5 Rounds for time
2 Deadlifts 315/225
4 C2B Pull Ups
5 Burpees
*10 min cap
Scaling Options will be available. In it’s best capacity this is a ‘Fast & Furious’ 3-5 minute WOD. Cap is 10 minutes.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Marian L. (hand)walking the Red Carpet in L.A.!
There is no Active Recovery class today. Tomorrow’s free Teaser Class is also canceled.
Memorial Day Murph is 2 days away!
As always, we’ll be doing “Murph” and then finishing off with some Beers and BBQ! The gym is providing steaks, sausages, beer and buns.
What should you bring? Your family, friends and a side dish or some beverages so that everyone can eat their fill.
Please let us know you’re coming and what you’re bringing by posting to comments Here!
Book Club Reminder
This Month’s CFSBK Book Club book is…. “A Visit From The Goon Squad” by Jennifer Egan.
Jennifer Egan’s spellbinding interlocking narratives circle the lives of Bennie Salazar, an aging former punk rocker and record executive, and Sasha, the passionate, troubled young woman he employs. Although Bennie and Sasha never discover each other’s pasts, the reader does, in intimate detail, along with the secret lives of a host of other characters whose paths intersect with theirs, over many years, in locales as varied as New York, San Francisco, Naples, and Africa.
The discussion meet up will be on Sunday, June 3 at 5pm.
How Do Astronauts Lift Weights in Space? Outside Mag
You Thought You Did Well During Your Wendler Rep-Outs? YouTube
Earn Your Carbs Talk to Me Johnnie
I'll be there for Murph. Don't know what to bring yet. Maybe I'll just pick up some fruit, that always tastes good after working out in the heat.
the link to the Murph page is incorrect. if you want to see the page, go back to the 5.24 post.
Links fixed!
Thanks to Noah and Josh for letting me jump into the 10am class today.
6:47 rx'd.
-First round done in about 45 secs, but then shit got real. Deadlifts felt really heavy after that first round. hspu's all kipping and unbroken. c2b all unbroken except last round in 2's. burpees were the hardest part and mine weren't strict.
-legs are still fried from Morrison but I really enjoyed this wod.
I really dig this WOD. Rx'd in 4:20. I tried the technique that Jeremy used last time where you burpee your way from the pull ups to the deadlifts but Noah called bullshit on me! Thanks McD for keeping me on track and calmly letting me know where I was.
8am with coach margie
pre wu
foam roll
400m row
lax ball goodness
wod wu
DL rx, db press, strict pu
a good un.
5:15 @225lbs, 30lb DBs. Partnered with Yoshi who did a stellar job!
Felt like a good warm up for Murph, short and intense.
2:59 Rx
5:50 Rx with coach Margie at 8. Slow, but HSPU broke down on the 4th round and I did my best to take my time approaching the bar for deads since I didn't want things to get too ugly. LookIng forward to murph on Monday for some strange reason.
Old 1 RM
Today's WOD in 6:02
195lb DL
2 abmat hspu
11am with Noah and Josh. Big thank you to both of them for the extra attention at my first group class! It was nice to realize I hadn't forgotten absolutely everything from Foundations….
7:17 [DL @ 175 / DB press @ 30 / green band]
A really fun and challenging first workout, as well as lesson in scaling. 175 was just enough weight for the DL — enough to be challenge and force the issue on form, but not enough to cause anything to break down too bad. Will ratchet things slowly up from here. Smart choice to stay at 30s for the press, as the shoulders were feeling it by round 4. As for pull-ups, I should've used the band the whole way through instead of trying a round of pull-ups without it.
Making me think about what would be an appropriate scaling option if I make it in on Monday.
whoever bought donuts to the box today better not meet me in a dark alley.
712 at 255
This actually wasn't that bad and a real fun workout. My handstand pushups broke down quick. After doing all of them unbroken 1st rd I was shocked I couldn't do more than 1 second rd. the pushups from the BurpeesBut hit my triceps hard. Lesson learned for next time