Work Up To A Heavy Single
Goal is to go a bit heavier than last week’s doubles.
Post loads to comments.
(e4/4) compare to 5.10.12
Alternate the following two movements for :20 of work followed by :10 of rest repeated 16 times:
Deadlift, 275/185
Go heavy on the deadlift, prioritize your alignment. Make us proud.
Post load and total reps to comments.
Ragnar Relay Part Deux, “The Adirondacks”
Do you enjoy running? Do you enjoy testing your endurance (both physical and mental?) Have a penchant for staying up all night? If you answered yes to any of these questions.. Ragnar Relay should already be on your bucket list.
When: Sept 28-29, 2012
Where: Near Lake Placid/upstate/etc – NY
More Race information
Runner leg info
Runner distances
Adirondacks is going to be a beautiful course and quite challenging (check out the elevation changes on the course map). You’ll also notice it’s a longer race (overall) than Cape Cod.
Early registration closes June 20th!
Contact: Asta Fivgas at astafivgas(AT)
Mobility, Pregnancy, and the Hypermobile Mobility WOD
Torque and Trunk Stability Part 1: How to Stand Mobility WOD
Pushing Into Muscle: Are We Really Doing What We Really Think We’re Doing? Massage St. Louis
I loooooved Ragnar but alas, I'll be in the thick of marathon training by September.
If you're thinking about it, DO IT! It's like summer camp, but with running and (more) alcohol. Such a great bonding experience, and some gorgeous places to run.
Make up post from yesterday:
5pm class with coach fox. Warm up with some nice mob's then got right into some box squats with John.
235X2X8 – felt a bit heavy may hit this weight again when my legs dont feel so tired (ragnar still?)
Then 21-15-9 clean pullups. This was a grib frying experience and my legs were gone so my cleans were super muscle cleans not much leg pop.
Cash out: walked around cleaning up the mess that I leave behind.
Got back into the gym last night for the first time since the Total. I'm leaving for vacation in less than two weeks so Jeremy suggested I just do Wendler twice a week, two lifts each session until I depart….
Squat: 225x3x3
Did a recovery squat to ease back in and avoid massive soreness.
Press: (Wendler 5 week): 137.5 x 7
Left 1-2 in the tank. My elbow barked on this. Will have to look into that.
Deadlift: (Wendler 5 week): 305×9
First "rep out" on deadlift which I sort of was dreading although one of the reasons I liked the idea of Wendler on the DL is to get more volume to develop my back. This was hard, and to be honest, I got gassed. I was out of breath and left it at nine. It was a good thing I sat down because I was seriously light-headed for a couple of minutes.
Meat CSA folk –
About a week ago, Herondale ran the credit card charges for the June CSA cycle.
They mistakenly charged me for "pay in full" even though I wanted "installment option." It was an honest mistake, but obviously it has a pretty SIGNIFICANT financial impact. I spoke to them and they are going to make it right, which of course I appreciate. I love Herondale and plan to continue buying from them.
Nevertheless, I urge you to check your statements and make sure you were charged as you expected to be charged.
yeah! thanks for the ragnar plug! wee, look forward to hearing from ALL of you fine folks. 😉
Hm I only answered yes to two of those questions.
First day in the box in a week. Workin with two of my favorite partners in crime, Samir and Peter.
175# Push Press (bodyweight overhead goal reached!)
WOD 108 @ 185#
My deadlifts still fall apart after a few reps, my burpee endurance is still pretty solid.
Push press = 150, 160 (PR), 165F, 165F
Accessory WOD = 80 (4/6 every round) @185lbs.
Push press got a little jerky at 155. 145 was clean. But my knees bent a little at the catch at 155.
WOD was 87 reps @ 205. Very sharp fall off beginning to end.
Actually POSTING!
Strict Press: 45×5, 65×3, 75×1, 85×1, 90×1, 95×1. 95 felt great and Jess said it looked good – hoping that I'll crest 100 sometime soon. Didn't go higher – following orders not to fail!
WOD@155: 83 total reps.
Really enjoyed working with Sarah!
Push Press
Worked up to 215 for a single. Pretty happy about it but wish I had gone 216…
WOD Rx'd
DL 6-6-6-6-5-6-6-7
BP 6-6-6-6-6-6-6-9
99 total reps
Push press 120 (tied pr) felt pretty good once I got my hands narrower… there's some more there. Thanks for the coaching Josh!
Tabata DLs and Burpees–both at 185#
51 + 43 = 94
Nice work Noah B. with an heroic 10 burpees on the last set!
Had a blast working with my old partner in tallness, Ellie, after two strength cycles. It felt strange doing push presses instead of regular presses, but I got up to a heavy single of 95#, and almost had the 100#. Maybe next time.
I could definitely tell that strength training paid off on this WOD because of the deadlifts, but it was a real gasser. I ended up with a total of 87 @ 155.
Loving the Crossfit adrenaline afterglow.
low-grade lat spasms for 24 hours already. make it stop. ugh.