For Time:
Row 1000m
Rest 2:00
30 Clean and Jerks, 135/95
If you haven’t developed a sound technical base with the clean and jerk, perform a Deadlift, Hang Power Clean and Push Press instead.
Post Rx, 1K time, Grace Time and total time to comments.
CFSBK would like to wish Matt H and his family the best of luck as they move to West Hollywood to start a new chapter in their lives. (complete with a front yard, back yard and swimming pool!)
Congratulations to the CFSBK Pub Quiz Team, “Supple Leopard” on their 2nd place finish at yesterday’s play off round. However the bracket they were in was competing against the team who got first place, so team SL’s season is officially over. Goodnight sweet prince..
235 Photos
The Subway Series event photo set from this weekend has been updated and now contains 235 photos. Go re-live all the guts and glory from Saturday! Big thanks to Asta and Dan for doing such an amazing job capturing the event.
Wine Wasting
There are currently 2 slots left for the CFSBK Wine Wasting with Brian Scott. For more details, see below:
Date: Saturday, August 25th
Time: 7pm till the wine runs out!
Cost: $25pp to cover wines and a Paleo snack to share.
If you have ever seen nywineguy on the white board – this is him. Brian has been a Certified Sommelier within the Court of Master Sommeliers since 2008 and is currently the NY/NJ/Penn Manger for The Hess Collection Winery. He has worked in all aspects of the wine industry from production to restaurants and stores to distribution and now represents one of the top family wine companies in the US. Brian has been teaching about wine and training service staffs since 1995 and is also President of; a website dedicated to connecting small wineries and distributors.
Behind The Scenes At The CrossFit Games: Camp Pendleton (40 Minutes) Free CrossFit Journal
Fun times at 7 AM with birthday girl Jen and the erg going cray-cray on Keith.
4:23 on the erg, 6:36 on Grace for a total of 12:59. (DO, I can't believe you made us do subtraction after that WOD…I could barely count to 30 while Grace was going on!) 68# on the weight. I'm glad I chose that and not 73, because the cleans probably would have gotten crazy ugly.
Still a bit nonplussed after pub quiz last night…
6am with D.O. My hips were super tight this morning from a long car ride yesterday evening. Lots of lovely foam rolling and lax ball work helped loosen them up. Thought D.O. was crazy when he kept urging us faster on the row as I have found Grace alone to be brutal in the past. But I trusted in the coach and actually came close to a Grace PR.
1K row: 3:20
Grace (135): 4:55
Total: 10:15
Interesting article in the Atlantic on the possible ancient roots of Iran's wrestling and weightlifting olympic dominance:
Fun WOD with the 6am-ers. I've done Grace at 95 and 135 this past year. 115 is the happy medium so far. I was able to get the bar using my hips and not my upper back (maybe a first) and then lift it off my shoulders rather than just using my arms. Something I can't do at 135.
3:29 1K row (PR)
7:05 Grace @ 115 (not a PR.)
12:34 Total
Not exactly light speed on Grace but I was able to keep going.
Whew. What a way to kick off my birthday.
7AM with DO. I agree with Stella, post-WOD math was the worst. This was my first time doing Grace. I'm glad I did 73#. Really had to fight for it. I was pretty happy with my erg time. Overall split was 1:58.5, I could've gone faster, but at the 500m mark the impending doom of Grace started setting in. Rowing first thing in the morning made me feel like I was back on the crew team all over again.
Erg: 3:57
Grace (73#): 6:59
Total: 12:56
8am w/David. I don't remember my erg numbers/time but my final Grace time was 13:03. 37#. A nice small class! The rowing wasn't as torturous as I thought it would be. Yay Supple Leopards!
I cant wait to do this wod today. I have just rejoined civilization in commuting to work on a daily basis again. I realized that aside from love the only reason I talk to you all so much is because when you work from home the only other person you talk to is yourself.
If anyone who works from home, wants to join me at my co-working space its on Park Ave & 28th hit me up. I wont talk to you, I promise.
Dh3! I work on park and 26/27! We should do lunch some time. 🙂
Gracie! I don't know why I love this one coz cleans are not my friend, but I do. 4:27 for rowing. 7:13 at 53#.
@FIGVAS perfecto
Some extra ME lifting.
Dead Squats @ 27 Pin which is deeper than normal
Hard grind to keep perfect position in the later sets, the safetys give you so much more confidence to commit. Feeling wiped and a little dizzy.
6 am with D.O. 1k Grace was fun – this was my first time doing both 1000m row and Grace, so new all around.
Row = 4:30
Grace = 5:33
Total: 12:03
Wussed on weight and only did 53 – still trying to work on technique and form and figure out what my working weight should be. The row was harder than the lifts, so I should have done more…next time.
A bunch of thank-yous to David for not only teaching a great class as usual, but for passing over multiple opportunities to poke fun at my Monday morning bleariness.
Hi everyone! I'm here in sunny, exotic Michigan and did the WOD today at Crossfit Plymouth.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Overhead squats @ 65# (scaled to 55#)
Toes to bar
14:58. Super hard, as I can't really string together T2B. Did the squats unbroken though.
This was my first time visiting another Crossfit and I have to echo everyone's else's sentiments from before me: I effin' love you guys. Seriously. Had a great time at this box, and met a bunch of nice people, but nothing compares to CFSBK! Wore my black sea shirt proudly. 🙂
1) wow, nice work Asta and Dan.
2) Supple Leopard – the disappointment still burns. To Stella's "GAH," I will add, "Meh."
3) Went to the corporate gym (mirrors, and all…):
DROM's, DU practice,
1000 on the Erg @ 3:26
30 Cleans, 95# NFT. No two cleans were the same. Oy.
@Stella @Tom: Any given Sunday – such is the glory and the anguish of the playoffs…
Plus, I'm pretty sure Supple Leopard can out-deadlift all of the other pub quiz teams combined, so there's that.
@Stella @Tom @Andrew At least we can take triumph in the fact that overall we were a klass act and this is per the bar as well as Shark, Claw. And what Andrew said. I also would like to add in a big old Le Sigh.. boggling.
Supple Leopards? We did a damn fine job and Sunday will always be there for us. As Bluto from Animal House said "Over? Did you say over? Nothing is over till we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!" xo
Who knows…if we go next Sunday and one of the top 6 teams doesn't show, we are back in, right?
Whew! 6PM class with Melissa and David. Really had to convince myself to try this RX'ed, glad I did even if it almost killed me and I didn't hit my sub-14 goal.
3:52 1K Row
12:20 Grace @ 135#
Got pretty sloppy on the last 10, had to no-rep myself on a couple non-lockouts, and DO pushed me to hit number 30 again too to finish strong. Thanks to the 6PM stragglers and 7PM class for cheering me on through those last few.
6pm with DO and Melo.
Lots of C&J this past weekend, continued today.
Worked with Cos, on the C&J.
3:18 Row
4:41 Grace.
Fun class good times
@Stella – if by "don't show up" you mean mauled by a pack of rabid kittens, then yes, they could reinstate us. You never know, right?
SL has been a great new Sunday night tradition–looking forward to the next season and some low pressure weeks until then. And for everyone else, come out and join us. If we get more than six we'll just start a second team (or infiltrate a group of strangers).
Desperately hoping I feel up to going to the gym tomorrow. Felt a bit wonky today.
Squat: 295x3x5
Press: 100x2x5, 9
Had a really long day today and I didn't really eat lunch. Felt It on the Squats for sure. The 5th rep on each set was a full blown effort today. Press rep outs weren't really so horrible today. By the time I got to the cleans my arms and my body were overall finished. I'll postpone them til Friday maybe.
Just wanna say goodbye to Margie, She's definitely been a consistently positive presence ever since I've been coming to SBK. Who's gonna yell at me when I go back to regular crossfit and start doing stupid stuff?
Cloyde – I will. Also , "295x5x3". There, I said it.
Did this WOD post classes with Josh just now.
ROW 3:50
Rest 2:00
Grace at 115#, 6:11
Total Time 12:21
I've done Grace about 5 times at 135 and my time is around the 10:00-12:00 mark give or take. Today, I wanted to see what Grace felt like for the big guys and decreased the weight. It was more metabolically challenging, but not soul crushing like 135 usually is. Good for the intent of today's workout, next time I'll go on a date with the bigger sister again.
DIY ring push-ups 3×12
Row 3:33
rest 2:00
Grace 7:02 @ 105#
Total 12:35
First time with Grace, and she is not gentle.
On the 1000M row: I started with 10 power strokes, then added another 10 at 250 and then a sprint at 800. Otherwise, had a split around 1:54.
Grace: broke the sets down to 8 and then 3s. Many thanks to Melissa on the suggestion to use 105# and great encouragement from Noah. Was extremely gassed at the last 10 reps (that is the point, right?), and taking 15 second rests really helped.
As a relative crossfit newbie, it is still amazing to me that I Ran 10 miles yesterday (PR) and the 7 minutes I spent with Grace felt so much harder. Awesome.
I forgot to write down my times and take them home so the following is approximate:
Row in 3:24-ish
Grace @ 115 in 8 something? Some where around there. I was dragging ass today, a real force situation to even get into the gym. I’m glad I did but I’m friggin’ tired.