As Many Rounds As Possible In 20 Minutes of:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
compare to 1.8.12
New Equipment
Look forward to seeing the following items in CFSBK’s ever expaning war chest:
VooDoo Floss Bands
Rogue HG Collars (x5p)
15lb Training Bars (x2)
Dip Belts (x2)
Rumble Rollers (x2 Shortys)
Chain Kits (x2 Pairs)
Post Landmine (x1)
Farmers Carry Handles (x1p)
Ken’s Ring Strength Series Returns
Join guest Gymnastics Coach Ken H. as he takes you through 4 weeks of gymnastics strength training with an emphasis on developing a rudimentary ring routine. Each class will include a proper warm-up, stretching and then use both isometric and dynamic strength exercises to develop: core strength while learning transitions on the rings, levers, muscle-ups and planches. Students will also have strength and flexibility assignments to do on the outside of class. Space is limited so sign up today!
Ken’s Gymnastics Ring Series (Advanced)
Sundays from 1pm – 2pm
5/13/12 – 6/10/12
(no class Sunday 5/27/12)
$60 paid in full
By Invitation Only-Email Ken at hallerk(at)gmail(dot)com for more information.
Ken’s Gymnastics Ring Series (Beginner)
Sundays from 2pm-3pm
5/13/12 – 6/10/12
(no class Sunday 5/27/12)
Register Here!
$60 for 4 Weeks
6 Participants
Physical Requirements:
1 Strict Pull-Up, Women
3 Strict Pull-Ups, Men
5 Push-Ups, Women
10 Push-Ups, Men
Ken Haller’s Bio
Ken was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
How Has Coach Jeremy gotten you better?
Jeremy can explain a lift so that even I can understand it and transfer that input into efficient lifting–Thanks and Happy Birthday!
12 rounds + 5 pullups (pr)
went to knees on pushups in round 8
small green band pullups
Best advice Jeremy ever gave me, "don't be an idiot". Now before I do something I think, "would an idiot do that?" If so I do not do that thing. Change my life..
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Jeremy!! Thanks for being a great teacher! In addition to all the technical help, the thing I'll take from the strength cycle is to not give up on a lift when it gets really hard. Sounds obvious, but it took Jeremy saying it over and over to make it finally click. Thanks!!
Happy birthday to the Squat Whisperer.
No one else I'd want at my side when I'm grinding out a really heavy squat work set!
I still remember my first deadlift coaching session with Jeremy. I'd been DL'ing for a while, and yet, the tips I got that day clicked in a way that have left their mark. I know my DLs still aren't perfect, but my set-up for every DL still bears the imprints of that little lesson.
happy birthday Jeremy!
OMG. I don't have all day to answer this question properly so I'll just say that everything I know about training is in some way due to Jeremy's generosity and encyclopedia of knowledge and before I knew him I was weak and now I am strong. Well, at least relative to 95%+ of the general population.
Bench: 192.5x 5×3
The second set was good. The other two were meh. Taking it easy today so I'll be fresh for the Total Wednesday. Did a bunch of mobility stuff before and after.
Jeremy was my first example of what it means to value strength and the process of attaining it. Unquestionably, he has shaped my path as an athlete, and I continue to look up to him for his athletic capacity, endless knowledge, and commitment to his clients. Our (perhaps overly frequent) conversations about training, anatomy, and programming have been essential to my growth as a coach, and I am grateful to have him as a resource.
Plus he's just so cute.
Happy birthday Jeremy!
Hope all your lifts are PR's today and if you're not lifting try a eating PR. The taco record needs to be beaten!
On a side note the post landmine and farmer carry handles look sweeeeeeeet.
Best of: #1 When Jeremy wandered over during one of his strength cycles and said "Jules, I'm graduating you to the blue bar." Then he wandered off. #1a He blew me away by knowing my name when I had never spoken to him before. #1b I moved forward with backsquatting heavier than ever as I weirdly had an xtra dose of confidence because The Jeremy had spoken. TO ME. #2 Whenever I wear my "I Like Beer" tshirt he always says without fail "Hey.. do you like beer?" very solemnly and then grins.
Happy Birthday!
Jeremy has the ability to tweak the smallest, seemingly insignificant bit of form and make your lift a thousand times better. Samir calls him the Squat Whisperer, for me he's the Press Whisperer.
When he pats you on the back and quietly says, "nice job, you worked hard" it's really the best feeling ever.
Thanks Jeremy. Happy Birthday.
Jeremy has transformed me from a wimpy girl to squatting 155 and able to do my first strict chin-up (2 chin-ups….oh yeah).
Happy Birthday to an awesome coach!
One time I overheard Jeremy say "There's nothing as satisfying as eating an entire animal" — true words of wisdom.
Happy Birthday!
Jeremy has a minimalist coaching style that somehow makes you really, really, really not want to suck.
He's given me a lot of space to go out and fuck myself up by not listening to his advice. Ultimately that's a very generous coaching tactic; I now understand *why* not to WOD during strength cycle, *why* recovery requires robust nutrition, *why* you are done with a lift for the day after you fail a heavy attempt. Not just because he told me so, but because I experienced the various levels of nightmare engendered by ignoring his direction.
I can make better decisions now, both intellectually and instinctively, as a result.
I'm very grateful for that.
There are, however, times when I just need yelled at.
A very *few* times.
He gets that, too.
Also, any of you who work with him for some time will doubtless do this the first time you coach someone else squatting:
You'll position yourself diagonally behind the athlete, crouch down, and stare intently at the athlete's hip crease. You'll say either "knees out," "chest up" or "DRIVE," as appropriate.
I did this myself during the Rippetoe coaching seminar, without even realizing it. If you watch strength cycle alums, they inevitably so the same – they take the squat whisperer stance.
One of Rip's coaches tapped me after evaluating my coaching on the platform and said, "Good position."
It took me a moment to realize what they were referring to. Then I thought, "Yep."
Happy birthday, J. You're a great coach and lifter, you love tacos and hate the Red Sox more than anyone I know, all of which makes me happy to work alongside you. CFSBK is lucky to have you.
Aye Aye,
3 Cheers for Jeremy. Perhaps the best programming decision I ever made was doing Deadlifts the second time Jeremy came to CFSBK. We're lucky to have such a dedicated, passionate and hard working coach to help us all get strong.
The best thing I ever heard Jeremy say was in the middle of a conversation about home decor. Annoyed at the direction of the conversation, he popped in and said, "your apartment is just a place you go between workouts! Who cares!"
Foam Roll, 5:00
Row 3:00
3 Rounds:
15 GHD Sit-Ups
10 KB Swings, 28kg
10 DB Push Press, 35lbs
Narrow Grip Speed Bench
65x3x9 Every :30 Plus Mini Bands
Didn't have any Narrow Grip Bench numbers to take 45% of so I guesstimated and picked a weight that allowed me to move fast for every set.
Seated DB Press
35×8, 40×8, 45×8
Ring Band Pull-Ups (Neutral Grip)
2 Orange Bands x8
3 Orange Bands x8
3 Orange Bands x6.. technical difficulties..
+10kgx8, +20kgx8, +25kgx8
I listened to Jerusalem by Sleep during all of this. So heavy, so good. Like a brontosaurus stepping on your f#$%ing face.
I went into strength cycle truly afraid of lifting heavy. I would mentally freak out before, during, and after most lifts and was genuinely fearful that I was going to hurt myself. That never happens to me anymore, and I owe that to Jeremy. Working with him gave me the confidence to know that if I make smart decisions I'll be fine, and this allowed me to push myself beyond my comfort zone and succeed more than I ever thought I would. Thanks Jeremy, and happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, Jeremy! I can't add much to what everyone has already said but now I really want to do a strength cycle.
My Rabbi
Without Jeremy, I'd still be a gal who couldn't do a pullup, much less deadlift 230 pounds and squat close to 200.
He has also taught me that a woman can hear the words "you've gotten bigger" meant 100% as a compliment, and that one or two well-placed, pithy words are worth more than a mouthful from anyone else.
Happy birthday, strongman! We are all better for knowing you.