30 Clean and Jerks for Time
There is a 10 minute cap on today’s workout
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 12.29.11 and 8.25.11
Congratulations to Marian L on her 25lb BSQ PR of 155lbs!
Are you an April Birthday? Let us know on the board by the community area! DO NOT use permanent marker!!!
Also- Don’t Forget to write your April Goals and March/April Accomplishments on the board by the bathrooms.
You can bring your shoes back to the gym on April 5th.
Where’s Coach Shane?
Many of you have noticed that Coach Shane has been recently absent from Group Classes. CFSBK is sorry to report that Shane is taking an indefinite leave of absence to attend to some family matters which have recently arisen. We wish him and his family the best in this difficult time.
CrossFit and SAT Prep
Getting Your Hands Dirty CSAs Again Faster
Dynamics of a Bro-Session Again Faster
Lifting For Two (Pregnancy) Again Faster
Underwater Swim and Air Squat workout CrossFit
Oops! I forgot to press the "publish" button last night. I was wondering what was going on when people were asking me what the workout was this morning.
Excellent 7am with David. I just want to mention how much I love when we start class with some serious stretching, foam rolling, and hip openers. I feel like I need that before every class and getting to the morning class 20 minutes early to do it my self doesn't always happen. So, thank you David for always including them in your classes.
Shoulder Rehab Grace (Just cleans, no jerks):
70# 4:33
I should have done 80# I think, but my numbers are changing quickly (particularly with cleans) lately and I never know what a good weight is… it's tricky to gauge the weight/time parabola efficiently. I think next time we do grace I will be able to do at least 70# for the clean and jerk.
My heart goes out to Shane and his family, I hope everything is OK, or at least getting better.
Shane, you are missed. Doesn't feel like SBK without you.
Best wishes, Shane.
Shane, I send you all the best wishes and hope that things get better soon. You are very much missed at CFSBK and by me personally. You always made me laugh.
Great 7am class with David. Grace-6:30 with 44.5#. And why the odd weight numbers, you ask? Why, because I neglected to remove one of my 2.5# weights on one side and did not notice until AFTER I finished the wod. Yay for morning brain!
Coach Shaaaane! You will be/are sorely missed. I hope everything is ok with you and your family. Now who's going to bust my proverbial balls in the morning classes? *sniffle*
Shane – I wish you the best and hope for a speedy return. You are missed.
Shane, sending as many good vibes as I can your way. Take care and you are oh so very missed. xox
Traci – Welcome to the morning math club! We meet every Leap Year, bring your calculator. And to those doing strength cycle my saying "I'm being lazy" when looking at the fractionals was due to the fact that I was desperately hoping to find two 1.5lb instead of having to mess with the 1/4 weights and such. Fox is the winner after watching me fumble about by saying "You never had a register job.. did you." No. No I did not.
I lovedlovedloved all the stretchy rolling and kind of wandering about warmup. Grace is one that I like a bunch, happy to bash about.
Sending lots of positivity to Shane and hope to see you back soon!
Good to be back at class today – 8am with Lady Fox was great, and I second the love for all the rolling/hip stuff! It was my first time with Grace, did it in 5:25 with 47lbs. Felt a little like a weakling next to all those strongfolk, but I'll get it up there.
Also, Jules, I am loving my shoes!
Shane, my brother, be well! Missing you lots!
Shane, I wish you all the best, send you a big hug, and look forward to your return.
Adele and I are thinking of you. Hope you are doing ok in this difficult time. Looking forward to seeing you back here soon.
Shane and Margie coached my very first CrossFit teaser class in February 2009. Shane called me out for tight hip flexors. Since that day, his eagle eye for slips in form has never failed me. (My favorite Shane coaching cue, when pressing: "Pretend there is a thread from your navel to your sternum. If it breaks, I will kill you.") I'll miss you a lot, sir. Please take care of you and yours and take all my very best wishes with you. Hope you can come home soon.
Shane, we miss you! Sending lots of good thoughts your way.
Looking forward to making up Grace tomorrow.
I'm doing Grace at 5pm with Margie today – looking forward to beating my previous time of 6 minutes something from December.
In going along with the spirit of favorite Shane moments, mine is definitely hearing Shane singing under his breath "Every day I'm Hoesl-in" while walking past me one morning at the gym. Can't really beat that!
Thinking about you, Shane, and hoping you are taking good, good care of yourself. Charlotte's story made me laugh–definitely miss you!
Good luck with everything, Shane. I remember walking in one day a bit on the dapper side, and Shane comes over and says "you should just walk in holding a glass of courvosier."
Another time, I believe that I may have been discussing the merits of Raquel Welsh, and maybe older women, (sorry, it must have been one of those "bro-sessions!") and Shane walked by and says "man, that Jessica Tandy!"
Shane, sending positive vibes and wellness your way for the whole family. You are missed.
Can't help but post this for Jeremy: http://www.ediblebrooklyn.com/department/notable-edibles/a-custom-made-milk-destined-for-your-macchiato/
"custom-made" 7%-fat milk
Oh if we are posting Shane one-liners, I'm going to overpost…just last month at the Total Shane saw Nick looking at his phone (watching a video I took of his squat). "Are you asking Siri how strong you are?"
Good luck, Shane. Be good.
Grace: 110#, 5:38
Thought I might be going a bit heavy but it turned out I went a bit light (that's better).
I suck at getting my elbows up in the rack position which puts tremendous pressure on my wrists (front squats last week sucked). Practicing cleans today with just the bar I started getting this odd sensation of coolness traveling from my wrist down 3-4" of my forearm. Sound familiar to anyone?? As per Fox I did push presses instead of jerks in response.
My schedule changed, allowing me to sleep in and do noon classes, but it felt great to set my alarm and get my butt to 8AM- better energy today (so far). Might stick with it.
SHANE- you have been missed but handle what's to be handled. We'll see you when the time is right. All the best wishes.
'Where's Coach Shane?" YES yes that has been popping up in my mind every time I go to Crossfit.
Thanks for the answer and update. I hope all goes well and I'm glad
his absence is "Justified"……
Thinking of you Shane. We miss you, your coaching, and your above-noted sense of humor around CFSBK. I hope you are able to maintain that sense of humor in crappy times and bring levity to those around you.
Shane, without you at the Gym there has been less hip-hop, and fewer bad movie suggestions.
I miss you dude. Hope things get better.
Besides telling me that he would kill me "dead" if I carried a KB incorrectly again, Shane always knew to.the.day. when it was time for my shots. It was wonderful and freaky. Missed, you are.
For those who are watching college basketball, this is pretty cool. The Jayhawks have the only female strength and conditioning coach for a Division I men's basketball program. Moar! It's a great read:
245×5, 285×5, 315×10
125×5, 145×5, 160×10
Chins throughout.
@gabrus – backoff week?
Hello Grace.
105#, 5:45
Hm so i looked through my archives and I noticed that last time we did grace there was a 3 minute cap. So I did 80#. What is the deal with the 10 minute cap for this grace? Just wondering why it is different. We sought a different stimulus last time? Last time the grace was preceded by a C&J 1RM.
No overhead for me! Clean only @135 in 3:32. That seems a bit slow but I was trying to concentrate on form and slowed down a tad.
Come back, Shane!!
(when you can. until then, be well & know we're all thinking of you.)
Shane, will miss your wit and your way with children and babies. Hope to see you back soon.
Thinking of you, Shane.
Miss you, Shane. Thinking of you during your tough times. Hope to see you back soon.