If you’re a novice lifter with a few weeks of Pressing under your belt, go for a heavy single to get a bench mark. Don’t attempt a weight you’re not 100% sure will go up.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 12.11.11
Assistance Work
100 Kipping Pull-Ups in as few sets as possible.
If you’re doing a strict version, perform 30-50 Reps.
Jeff M Gets Set to Squat
You can officially bring your shoes back!!! There were about 20 pairs of unclaimed shoes which we’ll hold onto for a short while longer in the office. After that, they’ll be dowsed in gasoline, set ablaze and pushed adrift down the Canal Gowanus.
Check out the trailer for the second season of Gabrus’ TV Show, “The Substitute”. Season 2 premiers April 16th at 7pm
Congratulations to Yesterday’s Athletes with Squat PRs!
Sarah H 175 (match)
Sarah R 105
BAZ 285 (+50)
Jess B 245 (match)
Asta F 165 (+20)
Rickke M (+5)
Peggy JL 165 (+70)
Christine N 125 (+25)
Krishnan V 145
Peter H 230
Peter N 225
Matt H 300
Rob N 330
Anand K 230
Ben G 290
McKensey S 150
Shawna S 140 (+15)
Alex Hi 245
Peter M 385 (+30)
Lana Z 185 (+40)
Nate R 170
Martha S 122
Dave E 365 (+30)
Gabe B 215
Kristen H 150 (+5)
MeLo 245
Teresa B 180
Joy M 165
Katie Mo 150
Jay R 160
Jon F 200
Did we miss you? It’s because *PR wasn’t indicated on the big board. Please let us know in the comments.
CFSBK Ragnarians!
Race Description
Ragnar is the overnight running relay race that makes testing your limits a team sport. A team is made up of 6-12 individuals; each individual runs 3 legs. The legs of the race vary in difficulty and distance, from 3-8 miles, allowing elite and novice runners to run together. Over 2 days and 1 night, teams run across 200 miles of the country’s most scenic terrain. Pair that with crazy costumes, inside jokes, a great finish line party and unforgettable stories. Some call it a slumber party without sleep, pillows or deodorant. We call it Ragnar. Both teams will race on May 11-12
Team 1: CFSBK: Skull & Borg
Team 2: Bacon Fueled, Tequila Driven
Jess Fox
Chris Fox
Katie Mohrhauser
Ron Weissbard
Gina Cole
Rick Yule
Corbett Marshall
Dan Halioua
Dan Langevin
Noah Abbott
McDowell Myers
Ellie Myers
Part 2 of a 3-part video series from our very own Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon: Paleo For Everyone Precision Nutrition
April CSA recipes are up at The Daily Paleo.
Hello from Whistler everyone! Sorry I'm missing the 1RMs. I am liking this whole concept of skiing close to sea level! So much easier. I can breathe!
maybe some of y'all would be interested in backing this, eh:
any second wod today, btw?
Acc Work:
100 pull ups in as few sets as possible
Back Squat PR @ 275 (+10)
Sorry I'm missing 6am today. I'm hoping to come with Rosie at 5pm.
Yesterday Back Squat PR @ 225 (+10)
Great 6am class with Coach Osorio and a big crowd. Great to lift next to Joy and watch her PR her press by gobs of weight (15 I think).
(45×5, 75×3, 95×1) 105, 110PR, 115F, 112PR.
Super stoked as this is a 5# jump from my last 1RM and it felt very hard but also totally doable. 115, not so much, but I'll get there. Also, it might give me a shot at holding on to my teeny tiny corner of the leaderboard. Maybe.
Then, 50 kipping pullups in 7 sets (11, 9, 10, 6, 4, 5, 5).
Nice work everyone! Loved all the foam rolling and other prep this morning. And david, thanks for all the MWOD links yesterday, I am going to check out those psoas ones.
Finally: @Yoshi the no-show–your clothes are on Nick's shelf in the office upstairs.
@Charlotte, great job! You're strong!
Also, everyone else in this friggin' gym. YESSS! I love seeing all the PRs!
Congrats on all the PRs!
6am with Coach David. Press 1RM. Warm up:
75 kipping pull-ups in 6 sets for the accessory work: 20, 13, 10, 10, 10, 12
My old 1RM was 145, but I did 150 for 6 reps last week so I knew a new PR would be had. The 1RM calculator predicted 174. I'm very happy with the 185 and just realized I pressed my body weight. Nice PRs by Chris and Charlotte to the left and right of me.
Congrats to everyone on their PR's. Fun to watch (and in many cases, listen to) you all from the platform.
Strength A last night
WU 45×5 95×5 135×5
3×5 @165
Friday night will be uncharted territory!
WU 45×5 75×5
3×5 @ 105
Weighted chins +20#
5, 5, rep out at 8
I love these.
Pressed 110#, what? Thought I'd max at 80. Learned how to do kipping pull up for the firsttime too. Everyone is awesome.
Congratulations on all of the PRS! Good to see weight moving last night. Prowler still making me meow.
Enjoy the holidays folks, and The Masters!
Felt so much better today than yesterday. PRed my press at 78#, this is my first time attempting a 1RM on the press so I was pretty psyched. Did 30 chin ups with the thin green band in sets of five. Was gonna do 50 but had to leave to go straight to work.
Had a great conversation with Josh after class regarding PRs and 1RMs. When I told him I was a little disappointed with my squat yesterday (I PRed by 5# but felt like I "should've done more"), he reminded me that since I have been Crossfitting for almost two years now, I'm not going to be PRing every since time I go for a lift. For the first year, every time we had a 1RM day I was hitting numbers that were 5, 10, 20 pounds more than my previous attempts. But now that I've been training more and achieved a certain level of fitness, jumps are going to be much smaller – if at all! It's good to remember how far I've come since the summer of '10 and to not be disappointed just because I don't have some ridiculously impressive gain every single time. I can squat a bar that weighs more than I weigh – that's awesome!
Thanks to David for a great class as always, and by the way you guys – David has allllll the moves. Just ask Jules.
Oops…forgot ro add "PR" 205 squat.
Can't make class today, ugh! Good Luck on the press, everyone!
Congrats on all the $quat PRs.
I did not PR my press this morning. 175 barely went out, so I knew I wasn't beat my 185 1 RM. Tried 187.5 anyway but it was not the day. I got some good kipping tips from Mr. Fox though.
Headed to New Orleans for Dave (365 squat, 425 deadlift) Elwell's bachelor party with Dave, Luca and Mike McNeill. We might try to visit CF Nola while we're there.
@ charlotte: sorry and thanks!!! also, congrats on the PR.
Sameer, you are the man! Leave Canada in one piece. Tom
David is a human Batman Utility Belt – BUB for short. Beyond MacGyver, people. A combination of heavy KB's yesterday and weird stretching this morning meant something went "pinch" which in turn made my left scapula go "noooooo" and my neck wouldn't move. He fixed it in 10 minutes. I'm being careful but wowzers – so much better. Thanks bunches David!
I have no clue what is up physically with me right now but three weeks ago I was lifting heavier than last, and this, week. Even my chins are affected… it's a bummer. Glad everyone else is getting those PR's tho! ::high gives" CFSB.
BSQ PR last night: 150
I’d never tested my 1RM, but my previous PR/most-I-ever-lifted was 135. I’ve been feeling pretty crummy about my BSQ lately, so I didn’t set firm expectations. I opened at 135 and took it from there. It was great sharing a platform with Teresa and having Joy as our platform neighbor. Thanks to Fox for yelling at me at some point during every rep, but especially for helping me through the last one, which was a fight.
Congrats to everyone on their PRs!
Safety Squat – worked up to 325 for a single. Felt slow but good.
Bench – Medium grip, worked up to 235 for a single. Also felt good.
Superset 5×10 strict Chins/Pull Ups and Push Ups.
Nathan – everyone is awesome, indeed!
Press: 125, 130, 135F, 135, 137.5F
Tied previous PR of 135
Pull ups in 7 sets: 20×3, 10×4
Article AGAINST foam rolling your IT band.. I don't know enough about anatomy and muscles and all that jazz, but thought a few of you may find this interesting.
I concur on the ITB article. That thing is like steel cable and you can't affect chenge on it with a foam roller. You can however change the quality of the relationship of the ITB to your TFL, glutes, quads, and hammies. It's why we favor going back and forth instead of just up and down the leg. Keep rolling 'em out.
Hit an 8# PR on my press tonight – I got 51# for my 1RM. 1RM calculator predicted 47 and that what I was expecting to hit. I'm really (really, really) happy with 51.
Thanks go to Margie for a pre-workout pep talk and convincing me to be more aggressive with the weight. And thanks to Jess and Josh for cheering me through the last lift which I wasn't sure that I would get overhead.
Congrats on your PRs everyone.
Missed yesterday so went for my squats today. Wasn’t happening, my previous 1RM of 265 wouldn’t come up. I haven’t squatted in a couple weeks (maybe three actually) but I though I would at least get my old PR. Next time.
Congrats to all the PR’s out there, damn awesome!
100 pull ups in 6 rounds. Grip was the limiting factor. Congrats to Vincent who did it in 3 rounds!!!
Cool to press with Alan (right sp?) tonite at the 6 pm class.
PR'd my 1rm: 145#.
Josh and Jess were great coaches tonite and i'd like to praise the programming lately for focussing on mobility work specific to the strength and conditioning programs. I think the coaching and the programming helped lots with achieving the pr.
Did the 100 pull ups in five sets and had an awesome time with Alan and Dmak giggling/complaining/cheering through this accessory bit. I, at least, was pretty dorky.
Management: I think I left my Buddy Lee rope at the gym tonite (in an unconscious tribute to Dmak!). It was on the floor next to my log book. I'll be by to *hopefully* pick it up tomorrow. Also, I love Athlete of the Month. Did we have at March selection? I checked the Articles/Media page but it was last updated in November.
It's amazing what a day does for one's psyche, and expectations does. I pressed 150 today, which is 5 pounds under my PR I set last July, and yet, I was really excited about it.
For whatever reason, that Hybrid Total last July clearly brought out the best in me, and I think I performed at my absolute peak at the time. I think I've been comparing all of my lifts to that day, rather than finding goals and accomplishments unrelated to those. That 150 today is the best I've ever lifted in a non-competition setting. After a few cycles of Wendler, my press is simply stronger than it was prior. I suppose what I'm saying is that I have to trust the process, and that if I'm working hard and getting volume and pushing myself, while doing the other things like eating enough, I am gaining strength. I have seen it in things like my 5RM squat, etc. Also, I think it means I need to go to powerlifting competitions when they pop up, because perhaps they bring out the best in me.
<end navel gazing>
Joel, I've really been enjoying your posts lately. It's commendable to be honest in public about this stuff; you also express yourself quite eloquently.
I think you're onto something about going to powerlifting competitions. A couple of us are getting into this, and I'd be happy to share our upcoming meet schedule with you to see if any of the dates might work.
Press 115, 120, 125, 130, 135 (PR). worked on kips for a bunch.