Perform the following complex for 5 total sets:
1 Hang Power Snatch
1 Snatch Balance
1 Hang Squat Snatch
Focus on establishing good positions and being fast throughout.
Post loads to comments.
Partner Workout:
200 Wall Ball Shots for time
1 partner working at a time. Partition as desired.
Post time, load and partner to comments.
A Slow Motion Snatch Demo
Thanks to Matt H for using his awesome camera to take this!
CSA with Sol Flower Farm and Herondale Farm: Deadline Tomorrow!
Sol Flower Farm need 25 shares by May 1 in order keep CFSBK as a drop site. Remember, you can split a share if you’re worried about having to feed yourself all those delicious vegetables. Go here to find a veggie partner on our CSA forum.
Psssst!!! Are you worried about financing your meat AND vegetable share? Well, let’s put it in perspective:
Herondale’s next cycle runs from June-November, as well as Sol Flower Farm. That’s about 25 weeks of basic food needs taken care of.
Now, let’s say you and your honey/buddy/roomy eat about 4lbs of meat per week from your monthly Herondale Farm share. You also go through a box of veggies a week from Sol Flower Farm. The combined cost is breaks down to a mere $63/week. That’s hella cheap. Could you really replicate that quality and quantity by buying your food ad hoc?
And remember, you have the option to pay monthly for both shares, so you don’t have to put down a boatload of cash up front. You’re gonna spend money on food each month anyway – why not spend less?
- Herondale: $200 down and $125/month, 15 lbs/month
- SolFlower $150 down and $100/month, 4 boxes of veg/month
Check out our Join Our CSA page over there on the left to get all the details. Feel free to email margie (at) crossfitsouthbrooklyn dot com for more questions.
Where Have All The PR’s Gone? Cathletics
What’s My 1 Rep Max? CrossFit Invictus
Evil Knievel (PRs and Rep Maxes) Talk To Me Johnnie
Woman Dead From Drinking 2 Gallons of Coke a Day digtriad
Noor and I have bought a meat/chicken csa share for this year. In all probability we will not be here in August and so are looking for someone to buy off our August share. (We can't afford to give it away). Please get in touch if you are interested.
Today was definitely an asses 'n' elbows day with the snatch. Was thinking I'd get into the 70s because I was able to do several reps at 75 during the sectionals WODs, but no dice. Stopped at 68 and felt molto awkward doing it.
Wall balls, on the other hand…low skill, high volume, sign me up! Partnered with new SBK'er Mark and a 14# ball, 11:19.
Squat: 195x3x5
Press: 95x3x5
DL: 270×1
Squats felt great, only about 100# more to get back to pre injury weight. I'm surprised I got through 95 on the press this quickly. Last time I had several attempts before I crossed the threshold. Of course I'm strating off with a bigger yoke so that always helps. First week with the switch grip on the dead lift, felt good.
The "Where Have All The PRs Gone" article is excellent. It's nice to read something articulate my emotions surrounding lifting better than I can. "Eventually you hurt. Eventually you get mentally drained and you get afraid. Eventually you fail." Read the whole thing, really.
What kind of camera was it?
6am with Coach Osorio. Worked up to 85# on the snatch complex. A light weight for my size, but I really need to work on my snatch form. The snatch balance felt particularly awkward. Partnered with Chris P and together we knocked out 200 wall balls in 7:47 in sets of 15.
I don't think I are enough dinner last night — I felt sluggish all morning.
Eh, Snatches….. they are so pretty when done well, and I want to be good at them SO BADLY, but this is just not the case, yet. Today's snatches made me so incredibly angry as I attempted to get past my 55# comfort zone, and continually sucked at them. I can do some BEAUTIFUL snatches at any weight below 55#, but then once I try to go up in weight, my form turns to shit, my shoulder starts feeling icky, and my knees/hips absolutely refuse to squat. It's very frustrating. In light of this frustration, I am really happy we have added snatches into our regular programing. I was hoping to get up to 70# today (current PR is 65#) but I didn't even feel comfortable going up to 60# this morning, as things were getting way to wobbly on the way down into my squat. Anyway, I hung out around 55# today, and worked on keeping things clean. The best snatch I did was my last attempt when I said "Ugh, stop getting frustrated with these, Lana. Don't think about it, just snatch it". I've found that sometimes turning your brain off for the Oly lifts is the only way to do them well. Anyway, that one was great and I'm going to keep this in mind as I continue working these through the next few weeks.
Wallballs were fun, I probably should have done a 14# ball since I was winded but my muscles were barely fatigued with the 10# ball.
First 'B' day of pull-up own-age went well.
Speaking of PRs, it's been a while since I tested one, and I need to get at least one more quick cycle under my belt, but I am telling you all now, and it is a Babe Ruth guarantee, I absolutely guarantee a deadlift pr before the summer is done.
It's a guarantee…anybody need any action on this one? I have not tested in at least a year, I only have high repouts to base it on, I just feel like a manimal. There's the goal, in writing!
Glad to be working on snatch and clean this cycle because I am pretty raggedy at both. Determined to get better. Did the 200 wall balls in 10:15–might have been able to go with a 10 pound ball instead of 8 but it was good to work on form. With David's help, I realized that I've been doing them wrong. Needed to set a higher target.
On a totally different note–fantastic book club yesterday! Everyone was so insightful and thoughtful (and had clearly read the book–I've dropped out of book clubs because of too many people who don't read the thing and comment anyway). Like everything else at CFSBK, up to a very high standard. Really fun–looking forward to the next one.
Lana: We are totally training twins, in frustrations and triumphs both!
Also, every time you post about "pull-up own-age," I think you're trying to do your age in pullups, and I'm all, "WHOA!" Feel free to point and laugh. 🙂
Did 75 pound snatches tried to up it to 80 pounds and my right shoulder was just not happy. So I left it there… Focusing on my arm position most of all… I think I am starting to really get the hip thrust to pop it up there now…feet are landing in a good strength stance and I get the deep squat so I am happy about that.
Thanks to Mike my partner on the 200 wall balls with 20 pounds. I am sorroy I forget our time its written down on the board and in my book at the box. I think is was 9:14. Not bad coming off a long run yesterday with my fellow Ragnar team members.
Count down to Star Wars/My Birthday day starts meow!
It's going to be 40 counts of everything!
105 Snatch Complex. While the snatch is not my best lift it is my favorite.
200 wallballs with Danny at 8:45. Congrats to Danny for using the 20lb for the first time in a WOD.
+1 what Joel said– really good article about where did the PR's go…
Samir: I'll buy your share in August.
JR: I need know what would be a PR and what you are pulling now. And when "summer is done!"
Has anyone been to one of the CrossFit boxes in Chicago? I'm going to be there for work in a few weeks and am trying to decide between Atlas CrossFit and CrossFit Chicago. Any recommendations much appreciated.
No experience at CF Chicago Stella, but was less than impressed with Atlas.
Shoulder woes continue…couldn’t even practice cleans while everyone was snatching. Did deadlifts instead. Was working up to a heavy 5 – 45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 225×5, 285×4 (felt form starting to go on the 4th rep so I didn’t push an ugly 5th rep out)
8:15 on the wallball with 20# in a threeway (300 reps)
Strength Week 7 – where has the time gone?
Squat – back heavy after a little re-set
WU 45×5 95×5 135×5 165×3
3×5 @ 205 and they felt really good after the first wonky two
Press – amazed at how much weight I can now put overhead
WU 45×5 65×5
3×5 @ 90
Weighted chins – me + 40#
5, 5, 6
By the gods and all that is good I WILL get that freaking dead lift off the ground on Wednesday.
Today was Max Effort LB with Josh. I'm not going to write all the details, here are the highlight.
we did 2 sets of 5 jumping from a seated position on a 12" box to a 41" box
I worked up to 325 on the Sumo Deadlifts and got wonderfully dizzy at everything above 300. I failed at 335, probably a mental focus fail. 325 equals my best at the wide stance pull
I did Good Mornings up to 115x8x3, We'll see how my hammies feel tomorrow. Kinda light but I was feeling out the position.
I didn't get to do my ABZ every Day so I made 7pm do a 5:00 plank in my stead. Thanks guyz.
Nice shirt!