If you’re following a linear progression add 2.5-5lbs as appropriate.
Post loads to comments.
As Many Rounds As Possible In 10 Minutes Of:
5 Man-makers
25 Double Unders
At the top of the push-up position in Man-Makers, take extra time to properly set up your shoulder position and keep yoru midline tight. With these, slower is harder, slower is better!
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
We Want To Hear From You!
If you’ve got something you think would be appropriate for the blog let us know! We think our members are amazing and want to know what kinds of things you guys are working on inside and outside the gym. Today we’re talking about a fundraiser for charity via Kim M, yesterday we highlighted Murat’s new coffee shop and a few days earlier we showcased some of the amazing photography of Josh D from his recent trip to Burma. If you’d got something you think might be appropriate for the blog, send it to David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn(dot)com.
“Regularly Learn And Play New Sports”
The end to Greg Glassman’s “World Class Fitness in 100 Words” says it all. Are you interested in advancing your fitness? If so, join the CFSBK Softball team! Dan H. has already recruited about 22 people for a CFSBK softball team as part of the YMCA Adult Co-ed League. Games are usually held once a week around 7pm at the Red Hook fields. A small league fee of $40-50 per person will be expected to participate for the season. ALL levels are welcome. If you’re interested or have any other questions, please contact dh3 at dhalioua(at)gmail(dot)com
World Class Fitness in 100 Words:
Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.
~Greg Glassman
Help the Leukemia Lymphoma Society and Get a Hot Date
On Thursday, April 19th at the Hudson Terrace, from 6 – 10 p.m CFSBKer Kim M’s friend will be hosting a date auction to raise funds for the LLS. This is a great opportunity to help find cancer research, meet new people, potentially go on a date and even get a goodie bag (Who doesn’t love goodie bags?!). To find out more information about the event as a guest or volunteer yourself for as a potential date, contact Kim at kim.millervt(at)yahoo(dot)com
Rich Froning: Games Prep and Training CF Games
Chuck Carswell on the Games Evolution CF Games
CrossFit’s Top Athletes do: 9-6-3 Thruster (165#), Muscle-Up
Photo Gallery, Ocean’s Soul National Geographic
BSQ 155×8 Jeremy tells me this is in line with how I finished out strength cycle, so I'm happy with that.
WOD: man makers at 12.5#, 13 DU attempts/round. And boy, were they attempts. I couldn't string 2 in a row today. Ugh. But at least I did those man makers strict! 3 rounds + 2 man makers.
If I were a betting woman, I'd put some money on handstand pushups being part of 12.5.
Does the gym still have fish oil for sale, or was that only for the paleo challenge?
I'm sorry I'm so confused about Wendler, I promise I will catch on in a few more weeks. I've even perused the internet and cannot really figure this out. So my question is, if you are doing Wendler does that mean you are "following a linear progression" and should add weight today, or if you are doing Wendler then you are not following a linear progression?
Dad says there is still Fish Oil for sale in the SBK fridge!
Dad also says that Wendler is not linear. It's % based. So today you would take your "true 1RM" in your back squat, then calculate 90% of that which would establish your "Training Max". Take that training max and apply it to the numbers above. When you finish a wendler cycle (the 5 week, 3 week and 1 week,) you can add 5lbs to your training max for the next wave. Only add weight if you made your reps in the previous wave. So I would say at least 6 reps in the 5 week, 4 reps in the 3 week and 2 reps in the 1 week.
Also I threw up in the shower today. Don't tell anyone!
@Sarah H: If you are doing Wendler then all the weights you'll be lifting for the entire 3 (or 4) week cycle are all computed in advance, and they're all sub maximal lifts based on a theoretical (or for those who did a recent total, actual) 1RM. You'll only add a fixed amount of weight to your 1RMs only after you've completed a complete cycle.
And not to confuse you, but you could think of this visually with two curves: the first being your theoretical strength curve and the other being the curve of your training max — and these don't necessarily agree. The training max curve would appear linear from cycle to cycle as one typically adds 5 – 10#'s of weight per 4 week cycle. Where as the theoretical strength curve could jump all over the place from week to week and cycle to cycle.
I made the mistake when starting the program on my own of using an iterative method from cycle to cycle. That method use the theoretical 1RM computed at the end of the cycle as the new training max for the next cycle. As you might imagine, the "come-to-jesus" moment arrived all too quickly using that method…
just when I thought I understood wendler. Dan 'The Droid' Reshef comes around
used 280 1rm, got 7 on the rep out at 225.
double unders were a complete disaster. i was just doing singles after the first 10.
2+3, 15#
I'm in awe of Herschel's typing skills. Have you succeeded in making new friends this season?
Today was my first morning class and I loved it. I woke up inexplicably at 6 and I saw it as a sign. Definitely going to try and train myself into being a morning person.
My backsquat was kinda wonky because I accidentally did too much on my warmup sets. I ended up doing 145×5, 155×5, 165×5, 165×5 and then time was up. I was supposed to be doing sets across. No Wendler, no math, I'll just think it through better next time.
My diet has been horrible since the challenge ended so I'm looking forward to getting back on the wagon before I lose all of my gains.
I really love the Wendler Cycle, however my pants no longer fit over my thighs now. Also, I cannot walk the second day after rep outs. Finally, I get incredibly hungry after the higher volume rep outs. And I get bruises under my chin from rep outs. Am I taking it too seriously? Should I pull back a bit? Thoughts?
And, Hershel, buddy, I am sorry to hear you threw up (but really impressed that you knew to do it in the shower).
Squat 115x5x3
Bench 95x5x3
Clean 105x3x3
Since I spent the last two days eating my energy level was MUCH better this morning. The only problem was my thighs felt as if they'd been dipped in the fires of mount doom. Sweet baby Jesus I'm sore. Had to go real light on the squats cause it just plain hurt to get proper depth. Things felt a little better as the reps added up. It was expected but damn. Bench I went lower than planned because I could see hitting the wall too early starting any heavier. Cleans also went lower because I need to regain the coordination for all the complex movements. Overall a better session but painful both physically and ego wise. Patience is the word of the day. Will take a few weeks before I decide if I'll do any lifting on Fridays, Maybe that will be my stretching/chiropractor day.
I'm with you on Wendler. I say, if you like what it's doing, keep hitting it hard, and eat a big piece of meat and a sweet potato and ride the hypertrophy train.
I've been doing rack pulls at Margie's behest. When I move to the next half of the DL, do you have an opinion as between halting deadlifts and deficit pulls?
Re: the topic about hearing from us, I'll just mention this:
For anyone who has kids, anywhere from 4 on up, the SFX youth league has tons and tons of opportunities for kids to learn sports, and have fun.
I am coaching two teams right now, tee ball and pee wee, and I coordinate the tee ball league. We do soccer in the fall, sometimes we do golf, (and I may coach that.)
There are a ton of opportunities to volunteer, which is very rewarding, or at a minimum, get your kids involved in a sport. It's 100% volunteer, and it's a wonderful organization, the priorities being
1. safety
2. having fun
3. learning the sport
I encourage anyone with young children just to keep it in mind. I've very involved in the organization at this point, and I really urge parents to get their kids involved. It's a BLAST!
"My thighs felt as if they'd been dipped in the fire of mount doom."
Cloyde, thank you.
In unrelated news: Jets trade for TimTebow. HAHA
today did 180 on the backsquat for 6 reps. I might have had 2-3 more in the tank but not sure. I kept feeling off where I was… maybe the floor is not level or something but the bar never felt right on my back.
5 rounds of hell plus 3 Manmakers at 20 pounds. oof. I also failed a few DUs and my wire rope punished my ass accordingly. No really it drew blood on my derriere.
Shout out to Kristin across from me keeping me motivated and Stella's calls to Cthulhu during her squats. I am sure he enjoyed the screams.
Boo to Julie not making the 7am but I (we) understand.
Yeah if not pullups def. hand stand pushups for tonight's 12.5 announcement. That and something like overhead squats.
ohs plus hspu would be awesome. of course i can't do hspu but what would the open be without hspu.
Did this WOD yesterday at 6am with the lovely lady fox. Squats: 145×3, 165×3, 185×8! Thanks Isaac and Jess for pushing me through the rep-out. I'm stoked to keep hitting these high numbers.
Then, 10' of man-makers with some DU active rest. 8 DUs shy of 4 rounds, with 15#.Yowzers.
@JR: 15 months to go and we're there!!
Made it to noon compliments of Lana and her hoopty. Bex was there too! Took it slow and easy. Stupid left wrist said NO to manmakers so subbed 10 goblet squats with the 20 or 25lb dumbbell – I can't remember. Herschel was a good partner except he kept trying to convince me that the WOD was actually "as many skritches as possible in 10 minutes."
Sorry 7amers – tomorrow I'll be back to my regularly schedule program of not being able to do morning math, falling over, and causing trubs.
Last Night:
Strength Cycle B: Texas Method Intensity Day
Squat: 315×5
I almost fell on my face on the 4th rep– I pretty much stopped completely and it was an epic struggle to stand up, but I did. I went down for another, got it and racked it.
Bench: 200×4 and 200×1
Meh. What I did last time. I'm OK with that and this time I will be making smaller jumps.
Dead: 355×3
My lower back was toast at this point. I should have gotten 5. Oh well.
Overall I was disappointed with this first intensity day. The extra week off from being sick screwed me up. Hopefully I'll regain my mojo over the next couple of weeks.
was this drywall post (particularly the picture) link already discussed and I missed it? its from november…
Dmak. If you're reading this, Buddy Lee is pissed. You left his jump rope at the gym. Ben had the smart idea of labeling it "DMAK" with tape. It's in the lost and found basket.
BSQ: 260×6. Might have been able to eek out another one or two. But, of course, I didn't so that's just a bunch of talk. WOD 4 rounds plus one MM at 20#. The dus aren't awesome but they are coming back.
Tried wendler after snatch practice. It seemed okay. Wasn't able to rep out though.
Wendler Squats
62k-86k-100kx3 saw stars and stopped.
10 rounds of
2 push presses on the minute every minute from the rack
Need to learn how to drop the bar to my chest better.
435×1 (PR)
Was done after the second single. Doing heavy pulls after max effort squats is probably not going to work anymore
Backed off a bit and just did the 3 at 265 for the back squat.
WOD – 5 rounds + 5 mm at 25 lbs
another squat PR? damn, son.
Reports out 315×6. Felt ok given the week off. Did 3.5 rounds with 25# DBs.
Sarah (you know which one you are): joel dot wertheimer at gmail dot com
3 Rounds
20 KB Swings, 20kg
10 Push-Ups
5 Chin Ups
Back Squats
(45×5, 135×5)
165×3, 190×3, 215×6
Jerry Can Carry
130m, 1 Foul
I just needed to move and clear my head space today.
First day back in forever! Thanks to Jules for the new kicks, Lana for the squat tips, Josh for the coaching, and Herschel for the wet kisses. My quads will curse you all in the morning…