Lots of speed every rep, minimal transition time between sets with your partner(s).
Post loads to comments.
compare to 5.9.12
21-15-9 Reps For Time of:
Power Clean 135/95
Post time and Rx to comments.
How many Pull-Ups Can Joe O Do?
Happy Belated Birthdays, Rickke M and Allen G!
Happy Birthday, Nate R!
Join the CFSBK Pub Quiz Team
Got lots of facts swimming around your brain? Like to eat and drink with other interesting people? Stella Z is organizing the CFSBK Pub Quiz team to dessimate the ever popular Pacific Standard Triva Night. Peep the Deets:
Date: Sunday, May 20
Time: Paleo dinner 6 PM, pub quiz 8 PM
Location: Paleo dinner at Stella’s apartment (email for address), pub quiz at Pacific Standard, 82 4th Avenue, Brooklyn
Dinner info: Main course and side dishes provided by Stella; others are welcome to bring apps, drinks, and/or desserts as the mood strikes.
How to RSVP: Send an email to stellavision (at) gmail and you’ll be added to the Evite.
New Strength Cycle Dates!
Upcoming 3x Per Week Cycles
Cycle A (Novice Program)
5/21/12 – 7/13/12
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
Cycle B (Intermediate/Advanced)
5/22/12 – 7/15/12
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
Upcoming 2x Per Week Cycles
Cycle C (Morning)
5/21/12 – 7/11/12
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00am
Continuing Education
5/22/12 – 7/12/12
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6PM
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in, they can contact Jeremy to discuss placement.
3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
Class Sizes
Space is limited to 8 participants
Class Length
One hour and thirty minutes
The Fascial Knock on Distance Running for Pitchers Eric Cressey
City Unveils Locations of Bike-Share Stations NY Times
39 Ways to Not be Like Everyone Else Renegade Strength and Conditioning
Knowing Sucks Scrawny To Brawny
I actually read the list of 39 and was pleasantly surprised to see number 30 and 38.
I liked that article more than I thought I would– especially when he says things like "watch less TV than you do right now." He doesn't say don't watch TV or watch *this much* TV.
On the other hand, the "sex with hot chicks" was pretty stupidly non-inclusive.
I've been chilling out and resting my back which seized up on me a bit from sitting in a poor position all day last Friday. Apparently sitting is much more dangerous than squatting twice body weight.
Sorry I had to book it out of 7 AM class (and thanks Josh for letting me be in heat 1) instead of cheering y'all on — I had to get on a conference call right at 8. (I'm still on it, and NOTHING has been accomplished. Awesome!)
Box squats at 125. Not sure if I was so non-explosive on these because of the weight, or because of Ragnar.
WOD: made it through the second round in the 7-minute cap, using 63# on the cleans and 15-9-6 (well, 15-9, anyway) on green band for the pullups. I am SHOCKED at how fast my arms died!
Come to pub quiz, y'all!
I love his site, and that's a great list! I am glad you brought the other thing up, wow, that is DISGUSTING! 😉
JR, ha. I like Ferrrugia a lot. I thought that list was SPOT on.
that list IS spot on! nice one.
6am with coach josh
pre wu
foam roll
2min 1pd kb swings instead of jump rope
hip openers
calf marches
wu1 instead of seated box jumps
BOX SQ 16"box
(45 135)
205x2x8 on 30 seconds. good stuff
21 15 9 135lb muscle cleans
12 9 strict pull ups, missed the last end of pu.
good stuff.
This is awesome: http://jasonferruggia.com/top-50-old-school-hip-hop-workout-songs/
And, he has the right song at #1: Rebel Without A Pause by PE!
38 ways not to be like everyone else, plus 1 way to be exactly like a whole lot of dickheads.
I liked the list ALOT…and am lucky that my husband thinks I'm hot. 🙂
Also, there's a deal for Sandoony's, the best bathhouse around! I just bought 4. This would be a perfect rest day field trip!
Squat: 215x3x5
Press: 105x3x5
Deadlift: 300X5
First of my in between cycle sessions that I like to call "the JR sessions". Squats were fine a little heavy but ok. Press was hard as hell, how I managed to get all the sets done is beyond me. The last rep on each set was a damn battle. We're headed for micro jumps very soon. Deadlift was heavy but actually kinda fun. Loaded up some pantera on the headphones got angry and easy, peasy (c) David. Lifting solo is definitely not as fun as with the group. One more solo day and then its back with the early morning crew.
I've decided to add an extra day of lifting, so I'll be solo on Friday mornings. I'll squat, work on strengthening my shoulder joints and my upper body in general. Any other beneficial accessory work is going in that day. Just have to figure out what exactly I'll do. Any recommendations on shoulder work is welcomed. So far I really like these.
A little similar to some of the stuff I did with Deb & Alec where my shoulders actually felt normal.
Goals for the next cycle are to stay injury free and total at least 900.
Thanks Coach Josh for sneaking an extra 20 lbs on my bar between rounds!
For all women, especially new moms, you should check out the May 16 Fresh Air on NPR. It's about environmental toxins and breasts/breast milk.
Hey, anyone interested in the November Olympic Cert in Hershey with coach Bergener?
Billy you have a link?
Here it is JT: http://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventId=1013145http://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=1013145
Speed-box-squats @ 65%–#150
Cleans (1st 12 w/ a squat) @#75
Pullups small green band
Made up Front Squats:
(45×5, 95×3, 135×2)
150×2, 160×2, 170×2
-really started to lose my rack during the last set. my elbows were dropping, causing the barbell to roll down and create achy wrists.
Then did today's WOD with Fox.
Power Cleans, 95#
-that was harder than it should have been.
Box squats @185lbs (partnered with Noah): felt good all the way.
WOD: scaled (on the fly) to 21-12-6 cleans @115lbs, 12-9-6 strict chins, finished in 7:30 approx.
The O lifting cert is 2 days of playing with PVC, you won't actually touch a barbell all weekend
Is that bad, Jeremy?
165# box squats
85# wod w/ ring rows 5:51
seriously torn up from rough soccer match last night.
did ten full squat snatches after wod and tricepts extensions w/ 25, 35, 45 plates.
wods w/ cleans increasingly confuse me. the weight is so light, and the movement so truncated. found myself cheating the technique big time.
typed this on my wii. haha.
6PM class with Noah and Fox
First time with Speed Box Squats. Having only squatted once in the past 3 months, they felt decent. Great to work with Ellie this evening!
Box Squats: 95# 2×8
Didn't feel super fast, but I'm sure that will/would come with more practice.
WOD: 6:39
Power Cleans @ 53#
Kipping Pullups with Green Band – scale to 15-12-9
I have t-rex arms.
Loving being back at SBK!
195# for the box squats
Wod. 115# for the cleans, pull ups rxed. 7:44 so that's a DNF, I suppose. :-(.
Shout out to gentleman Fox for doing a quick fact check on that M&F Hers story today. And also for a big bunch of extra insight. You rock!
5pm. 135 boxsqt. WOD w 95#, 15-9-6 strict(ish) pullups. Gotta keep things cleaner in these for time workouts, towards the end my lift was more of a hump than a jump.
box squats at 175
then wod was a complete and utter disaster.
21/15 then 9 power cleans
Speed Squats
WOD Rx'd