Power Snatch from Power Position
Mid Hang Power Snatch
Mid Hang Squat Snatch
Today we’ll be working Snatch Technique with an emphasis on the brush at the end of the 3rd pull. To that end, we’ll be focusing on the complex above. Get Stoked!
Post experience to comments.
10 Minutes NFR’s
20 Hollow Rocks
20 KB Swings
10 Ring Rows (supine grip)
Chris Runs Back To His Sandbag
Help out Christine D!
Christine D is doing the NYC Triathathalon in order to raise funds for the The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) this July. She’s at about 40% of her goal and needs everyone’s help. To learn more, please read below.
“The NYC Triathlon is July 8, 2012, just a little over 2 months away. For those of you still on the fence about supporting me or supporting the LLS, please know that your donation helps accelerate finding a cure for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Finding cures and providing support to patients undergoing treatment is a very important cause to me personally, which I why I believe so strongly in the direct impact your donations has in the lives of patients and survivors. Thanks for your consideration in this request.”
Donate Here!
Helpful Training Video
In this video Greg Everett discusses and demonstrates how to safely lower the bar when doing more than one rep in Olympic Weightliting. Read the article and watch the videos to see if you can’t learn how to lower the bar a little more gracefully.
Your Brain On Nature Precision Nutrition
Laird Hamilton Says: Make Yourself Uncomfortable Men’s Journal
Sorry, second day in a row that It didn't post when I set it to.. I'm blaming human error at this point but still frustrating!
Thanks to the 10 o'clock class for singing happy birthday! If anyone wants to come out and have a drink, I will be hanging out at Loki Lounge (5th Ave. and 2nd Street) tonight around 9 o'clock. Hope to see you there!
This is Samir, posting from Noor's account. I wrote a post on my blog samirchopra DOT com a couple of days ago about walking to work. Given David's question yesterday I thought some folks here might be interested in it.
Cheers from Miami, where I am attending a conference on the legal implications of robotics. (Noor did her lifting today at Crossfit Coral Gables)
@Sameer: You shoulda been here!
I am going to have to start signing up for the 5x a week because I keep missing great classes only going 3X.
At least I got a 5.68 mile run in today.
Nice seeing david outside running some people through wall balls and some fellow crossfitters getting ready for the snatch class.
Did this one yesterday morning with Jess & the 6amers. Kept the weight light at 75lb, but felt like I made some good progress with the mechanics of the snatchStill need a lot more work on this lift though.
Lordy…I really don't know why snatching was so damn hard today. I stayed at 53# and 63# because I just. could. not. get. under. the. bar. (Story of my life with snatches and cleans.)
I have a couple of classes banked from when I was sick two weeks ago, so I decided to do my first-ever Active Recovery class and OMG WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE? I was going to switch back to 2x/week once marathon training starts in July, but I'm thinking I should keep that third class around so I can do AR more often. I'm no supple leopard yet, but I definitely feel more like one than I did before the class.
8am with coach margie
good to be back after backing off back off week.
pre wu
droms intros
mountain climbers
10 Minutes NFR's
20 Hollow Rocks
20 KB Swings
10 Ring Rows (supine grip)
snatch wu with pvc
great to practice the snatch.
such a great movement.
feeling the bruises already.
hope we get to do more.
75 95 115 135 all mid hang
exshellent shtuff moneypenny!
awesome active recovery, as usual. 'cept for that thing where we popped our elbows out like we were trying to make chicken wings out of them. yeow!
any variation on the Couch Stretch (capitalizing it because it's so heinous) makes me absolutely on fire with tightness and hatred of my dreaded psoas. i'm half tempted to really attack this stretch EVERY DAY to see if i can effect any change, because in the YEAR OR SO i've been doing it, there has been zero appreciable difference in how it feels.
Snatch Triplets
40k (f) had the height, but didn't think quick and press out the muscle snatch
40k (f) lost balance on the squat snatch
Becoming increasingly aware that there is a huge gap between doing "a snatch" and doing "the snatch." I want to start video taping myself, but I am hesitant because I have this kind of corny rule: "COACH OR BE COACHED. And ne'er the twain shall meet." But honestly I break this rule nearly everyday, so, I should just video tape.
Did 20 minutes of GK practice, 20 minutes of dribbling, and 20 minutes of speed training for soccer after class. Really felt rusty on the dribbling. But I beat a solid player on the dribble in my last soccer game just with some change of direction/pace stuff, determined to do something fancier, or lose the ball trying, in my game with week!
Oops, meant to say "this week."
Strength Cycle Texas Method: Volume Day
Squat: 280x5x5
These were solid and pretty crisp for the most part, but the 5th reps were slow. I also pulled something right below my rib cage during the 4th set. Something in my abdomen went pop. Weird. It now hurts mildly. I guess I'll ice it, but I'm not sure what "it" is.
Press (Wendler 4 week): 147.5 x4
Pressing instead of volume bench because I have to skip my recovery workout again, and don't want to keep skipping the press. Which worked out great as this felt light today. Much better than 140 last week. I can only guess it's because I wasn't still recovering from volume bench like last week. I even had one in the tank which is encouraging as I am getting close to my previous 5RM.
Chins: 3×7 with red band. I'll go to the lightest band next. Just keeping at 7 reps and this seems to be working OK. Should have done more sets but forgot.
Walking to work is fantastic. I walk almost every morning to SoHo from Fort Greene and back. I specifically prefer to walk to CFSBK after work, because I know those squats are coming on MWF, and I always feel a little looser if I walk to the gym from work versus not.
Aside from being warm, I mostly walk, because I'm a introvert (with extroverted tendencies) and need at least an hour everyday when I talk to no one. The walks enable that.
Lastly, I loathe the MTA on most days.
Worked my way up to 95# for the snatch complex. Hit that twice really solid, then utterly failed 105. I obviously have a lot of work to do on my form here, the "pop" doesn't feel nearly as solid as it does for me on the clean.
Tried to hit my handstands again, but only got sub 30s. Maybe it was all the snatching, but didn't feel nearly as solid inverted today. Beautiful walk home with the kids.
Samir: You shoulda invited me =)