Sarah Gets 5lbs Stronger Than Last Week
Check out another article in the Park Slope Patch on Murat U’s new coffee shop, The Hungry Ghost. CFSBK wishes Murat the best of luck on his new venture!
New CSA Info Page
We’ve created a new CSA Info Page located in the left navigation bar of the webpage. Here you can find information about the CSA, get a reminder when the next delivery date is, download the .pdf with pricing options and even use the forum feature to find someone to split a share with.
Get Well Soon, Luis!
CFSBK wishes a speedy recovery to Strength Cycle platform superstar Luis E who was recenly involved in a car accident while on duty:
“On sunday morning a speeding livery cab blew the red light at Euclid and Jamaica ave and t-boned my patrol car and sent me and my partner head on into a light pole. I was fortunate, I only suffered an acetabulum fracture on my right hip, nothing else. I already got surgery and am recovering at Jamaica hospital. My partner got the same fracture as me, and a fractured left ankle, right shoulder, and a few fractured ribs”
Post well wishes to comments.
Alternate Training For This Weekend
We will not be holding normally scheduled classes this weekend while he host the CrossFit Powerlifting Certification with Shane and Laura Phelps-Sweatt. As an alternative to our members not attending the certification, we’re offering training options on both days:
Saturday 3/31
What: Track WOD
When: 9:30-11:00am
Where: Red Hook Track
Organizers: CFSBK Coach-In-Training Melissa Loranger and Rickke Manazala
RSVP: Please email: Loranger_Melissa(at)yahoo(dot)com so we can get an accurate head count
Cost: None, This will not count as one of your weekly classes if you’re on a recurring membership or punch card.
Sunday 4/1
What: Open Gym
When: 6-9:30pm
Where: CFSBK!
Coach: David
Cost: 1 Drop in or weekly class
Barbell Math Calculator App
Lunch Hour Goes Disco in Sweden MSNBC
My First Muscle Up! CrossFit
Get well soon Luis!
Maybe some Park Slopers knew Mark, or saw him around with his 4 boys. A very, very nice guy. So sad
post got eaten. if anybody knew Mark Lane or his boys, from the neighborhood, he's passed away in a terrible accident. it's in nypost. he's been around the neighborhood with the boys for years and was a very nice guy.
Tried to post this yesterday but post got eaten. It's a great interview with Kathrine Switzer, who in 1967 became the first woman to officially run the Boston Marathon.
Though I don't know Mark Lane, I read the post article, very sad. My heart goes out to his family and friends.
here's the linkage to the sad article in the NYPost that JR mentioned.
Heal up fast, Luis!
Made up Wednesday's workout. 162.5×6 on BSQ. I think Nino's right and I should have gone for one more.
Wednesday's WOD 6:52 with 73# and fat green band pullups (I stuck with 21-15-9 on the pullups once I figured out I'd gone too easy on myself). Should have done the thinner green band but I got nervous about what happens to my pullups at volume.
I also really need to practice getting under the bar quickly on cleans, because I could totally have front-squatted more than that — if not Rxed, then close to it. I just have issues with taking the weight from the deck.
Luis get well soon man. Hope to see you back here ASAP.
Get well soon Luis, gotta love a guy who says "ONLY an acetabulum fracture…"
Livery cab drivers are on my list of New York things I wouldn't mind being transported to a different dimension, along with my #1 pet peeve (I know you're with me here Artis) Electric Bike Delivery Guys with Identity Issues (I'm a car! I go in the street! I'm a bike! I go in the bike lane! I'm a person! I go on the sidewalk!)
Man, that's tragic. Condolences.
Get well soon Luis.
On a positive note, I'd like to fully endorse the following recent developments at the gym:
1. Coaches Mel and McDowell
2. Two lifts in one and a short metcon (an ideal way to spend an hour if you ask me)
3. Sunday evening open gym (with the gym closed, this is appreciated)
4. CSA Info page and forum
5. Fox's beard
Fist bumps to management for all of the above.
LOVELOVELOVE that My First Muscle Up video. Especially the girls who kick their feet around celebrating it. I hope to do that someday!
Luis, sorry to hear about the hip injury. I had the baby brother injury, a fissure of the acetabulum dome, from which I'm recovered enough to resume some training. Recovery was painful, time consuming, and very humbling. For the length of my injury, my 80+ year old grandfather was more mobile than I was. Remember to do all your PT and you'll be as good as new in no time.
Forgot to post yesterday's workout:
Wendler Reboot: Cycle 2, exposure 2
Rep out: 251×15
Accessory deads
5 round of 185×10 with 1 minute rest
Wendler Reboot: Cycle 2, exposure 2
rep out: 122×9
accessory press
5 round of 65×10 with 1 minute rest
Accessory Work:
Descending ladder (10…1) of 1.75pd KB Swings and Situps
Lost track of if I was in the 7th or 8th round during the descending ladder — went with round 8. Fairly confident I did two rounds of 8. #LearntoCount #NoCheating
Using a double overhand grip on all deads, failure comes much sooner than with a switch grip but has improved grip strength significantly. Showing an improvement over the last exposure which was 237×12.
A significant amount of pressing with the Wendler has helped to train out the imbalances. In years past when approaching failure my right arm would shoot up and the left arm would slowly rise to catch up. All that Wendler has given me a much improved foundation to build strength upon.
6am with coach nick
pre wu
foam roll
laX ball shoulder love
band shoulder love
(45×5 95×3)
135×5 153×3 171×4
felt good.
(135×5 225×3)
286×5 325×3 363x1x3
felt good.
WOD 10 -> 1 kb swings/sit ups
4:07 1.5pd kb
me like two lift thursday! more like that please.
is acetabulum a disease or is a case of google robo link spamming gone wrong:
Definitely google-gone-wild. The acetabulum is the concave surface of the pelvis; the femur meets with the pelvis at the acetabulum to form the hip joint. [Thanks Wikipedia!]
no bueno fractures of the acetabulum:
Definitely google-gone-wild. The acetabulum is the concave surface of the pelvis; the femur meets with the pelvis at the acetabulum to form the hip joint. [Thanks Wikipedia!]
my prior post was held, what's with the comment nazi system and the inferior captcha system?
Luis, we heard about your accident last night during Cycle B. if your recovery is anything like your squat speed, you'll be better in about ten minutes flat.
take good care!
Luis, so sorry to hear about your accident.Get well fast!
Get well soon Luis!
Today hit a PR for deadlift. 240#
pressed 100 2X still heavy as hell for me.
Did the 10-1 KB/situp in 3:38 with 20KG Raced Andrew to the finish on that one. Great job!
Nice job to Lana hitting her deadlifts and Stella with her squats and I saw that unassisted pullup!
Sorry I did not remember your name Nathan the first time, I won't forget it now. Don't stress it too much and always feel free to ask questions.
I'm annoyed I am missing the 1Rep Max tests next week. I might beg and plead to make up them when I get back… and speaking of getting back.
Peace out everyone. I will see you in a week and 2 days!
I'll try to send a pic or two from Panama.
335×1 (PR)
Had to work for it, but it went
Lying Tricep (12 breath rest pause)
Axle curls (12 breath rest pause)
4 Posts freed from Purgatory.
Management thanks you for the digital fist bumps Mr. Whitney
Get well Luis!
Ha ha, Noah! You are 100% spot on correct!
For the shoe lovers, men and woman New Balance MT20v1 Trail Minimus Shoe are 40% off on amazon deal of the day:
Yay Track WOD!!
Luis, I hope you have a speedy recovery.
yep, totally just ordered those kicks. thanks david!
Greetings from Jackson Hole – Teton Gravity Research.
My kids play with Mark Lane's boys – very tough news.
Lots of sad injury news on here. Sincere good wishes to you all, unless you got hurt on an electric bike. Humbug.
Made up Wednesday's squats: 8 x 310 on the rep out. I should wear jeans to lift everyday.
Condolences to Mark Lane's family – that is heartbreaking news.
Be well Luis! When you're home and if for any reason in need of some nice food delivered – post and I'm happy to bring you meals.
Keith – have a great trip!
Bought the Barbell Math Calculater. Swoon..
Sorry about my mini-rant yesterday, was overwhelmingly frustrated and irritated for some reason – which rarely happens. So nice to read that others have issues with The Math and such as well.. 🙂
Strength Cycle Texas Method Volume day:
Squat: 275x5x4
Bench: 185x5x4
Close grip bench: 135×12
No time for prowler. Frowny fare. Sorry about that Michele.