and outside of the gym.
@Ryan you are absolutely correct. There are two other countries that border Spain that have yet to be mentioned.
Yes, JR – there is also Monaco.
Good luck Margie. I liked how you gave yourself a mini "Underneath the Hoodie" on the way out.
Even though I have not been there in a while, Saturday am classes will not be the same without Margie and her musical choices.
You will be missed. Enjoy Madison, its a great city.
@Anon I don't think that Monaco is on of them. I'll mention the toughest of the two. Morocco. and no, Morocco is not separated by water from Spain, although it appears that way. Good questions.
Good luck Margie!
Will there be any workout games during the Star Wars showing? Every time a blue lightsaber gets turned on everyone does 10 pushups. Red lightsaber equals 5 pullups. Or when there is a battle scene we hold in plank position till the battle ends!
My answers to all the trivia questions today are: 11 and yes.
7am, of course!, with Nick, hooray!, and bonus McDowell, yay!, and the buddies. Made it through 3.5 rounds on the nose, making up a few extra reps as I felt I may have miscounted – wanted it to be straight and would rather have more than less. Low fives to the 4 of us who managed tomorrow's workout with grimacing smiles, she was a fun bitch, yes? @Ryan you know I've got yer back ::clap clap clap:: MOVE ๐ And McDowell, thanks for the tips and encouragement in addition to all the calf bits $$'ing out at the end. Between DL's and today.. oy.
Margie, you are amazing and I'll miss you terribly. I still remember my first Saturday 9am class and you had Bob Denver on, I was so in awe of you that I too shy, seriously, to ask "please maybe something else to listen?" It was the best/worst workout that I've ever had and it still makes me smile thinking of it. Take CARE and as I'm on plan for a fall strength cycle, following Jeremy's eating advice, am truly hoping you were legit in saying that there will be a winter Tough Tits. Hugs and kisses and misses!
Squat: 300x3x5
Press: 117.5×5, 120×5, 122.5×5
Cleans: 170x3x3
Dips: (+5) 5,8,7
Squats felt fine, not as bad as I expected 300 to feel. My previous "official" 1rm is 305 so obviously we're in uncharted territory here. Hopefully 3 wheels as my new 5rm is attainable. Press was ok, this twice a week thing seems to be working since my previous 1rm was 125. Cleans felt awkward (why must you torment me!!!!!) I think I'm thinking too much. Need to listen to Jess and be more aggressive when I pull. Dips were a debacle, my arms were not happy after pressing and cleaning so it showed. Might have to rearrange so things so my arms are fresher.
It goes without saying that the incomparable Margie will be missed by us all. Good luck in your studies. And don't worry about being older in college it's actually a real advantage that you know EXACTLY what you want to do. Bon Voyage.
Ah, Margie, I wish I'd known you in our 20s. Would have been great to know someone else going through all the same nonsense. I deeply admire how you waited through the transition to a place of certainty. Best of luck to you today and in the coming years. You will obviously be seriously missed.
I'm going to miss you Margie….
Last night's strength Class: Intensity Day
Squat: 340×3 (ties PR for a triple)
I did it, albeit barely. When I racked the bar Margie said "I can't believe you made that last rep." Failure never entered my mind even though the bar completely stopped and very low at that.
Bench: 210x2x2
This was suppose to be a triple or 4 even. Not feeling good on the bench last night. Everything wonky and my troubled shoulder felt like a weak link.
Deadlift: 345×5
Pretty smooth. First set of 5 in awhile…
No time or energy for weighted chins. Maybe next week.
2. Taoism
In many sects of Buddhism the Buddha is deemed a Deity who you pray to take you to the Pure Land. And there are certainly plenty of deities in Tibetan Buddhism.
Margasaurus – I too am so fond of the way we can now relate. Thanks for being the resource you are, and for making lots of gals (and guys) proud. Kick ass (and take names) during your tour in WI. I look forward to seeing you soon, somewhere, some time. I am crying now, thanks a lot.
Mucho amor,
Subway Series!!!
Once again we will set sail from the gym at 8am tomorrow. Reply to comments if you can offer/need a ride. Even if you're not in an early heat, it's a great idea to show up at the start and be a cheerleader.
Jess, Dharma, and I can fit 1 or 2, depending on availability.
Digging that safety squat bar in the back of the pick.
Margie, you will be missed a ton around here. So glad I was able to send you off in style last Saturday night, even though we didn't end up making out.
Still vacationing in Michigan, it's been interesting to see how another gym does things. I did my third workout at Plymouth Crossfit this morning, which was:
Strength: 5 x 5 dead lifts, no reverse grip (got up to 145#)
5 x 5 windmills on each side, 20# kettlebell
WOD: 5 RFT of:
Sprints (I would guess it was about 130m, they have a huge turf field in the gym so it was to the end and back)
Weighted OH walking lunges @ 25# (about 65m, half the gym)
25 push ups (kneeling, started at 20 for two rounds then scaled to 15)
25 sit ups
I miss my 7am friends and I can't wait to see you all on Wednesday! Or maybe Sunday, if my flight lands in time and I can make it to the gym… ๐
subway series! i will need a ride. see you guys at 8am…
lovely parting words, margie. i won't soon forget that last paragraph. best wishes!
I need a ride too! See you in the am. ๐
Asta (and Dan) need a ride!!!
Margie – Thanks for all the good chit chats and tips during open gym. Safe travels to your new (hopefully temporary) home. Good luck and have fun!
I will be at the gym at 8am and can take 4 folks on a cozy ride to LIC. Go CFSBK!
Margie, I miss you already. See you in Madison!
I will be at the gym at 8am and can take 3 people comfortably to LIC. I can take 4 people uncomfortably if necessary.
Margie! Goodbye (for now), good luck, kick ass, and take prisoners.
I'm kind of over trivia right now. I'm 0-3 thus far in LearnedLeague, probably going for 0-4 by tomorrow morning. Le sigh.
i need a ride too to the Subway Series! I'll be at the gym at 8am!
You will be missed. I look forward to you coming back stronger and with an even greener thumb. Take care!
Hot air ballon
Italy, Spain, and Andorra
WoD of the day: Multiple odd-object carries to people's cars as I sold a ton of crap at our moving sale. Finished up with some 12oz. curls. Have fun at the movies!