Work Up To A Heavy Double
No Failing/Bailing. Try to beat last week’s triple. 100% Confidence in each lift.
Post loads to comments.
(E3/4) compare to 5.5.12
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
1 Knee To Elbow
1 Games Standard Box Jump, 30″/24″
2 Knee To Elbows
2 Games Standard Box Jumps, 30″/24″
3 Knee To Elbows
3 Games Standard Box Jumps, 30″/24″
Continue adding 1 rep to each movement as you complete rounds until the clock runs out.
Post total rounds/reps and Rx to comments.
Bacon Fueled, Tequila Driven. Currently running a collecive 200 miles
Happy Birthday, Charmel R!
Ken’s Ring Strenth class is Sold Out!
Welcome CrossFit North East Regional Judges
We’ve got a handful of judges from the North East Regional coming to CFSBK today to practice their judging skills with David. Our judges have been going to affiliates for the past few weekend in order to help them get prepared for the big show happening at the end of the month. David is the Competition Director for the North East Region this year as he has been for the previous 3.
Book Club Reminder
This Month’s CFSBK Book Club book will be…. “A Visit From The Goon Squad” by Jennifer Egan.
Jennifer Egan’s spellbinding interlocking narratives circle the lives of Bennie Salazar, an aging former punk rocker and record executive, and Sasha, the passionate, troubled young woman he employs. Although Bennie and Sasha never discover each other’s pasts, the reader does, in intimate detail, along with the secret lives of a host of other characters whose paths intersect with theirs, over many years, in locales as varied as New York, San Francisco, Naples, and Africa.
Go ahead and start reading, everyone! The discussion meet up will be on Sunday, June 3 at 5pm
Hospital Food So Fresh, Even The Healthy Come To Dine NPR
It’s a gas: dinosaur flatulence may have warmed Earth Yahoo News
Bans on School Junk Food Pay Off in California NY Times
Van 1 is done! Time for pancakes, with bacon and Mexican coffee of course.
To my Strength Cycle pals doing their bench press and clean totals at noon: be strong today! I'll be with you in spirit. I had to do mine yesterday, and as J predicted, I was tired all over. Failed at 175 for the BP, but I'll take my 170: it's a lot heavier than I thought I'd get. And cleans? Managed a homely one at 145. After that it was a succession of frustrating failures. Gonna keep working on those during open gym time.
8am with coach margie
pre wu
foam roll
pvc ohs
(45 95 135 185)
205 225, 245
245 2nd rep was a bit rough.
9rnds + 9 k2e
subbed step ups to a 24" for box jumps
couldn't get my shit together on the k2e's.
been watching some of the regionals footage on the games site… oh my glob!
Corbett, my edition of the Joy of Cooking dates back to '64 – older than me!
Great lifting with Max & Jason. Then fun wodding with David.
Front Squats up to 205.
The wod at 8 rounds + 9 K2E
I did one chin-up with a 25 pound weight. I was kind of surprised I could.
Was suppose to bench with the class today, but my back seized up on me a bit yesterday due to poor ergonomics. Totally dumb– I've worked at home all day before without any problem, but yesterday's set up did not work. Anyway, I'll bench another day.
Congrats Rangarians! Hope you had/are having fun!
Dynamic Effort Upper Body
Warm up
Jump rope (whatever)
PVC => dislocates, flag pole
Foamroll => T Spine, Lats
Speed Push Press
9 sets of 3 reps @ 40-50% (105lbs)
1 orange band (triangle set up)
every :30sec
Accessory Work:
Landmine One Arm Press (Split Jerk Stance)
45×8 each, 55×8 each, 75×8 each
Weighted Pull ups
BWx8, +25×8, +10×8, +10×8
Dumbbell Jam (JM) Press*
30×8, 35×8, 40×8
Dumbbell Bicep Curls
40×8 each, 45×8 eachx2
Barbell Overhead Walks
135lbs 50' (snatch overhead)
185lbs 75' (out of rack)
No abs.. DANG!
*clean up technique