For Time:
Row 600 meters
21-15-9 Reps of:
Bench Press, Body Weight
Only load the Bench Press to Body Weight if you can complete 10 reps unbroken.
The buy in for Benching is 10 Strict Push-Ups. If you can’t complete the push-ups unbroken then scale them accordingly. 1 Strict Push-up moves about 55% of your body weight.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Kate B and Sadie Do Step-Ups During Fight Gone Bad 5
Happy Mother’s Day!
CFSBK would like to acknowledge all our amazing CrossFit Moms who are setting positive examples for their children and communities about how to stay fit while raising a family.
Today’s assistance work is to give your mom a big hug and a kiss!
Paula Deen Sponsors .05K Walk For Diabetes Research
Nation’s Moms Invent New Recreational Drug To Worry About
The Ecstasy of Accomplishment Gawker
Training With Pain, It’s Such A Happy Thing Cathletics
600 m row
Bench press (31@105, 14@95)
Pullups (small green band)
Thanks to Carlos for the inspirational body-weight heroics.