Spend 15 minutes working on Front Levers.
The emphasis of today’s training is learning how to create a ridig body. The application of this is invaluble to a variety of differnent exercises.
Post exerience to comments.
For Time:
Row 500m
21-15-9 Reps of:
Kettllebell Swings
Double Unders
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach Laurel Works Front Levers
Our resident author Martha So will be part of a literary panel on Black Women and fiction at NYU on this Wednesday the 28th. Martha and several other authors will be discussing emerging views on race, gender, politics and identity in modern literature.
Congratulations to Dave Sc who PR’d his 5K with a 21:32 at the Red Hook Crit 5K last night!
CFSBK Spring Cleaning: Shoes
Over the next few weeks CFSBK will be doing a little spring cleaning. Starting tomorrow we’re asking all our members to take the shoes they store at the gym home. There are plenty of unclaimed and abandoned shoes taking up valuable space and we want to know which they are. You’ll be able to bring your shoes back on Thursday, April 5th. Unclaimed shoes will be donated.
Fast Twitch Versus Slow Switch TTMJ
Chad Vaughn Overhad Squats 335×5 CrossFit
“Lead and Rear Straights” with George Ryan CrossFit Striking
Deadlift > Front Lever
Thursday, Friday- climbing at the Gunks
Saturday- Half marathon: 13.1 miles, 1:56:12, 8:34 min/mile
Sunday- REST
bleh week turned out a bleh workout.
I really like that they ran a WOD from last year. I think it's good to re-test and see where you wind up. If you did worse, as I did, then it can give reason to examine your training habits and programming and see what you may want to adjust. If you did better, Kudos!
Great work on levers today. It's always nice to be there when folks get upside down for the first time!
also hit 12.5 today with Fox. 77 total reps. C2B felt pretty good today. No missed reps. I'm pretty sure this better than last year because I think I only got to the round of 12 then. I remember forgetting to submit my score before the deadline last year and being pissed. Thanks to Lahey and Martinez for being our judges.
Been away from the gym for a few days and it felt good to be back.
I have a pair of rogue lifting shoes in a shoe cubby and I am out of town 'til Friday. Can somebody please put them aside for me? They have a speed rope stuffed inside them.
Did 12.5 today at Pioneer Valley Xfit… nice folks and a great space. A disappointing 54. Thrusters got to me today. C2B were ok.
Paleo Challenge post script.
My apartment was broken into. My cameras were stolen. My paleo challenge pics were on one of them. Dear lord, please do not let me become the next Internet meme.
@Billy, that's beat.
Dear MGMT: more fun on the rings!
Press (Wendler "1 week"): 145×4
This is what I expected. I've definitely slipped back, but this is a decent start and I hope to be able to build from here.
1-armed DB Press and DB Row super-sets: 45x10x3
Sh!tshow Cleans: 135×3 and form drills
Apparently one way of getting a lot of coaching advice is to do really shitty looking cleans at CFSB and wait for coaches, non-coaches and random passer-bys to give you tips. Seriously, I no less than 4 actual coaches give me cues today. I suck at cleans that bad.
I was going to do 140×2 on the minute for 5 minutes, but after my warmup at 135 was so crappy (due to my extra wide "starfish" leg split) Margie told me to practice my footwork. I did that and then Chris Fox told me to practice my jump with an empty bar. I did that and called it.
Prowler: 6 rounds, 70 pounds, 100 feet, 20-40 second rests
Real short rests the first 3 rounds got my heart beat up real fast. It started raining so I used that as an excuse to only do 6 rounds.
I haven't cleaned in 7 months due to a wrist sprain. Last summer I was working through two major faults: pulling w/ arms when the weight gets heavy and splaying my feet out wide when it's light. (when it's heavy I actually squat and my feet don't do stupid things). Apparently 135 is neither light or heavy so I did both today!
I never have quite "gotten" cleans. Sometimes I feel it, but I was far from being good at them, so now with the layoff it's like starting over. This is going to take some patience. I also hate looking like a freaking newb at the gym. Ego and all that….
How did other people do on this WOD? I can't tell if my last two weeks of three days on four days off has knocked my conditioning down a peg or if I huffed it too hard on the rower in the beginning.
I finished in 6:58 but needed to take a few breaks on the push ups and while transitioning to the double-unders.
I f'in missed the deadline for submitting my 12.5 score. Shit!
Front lever work today was fun.
Metcon in 6:04 Rx;d with the 2pd russian swing.
whoops. forgot to post.
9am with coach fox.
WU 2
Front Lever
good stuff. more please.
kb swings unbroken 20kg
push ups for shit
subbed 30lb slam balls for du's. i love slam balls.