Spend 20 minutes working up to a heavy 1 rep Jerk.
Focus on driving the bar up with the legs and driving under to lock out with the arms. Stabilize before bailing.
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compare to 12.29.11
Jenna J. keeping her elbows nice and high.
There is no free Teaser Class class today!
CFSBK Softball Team Batting Practice Today!
The CFSBK Softball team will be meeting today for batting practice. Please bring your softball bats!
Details: 2pm at Brooklyn Sports and Party Center, 800 3rd Avenue b/w 26 & 27th Street, Brooklyn.
Memorial Day Murph is tomorrow!
The gym will open at 9:00AM and we will be starting the first heat of folks exactly at 9:30AM. We’ll be starting new heats of up to 20 people every 45 minutes and recommend that you arrive 15 minutes early for whichever heat you’d like so that you can warm-up and do any movement prep you’d like. The last heat will run at 11:45AM so make sure you’re here before then if you want to complete Murph. The BBQ itself will start by 12PM. The gym is providing steaks, sausages, beer and buns. If you can, please bring a side dish or some beverages so that everyone can eat their fill.
Split Jerk Demo Catalyst Athletics
Wrist Mobility Crossfit Invictus
Annie T. Killing Diane CF Games
Hi from CrossFit Kennesaw, which was super welcoming.
Team chipper WOD in teams of 3:
150 wall balls 20/14
200m run
150 lunges
200m run
75 shoulder to overhead 75/55
200m run
75 sumo deadlift high pull 75/55
200m run
Someone from the team must hold a 35# kettlebell thru the WOD (KB can change hands, but can't touch the ground).
25:52 I think — 2 of us were more experienced and 1 was more of a beginner. Fun!
PS, all runs were done as a team, and yes, someone had to hold the KB while running!
Jerked with ash today at 9am. Good kinda easy day before murph.
95 x 3
115 x 4
135 x 3
155 x 2
175x 1
175 x 1
185 x1 sloppy
185 x 1 somewhat better but had to fight for lockout while staggering around
Then rowed 9 intervals of :30 on :30 off rowing really slowly on the off
Got a little over 2000m
Interesting that using this method I was able to row a 2k in half the time of the 2k last week. Gives me some interesting ideas about strategy.
Btw mgmt what were those rubber grips we used to have for pull ups made from? I likethembetter than gymnastics grips but they seemed like one thing that had another purpose that we just used for pull ups?
Joe (new Joe, of the Gee, Getz, and Levi clan) – shoot me an email if you see this. I can't find yours. Want to follow up on your ankle.
christian (at) crossfitsouthbrooklyn (dot) com
11am with Nick and Tyler.
Worked with Chris, who was great at keeping me honest on form and reminding me to move my front foot first when resetting.
Worked up to 155, with stops at 45/75/95/115/135/145. 155 certainly felt
like it was closing in on the top of my range.
I would argue that jenna jerman is not, in fact, a jerk.
Slothfully uninspired for jerking… went to the push press and ended up @ 125 for a 5lb pr. Was so unWoDful that I didn't even go for more, even though I knew it was there. (back was a little wonky) Did 100 situps as penance… on to Murph tomorrow!
Heading to PacStan tonight with some friends to try and win a few more points for the SBK team(s). Email or reply if you'd like to play with.
ryanmjoyce at gmail dot com
This was fun, haven't tried for a heavy push jerk before. Worked my way up to 135# where things became unstable. Did 4 or 5 reps at this weight, after some pointers from the coaches the last rep actually felt the best.
Before class, I squeezed in some deadlifts. 45×5, 95×5, 145×5, 195×3
After class, pullups: 5 5 5 4 2
9am with coach fox
pre wu
foam roll
shoulder wk with band
shoulder prep
kbell swings
hollow rocks
jerk prep w 45lb bar
push press
push jerk
(45, 95, 135)
165f 165 185 205
could have gone heavier, ran out of time.
first 165 was a shit show, too slow and wrong grip.
cool down
couch stretch
lax ball shoulder work