If you’re following a linear progression add 5-10lbs as appropriate and do 3×5 work sets.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 2.26.12 and 1.8.12
Chi B looks to the heavens for solace
Join One of Our Upcoming Strength Cycles
Join Coach Jeremy for his Strength Cycle and spend the 8 weeks building your squat, press, deadlift, bench press and power clean. There’s strong and then there is Strength Cycle strong.
Upcoming 3x Per Week Cycles
Cycle A (Novice Program)
3/19/12 – 5/11/12
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm
and Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
Cycle B (Intermediate/Advanced)
3/20/12 – 5/13/12
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
Upcoming 2x Per Week Cycles
Cycle C (Morning)
3/19/12 – 5/9/12
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00am
Continuing Education
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in, they can contact Jeremy to discuss placement.
3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
Class Sizes
Space is limited to 8 participants
Class Length
One hour and thirty minutes
You can register for all cycles HERE.
Email Jeremy(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com with any questions.
CrossFit Cribs: CrossFit Vengeance
Coach Glassman discusses the new CrossFit for Hope fundraiser (formerly FGB), coming June 9th
Pursuit of Excellence with Greg Glassman
On Being a Trainer with Greg Glassman
{Notices there is no mention of what might happen after the deadlifts.}
9am with coach fox.
quads singing a little after 12.4.
billy i had to check the WOD twice also to see what was after DL. was suspicious.
thanks to all who helped entertain finn while i lifted.
pre wu
foam roll
jungle gym for finn
DL with björn
(135 225)
245 285 325
all good
quad squishing with the barbell.
jungle gym oart 2 w finn.
great work to all who did 12.4 today.
So I've decided to starting writing on the blog more consistently. Yay!
10am with Fox today was just what the doctor ordered – some deadlifts and mobility work. That was about all I thought I could handle since 12.4 on Friday + St. Patrick's Day on Saturday = Kristin feels like she got run over on Sunday. I have most definitely gotten stronger on these Wendler cycles, today I lifted 150 x 5 which is definitely a load I haven't lifted before for that many reps. I am so looking forward to doing some 1RMs as I'm really curious as to what I can move these days.
Thanks to my crew (Jules, Keith, Joy) for some much needed coffee after class. Next on the menu is Kristin's dog + Kristin's couch = snuggles.
Interested to see what FGB turns into and who it will benefit this year…
Lesson of Day:
Michele had to talk me into doing the prowler. That's why workout partners are awesome.
Press: (Wendler 3 week) 137.5 x5
DB one-armed press: 45x10x3 each hand
Cleans: 135 then 2 front squats on the minute for 9 rounds
This was a lot of fun. I had some 90 second and 2 minute rests in there due to my big mouth. I have only front squatted a couple of times, but needed to get some blood to my quads as I was still sore from Friday.
Prowler: 70 pounds for 115 feet for 8 runs. About 1 minute rests. Did this with Bina and Michele.
Good times.
I've been wanting to try deadlifting FIRST in a workout for a while, to see if doing it 'fresh' would help my performance. This was, additionally , my first attempt at deadlifting since the meet. Figured my back has healed from whatever I did to it in my meet prep.
work 185×5
There was one rep I put down and picked up again; but as far as I'm concerned, it was a good set. Tx Rob for thd coaching.
Easy recovery : 125×5, then 3×3.
struggling. can't get 3×3 at this weight , several workouts in a row.
63×3, then 2×3 more.
8 runs, much harder today .
I really like how Kristin's "other" comes out when she's been run over by booze.
This morning was PERFECT! Seriously coaches, thank you. Still weirdly worn out from 12.4 so the whole thing felt great. Coach Fox as always you are aces. For those who had their kiddos in-house sorry for the shrieked swear of agony when my ham cramped up – it hurt bad enough that I broke out into a sweat. Please forgive.
The Whole Wendler cycle is amazing, when I repped out at 8 for the BSQ weight I failed on for the last Total I knew success was in hand. So very cool.
Coffee Club – good times. ::clinks cup:: Joy/Keith/Kristin #1
138 Reps (2 no reps)
I'm 90% sure that's accurate. I certainly didn't do less than that but didn't grab my board from Joe after I was done. This was the workout I was most nervous for this series however I felt better than I thought I would while doing it. Wall Balls are usually a heart thumping, room spinning, difficult to organize experience in Metcons for me but I felt I kept a good handle on things and paced okay. After looking over some rep/time calculations I seemed impossible that I'd finish Karen before 12 minutes and that proved to be the case. I did 3 sets of 10 to start out and then a whole bunch of 5 sets. I think I could have gone to a little darker place and finished this workout, but the extra reps would have really hurt. Came out better for doing this workout but glad it's in the books. I'll see you sometime again, Karen..
Did 12.4 today, thanks much to Rickke for keeping me on point and for everyone cheering. Very nice to sweat alongside Barbara and David OhNoSorio.
Got 242 reps, which I am stoked about. I figured this could be a good workout for me if the wallballs didn't totally clobber me, since I have fairly efficient DUs and MUs. Thats a big IF since my gas hasn't been too great lately.
I really wanted one muscleup, so I tried to "use all of the time" in the WOD and think about it as 12 Minutes to do 150 WB and 90 DU. I felt that if I could get a muscleup if I had 20-40 seconds left over. I did the math to get me done with wallballs at 9:00, and unlike my normal plans it worked pretty well, finished at 9:30something. Got done with doubles at 11:20 or so, took a breather, got on the rings and knew if I got off I'd be done so stayed on and got 2.
One of those rare occasions where getting all in my own head didn't totally backfire. Sweet. Good times.
Good job all you Kipping Pullup attendees, you guys were all smooth swingers! Noah B. will be teaching Ninja Skills next saturday and I am already signed up.
12.4–6 DUs
14# 9'
Did 8 sets of 10, resting for counts of 10 in between. Then went to 7s for 5 rounds, then 5s for 7 rounds. Had 30 seconds to rail off 6 whole DUs.
Feel great.