Sara LR taking 3rd in last week’s NYC Open Event
The NYC Open Goes to CrossFit Virtuosity for WOD 12.3!
On Saturday the NYC Open will be held at CF Virtuosity in Williamsburg. Any CFSBK competitors who want to carpool to the event please be at the gym and ready to roll out by 8:15am on Saturday. The first heat is scheduled to begin at 9:15am. For a complete heat list check HERE. If you have any questions about the event email Jessica(AT) Good luck to all the CFSBK competitors!
Don’t Forget to RSVP for this Saturday’s Paleo Potluck
Come one, come all, calling all cavewomen, cavemen, cavedogs, and cavebabies! The 2012 Crossfit South Brooklyn Paleo Challenge is officially winding down, and now its time for everyone to put on their big white chefs hats again, because on Saturday, March 10th, at 6:00 PM we will be holding our final Paleo Potluck!
Please RSVP in the event page with the dish you plan to bring and how many suckas you intend to roll with. As always, you may need to bring a crock pot or other thermonuclear heating device to keep your food warm/irradiated.
Join the CFSBK Softball Team!
Interested in putting that functional fitness to use? Dan H. is in the process of recruiting 15-16 members for a CFSBK softball team as part of the YMCA Adult Co-ed League. Games are usually held once a week around 7pm at the Red Hook fields. A small league fee of $40-50 per person will be expected to participate for the season. ALL levels are welcome. If you’re interested or have any other questions, please contact dh3 at dhalioua(at)gmail(dot)com.
Why do you CrossFit?
The Open From a Coaches Perspective (feat. Chris Fox!) CrossFit
Outlaw Strategy Session for WOD 12.3 The Outlaw Way
Knees-to-elbows/Toes to Bar Again Faster
Efficiency Tips: Toes to Bars CrossFit
michele says
The Daily Paleo: Recipes for This Month's Meat CSA
mig says
my comment is in purgatory, so here's the link to the Daily Paleo's recipe picks for this month's Herondale Farms meat CSA:
Noah says
As of this AM, my muscle up class is SOLD OUT, 3 spots still open in the kipping pullup class.
gabrus says
Luca and whoever else.
I can no longer make saturday at Virtuosity. forgot i was out of town.
I am gonna come in on sunday and do it. anyone down?
or coaches do you have time you would prefer me/us in there? (please say later in the AM)
thanks. sorry I am a pain, but I am THIS close to getting to Aromas
Joel W. says
On another note, last night I was watching Happy Endings, enjoying myself some Damon Wayans Jr. and Adam Paley, and then bam, there you are.
Carlos says
I am also not going to Virtuosity now. I will instead do the wod at our gym tomorrow. My niece is trying out for "The Voice" and needs a grown up with her. I will be in charge of minding the compound.
JR says
Coming up for air after being devastated by the norovirus. Can't wait to get back in there. Looking forward to Sat night.
Keith W says
I survived 12.3 but I am already sore as I sit at my desk here.
127 reps in total.
3 full rounds
plus (+)
15 box jumps
4 press.
The 115 is what killed me as I thought it was. (my heaviest was a 3 ripout at 100 pounds)
I think I was doing the box jumps and toes to bar both at sub 90 seconds each set. I would suggest if you can don't put the bar down to rest unless you have to. I wish I had the movements more wired. I did not feel my form was correct (Coach nick said it was) but it did not feel right to me. So that is on me to build the muscle memory with it.
I want to thank my 7am team for all the encouragement and a very special thank you to coach Nick who got me to eek out 4 more split jerks. Thanks!
Julie you had that press the first time. I think you are stronger than you think you are.
Kristen congrats on your toe to bars! You rock.
JR says
Just read the opening from a coaches perspective. Nice, Coach Fox!
Jules says
all 7amers that attempted 12.3 rule. box jumps were comfie, i know it sounds weird but 12+ weeks of loads of kb work have given me the lungs of an ox. almost eked out the 75#.. almost.. just couldn't get it overhead. managed one t2b during practice and one while being timed when yesterday i couldn't do one at all so that ruled. so: work on getting heavier up overhead. t2b practice – key words to remember "karate kick."
keith – totally awesome this morning, you were a great partner. thanks bunches to you and coach nick for the halp.
Charlotte says
Very nice noon class w/ Coach Shane. Made up this week's squats: 145×5, 165×3, 185×9!!! Very exciting as I hit 10 for 175 on my last 1+ repout but only managed 175 for 7 last week when I was feeling oogy. Thanks to Craig for excellent counting & encouragement!
Then, 3 attempts at max weighted chinup: 10, 20, 25.
JZ says
After having the delicious CSA bangers for breakfast, I felt the need to share this:
Stella says
JZ: That link is AWESOME.
I got two packs of bangers. Not that I mind, but I am jealous of those of you who got Italian sausage.
Traci T. says
7am class. Attempted 12.3 "for fun"–although it was all totally modified. 16" box jumps, lighter push press weight and knees to elbows instead. Need to work on my kipping momentum for k2e. I am so tired and sore from it and was picking at my newly-formed callouses on my left hand while waiting on line at Trader Joe's this afternoon which means, of course, that it was an awesome workout. *no sarcasm* Awesome work today 7 am beastmasters!!!
Jeremy says
Bench Press
325×1 (PR)
I had only planned to do 325 but it moved so fast, that i decided to take 330 for a ride. Brought it down slow, got it off the chest but it died 5 inches off, held on to it for a bit, just couldnt finish. Will have it next time.
Lying Tricep Extension (Rest Pause with 12 breath breaks)
Axle Curl (Rest pause with 12 breath breaks)
75×12, 7,4
Rob Is says
Texas Method: Ramping up the volume
Squat: 235×5, 245×5, 255×5, 265×5
Everything moved very fast. 265 was hard, but good.
Bench: 180x5x3 and 135x12x2
Work sets were quite strong. Drop sets were cool.
I super-set the bench with 4×6 chin-ups with the thin blue band. And did a couple sets for with sets of 10 pushups during my warmup. Going to try Wendler's advice and do chins between most, if not all of my press sets.
Got back to it, And with a crew! Dave, Samir and Michele all got out there and we did a round robin of prowler runs. Two people on side and two on the other. It was a hell of a lot more fun than doing it alone. It was light (50 pounds) and fairly short (about 70 feet), but by the fourth push my HR was creeping up. We did 8 rounds and called. It was great.
All in a super fun night at the gym– from Jeremy's epic benches, to the competitors hitting the WOD to the HORRIBLE music I was subjected to, it was a blast.
Billy– Next Friday come on down!
mig says
Recovery Workout
1. back feels good
2. not enough sleep
3. hot friday night at the gym made perfect by a rare Stella appearance. **sigh**
squat 135x3x5
thanks to jeremy for catching the bar sliding down my back – WTF?! that's never happened to me before.
bench 75x3x5
PROWLER quartet! man after a winter of pushing that thing alone on the fucking sidewalk, it felt GREAT to push it in the STREET like a BOSS with the boys 🙂
8 rounds
post-WOD at Bierkraft with Dave + Co., special appearance by the long lost ARIEL!!!
See y'all tomorrow!
RonW says
came in open gym and was kind of stupid about dead lifting, did 3×5 at 225. no problem at the time, but the next day i could barely get up cause my back was so tight and i was limping around like a hunchback. I will no longer be doing any complicated or risky ventures during open gym times till i'm good and ready.