As Many Rounds As Possible In 20 Minutes Of:
Run 400 meters
12 Hang Squat Cleans, 135/95#
12 Burpees
When coming off the ground, the Hang Squat Clean must come to a fully extended position before coming back down to start the clean. If your legs are fried from “Hammer” and “Morrison” you can sub Hang Power Cleans instead
Burpees are strict, loss of midline will be no repped.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
How Does it Feel To Have Succeeded?
Murph is 4 days away!
Mark your calendars! Memorial Day Murph is happening this Monday, May 28th. As always, we’ll be doing “Murph” and then finishing off with some Beers and BBQ! The gym is providing steaks, sausages, beer and buns.
What should you bring? Your family, friends and a side dish or some beverages so that everyone can eat their fill.
Please let us know you’re coming and what you’re bringing by posting to comments Here!
Dr. Jason Fidler
Dr. Jason Fidler has been serving members of Crossfit South Brooklyn as well as other members of the Crossfit community for over 3 years. He was trained at New York Chiropractic College not just in the art of medicine but also by Crossfit Level 1 trainers, who eventually opened up Crossfit Asheville in N.C. ( He is schooled in the functional movements that crossfitters routinely perform, their commonly associated training injuries ( (shoulders, hip flexors and wrists) and the most effective forms of treatment. He has gained critical insight into practice management by working at two highly regarded boutique rehab clinics in NYC.
Dr. Fidler has held full spine Active Release and Kinesio taping certifications, two very effective sought-after treatment protocols, since 2006. As a former collegiate athlete and personal trainer himself, Dr. Fidler is a regular physician at all of the NYC endurance races and Crossfit competitions. Additionally, Dr. Fidler has undergone training in Elite Sports Science at the Lake Placid Olympic Facility. This has helped add to his skill set further instruction for athletes in neuromuscular re-education to prevent future injury. Consider MobilityWOD with a manual therapy edge. For patients with serious disc herniations looking for relief while avoiding surgery, Dr. Fidler is also trained in non-invasive spinal decompression therapy. Perhaps, most importantly, is Dr. Fidler’s ergonomic experience in which he provides a high quality workstation consult for the purpose of making the repetitive motions of work and daily living activities less traumatic to your body.
Rates and availability:
Dr. Fidler is now seeing treating athletes during open gym hours Friday 5:30 to 8pm and Saturday mornings 9am to 1pm. Dr. Fidler will be renting space out of CFSBK, these services are considered seperate from the gym’s training programs.
Initial consult and treatment = $100
Follow-ups = $40 (cheaper than most co-pays)
Get the most out of your workouts and achieve peak performance and optimal health.
To learn more about these services and book an appointment, click here.
Why would we consider the Burpees in the link below a no rep?
How to do an (Im)Proper Burpee YouTube
Hang Squat Clean Demo Catalyst Athletics
78th Precinct Pushes to Enforce the Illegal Use of Electric Bicycles, Coaches Fox and Noah Rejoice Park Slope Patch
6am with Coach Jess.
WOD at 125#. 3 rounds + 6 burpees on the last round. Burpees suck. Right next to me, Jayme breezed through her burpees unbroken. My burpees were broken into sets of 3 and 4. Cleans are starting to feel better. Still not opening up my hands at the top quickly enough to whip my elbows through, but the bar was landing nicely on the front of my shoulders.
Make up post from yesterday.
Came into the 5pm a bit early to "mobilitize" as recently I have been a little lax on the areas that are tough. As I was warming up I had a question. After going to A/R and learning a lot of new stretches, how do we as amateur athletes prioritize? By workout on tap? By our own weaknesses? Often times I jump around from hip openers, to lat foam rolling and feel like i have been to manic. Any ideas here coaches?
Also used the floss band after Josh wrapped my left knee, and I have to say it felt better than it has in a while.
2nd Date with Morrison. That workout is brutal. I dnf'd last time i tried and was very happy to get through it yesterday. 26:03 Rx'd. Good working with Vincent and all the 5pmers.
Wall balls are getting better. My back is a little fried today. Good day for a rest day.
The burpees in that video ain't chest to deck, that's for sure.
I am masochistically looking forward to doing this tomorrow (unless, of course, Saturday's WOD is even more tempting). I'm sure I'll regret saying that about 2.5 minutes in.
Re: video. The saggy back! The droopy head! the chest not to the deck! What's NOT
wrong with these burpees is more like it. I hope she doesn't hurt herself. YouTube is a dangerous place, man.
I've enjoyed these crush week workouts.
MGMT I don't know what the programming is like next week but will there be any WODs prepping for this:
7am Lady Fox. Holy crap, this was a shirtstrippersoakedinsweatdripdownthesidewalk week. Had to amend a few things: FSQ – the wrists not liking Cleans all that much, and pushups instead of burpees. Finished 3 full rounds with the 4th round run and 4 FSQ.
I totally admit that it was fun playing the rabbit to KH's greyhound during the last run. Hanging back and then ZOOM the last bit skreeching out "C'MON!" Unfortunately that was the last of my gas and I was over and out, but it was worth it. Yep.
regarding mobility work:
i have struggled with the same question.
recently Outside magazine ran a story where they asked K Star to put together "6 exercises for maximum mobility" and I decided I'd do that as a 'routine' for like a month and see if it functioned well as an all-around mobilizer.
i'd love to post the link to it. but i cannot without my comment being sent to purgatory. you can find it if you do this:
w w w outsideonline dot com slash fitness slash flexibility
Then the article shows up in the main body area: "6 Exercises for Maximum Mobility"
Oh god. I looked up that mobility article and he wants you to sit in a Paleo squat for 10 minutes. That is my own personal idea of HELL.
(which just means I need to do it, I know)
yeah that's weird. i mean, a ten minute paleo chair would be a goalpost for me – a sign that i was successfully mobilized already 🙂 but the other stuff is good.
dan are we going to audition together
6am with coach lady fox
pre wu
foam roll
more foam roll
hip openers
3rnds 15 sit ups/10 ring rows
3rnds + 40m row
mh sq cl rx'd
subbed run for 500m row.
this huuuuurt more than i thought it would.
kudos to isaac for hitting this rx'd
I just cried watching the 'succeeded' video. Effin' ey.
I saw that article too. But we've done most of those movements in AR at one point or another. If you want to hone some of those skills or if your tissues have issues, come see me this weekend at the gym
Fri 5-8p
Sat 9-1p
Just was not going to do the squats cleans today with the last two WODs and Murph coming up. So I did 135# cleans. 2 burpee’s short of 4 rounds. I was really angry with myself for not getting those last two, it was the difference in putting the bar down one time two many.
Great 5PM with Josh.
4 rounds plus approx 170 m running. Did this with mid-hang power cleans @115.,
Quite the gasser. But aren't they all?
Nice to be running in the rain – added a little touch of the dramatic to the WOD.
6pm with J&J. Also loved the rain.
3rnds + 400m Rx'd
Kind if where I wanted/expected to be.
Fun night at the gym!
Coming back to crush week has me feeling, well, a bit crushed, but in a good, mushy crushy sort of way. My lower back and quads have been a bit sore so I kept the weight a bit lighter at 53# for the hang squat cleans. Finished 3 rounds plus a 400 m run and 2 more cleans. My push ups need some working on but I stuck with working through the burpees strict, which slowed me down a bit. While 7pm with Jess and Josh did not get the rain that the 5pm and 6pm got, it was nice to get a little sprinkle.
3 rnds + 400 meters + 2 sqtcln at 115. was going sets of 2 pretty early on, would like to move the weight more like sets of 6, good goal for next time.
4 rounds + 400 meters @85# cleans only, no squats, shoulda mebbe gone 95#.