Post loads and rep out to comments.
Compare to 2.8.12 and 1.18.12
5 Rounds of:
1 Minute Max Reps Double Unders
1 Minute Rest
30 Seconds Air Squats
30 Seconds Rest
Post total reps of DUs and Squats per round to comments.
CSA Info Session at the Paleo Potluck
Farmer Andy from the upcoming veggie CSA will be at the Paleo Potluck this Saturday and will do a short info session on the CSA at 6:30pm. Spring is almost here and you’ll soon be able to get delicious locally sourced vegetables to go right along side your Meat CSA goodies! Yet another reason to join us for this weekend’s Paleo Potluck!
The Next Strength Cycles are Open for Registration!
Want to get your strong on?! Join Coach Jeremy for his Strength Cycle and spend the 8 weeks building your squat, press, deadlift, bench press and power clean. There’s strong and then there is Strength Cycle strong.
Upcoming 3x Per Week Cycles
Cycle A (Novice Program)
3/19/12 – 5/11/12
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm
and Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
Cycle B (Intermediate/Advanced)
3/20/12 – 5/13/12
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
Upcoming 2x Per Week Cycles
Cycle C (Morning)
3/19/12 – 5/9/12
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00am
Continuing Education
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in, they can contact Jeremy to discuss placement.
3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
Class Sizes
Space is limited to 8 participants
Class Length
One hour and thirty minutes
You can register for all cycles HERE.
Email Jeremy(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com with any questions.
What’s your best guess as to what WOD 12.3 will be?
Two Down CrossFit
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Shree Mulay says
Pasteurization Still Makes a Difference
Craig says
WOD 5x
Single unders 150 bet round
air squats 27 best round (but was round 5 so happy with that)
FYI: Dave is the best squatting partner!!
Samir Chopra says
So, as these percentages are of 90% 1RM, they come to be:
67.5% of 1RM for 5
76.5% of 1RM for 3
85.5 % of 1RM for repout.
Excellent. Looking forward to this.
Nathan R. says
Squatted 95# x3 x5, could do more next time.
Best round of DU: 20, AS: 27
Jess was excellent squat partner!
Stella says
Nuh-uh! Keith is the best squatting partner!
160×6, though I was shallow on a couple of those. Need to trust myself more.
Best round was 27 DUs (I counted attempts) and 21 squats. Not huge numbers, I know, but then doubles are so not my strong point. I got 9 in a row in round 3, which is a PR!
Joel W. says
85.5% is just about a perfect representation of your 5 RM, so anything more than 5 and you've added to your 5RM, at least, that's how I'm looking at it.
Keith W says
Ah ((Blush)) thanks Stella!
Bad gym math means I do more. ooops. (I did think it was heavy but knew I did 7 before and figured I was just tired)
185 +7 was suppose to be 175 I guess I went up from last week. 😉
My best round was 70 DU's (doing 32 unbroken in that set a PR) and 30 Air Squats.
looking over it I blew it out too early
I am not sure how I can get faster on the AS because in getting up I come off the ground a fraction and that costs time.
I think after reading that the US alone has more than double the competitors from last year that this next round is going to really be a head chopper much like the last one.
boxjumps, press or something along those lines. (I secretly want boxjumps)
martha says
105×5 (rep out)
single unders: 110 best round
28 air squats best round (was last round so woo-hoo! Plus I took class last night so had less than 24 hours rest between workouts)
mig says
WOD guess:
Paleo chair sit for time.
Stella says
Yeah, Keith and I suck at math. In my defense, I suck at everything except crossword puzzles before 8 in the morning.
asta says
Ab flex for time followed by max rep max height box jumps.
And this is my attempt to hold back the ridiculous things I COULD be posting regarding the WODs.
Fox says
Squats last nights
Happy with the squats, I think I got only 6 or 7 last week. 335 is my all-time 5RM. Then did the "5's", my 1/2 hearted attempt at the HQ WOD "7".
5 Rounds
5 Thruster @135
5 K2E
5 Deadlift @245
5 Burpees
5 KB Swings @72
5 Pull Ups
The original is written as 7 rounds of 7 reps of the 7 movements. I just kind of went through the movements with the intention of doing them each unbroken. My clock got turned off at some point but I took about 15-20 minutes, not fast at all, lots of resting. Just what I needed.
martha says
Forgot to say that Julie is a primo squat partner–and she did a PR of 110 x 4 for her repout! Yay, Julie!
Noah Barth says
First squat class, good times. 125# sets across. 51 double unders, 24 squats.
Coaches, any guesstimate on how late the potluck will go? There's no way I can make 6, but would like to be able to stop by.
Fox says
Noah B – 9/10 ish, or until the tequila and lime runs out
Bethany E. says
First post-partum squats! Did four sets of 5 reps at 95. Felt good to be back on the platforms.
WOD best rounds: 22 DUs/22 air squats. I wasn't able to string together DUs so I did single-single-double for all of my rounds instead.
Matt Katz says
12.3 is up! Looks like a fun 18 minute AMRAP. I'm excited.
WORKOUT 12 . 3
MEN – includes Masters Men up to 54 years old
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps, 24" box
115 pound Push press, 12 reps
9 Toes-to-bar
WOMEN – includes Masters Women up to 54 years old
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps, 20" box
75 pound Push press, 12 reps
9 Toes-to-bar
dmak says
Squats with Tom were a great time, went much better than I was expecting.
45×5, 95×5, 135×3
175×5, 200×3, 210×10
Double under and squat WOD was rather interesting. 4th and 5th rounds of DU’s get rough.
Doubles: 70, 70, 70, 56, 57 (323)
Squats: 20, 19, 20, 20, 23 (102)
dh3 says
Greetings from CA.
Went to cf palm springs the wod today was 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of 24 inch box jumps, 115lb push press and double unders. I took a 4:30 Pacific class and when 12.3 was posted i switched the wod to power cleans instead.
Did my press for tomorrow.
Cant wait to be back on the bEAST coast.
Tom says
Dmak is a gent and a squat machine. Thank you for your help and encouragement; it really mattered. I feel like I can go a lot heavier, once I actually learn what I am doing, develop some good habits around the bar, and gain some more confidence. 155×5 was my last set. Good fun.
And I loved this WOD. I had a PR – 44 unbroken doubles on the first round. Someday… 50.
Doubles: 52, 54, 43, 55, 44
Squats: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Also, call me corny, but after a day full of rushing around, and experiences where there was trouble at every turn (don't get me wrong, I love my job, and my team is ridiculously talented, all problem solvers, and in it for each other…), it was a great antidote to b.s. with everyone, grunt a lot, limp home with a huge sack of Herondale's finest, and hang with my little ones.
Chris A. says
Looking at the men's leader board, the first two workouts seem to favor short guys. In the top ten, one dude is 5'11" and everyone else is 5'10" or under. I hope they'll throw in some WODs with movements that favor taller guys like rowing and wall balls. Just to even it out a bit.
Oh, 265#x5 on squats. Best round of dus was like 49 and air squats was 30. Dus need work. Big sigh.
Brandon says
Snuck out of work for a noon class. Squats: 165×5/185×3/205×6. Wait… 205 was my 1RM at the last CF Total! As Brett, my squat partner, put it: "Wendler works!" Snuck back into the office with a kale salad and 1/2 lb of roast beef from Fleischer's and nobody knew I'd been gone.
DUs are… Well, I'll get there. Best round was 24/24.
michele ma belle says
it's always an honor to watch someone PR.
asta: props.
Jeremy says
420×1 (PR)
Felt good. 425 is there
Supposed to do 4 singles but I felt something tighten up in my glute on the second one, didnt get any better on the third.
3 Rounds of Grip/Ab combo
100kg Axle Hold 30secs
5 Ab wheel rollouts from feet
Lana Z says
PR'd the shit out of today's squats 🙂 YESSSSS!
145#x9(!!!!!!!!!) 145# was my 1rm at the last total!
Then, after my glorious triumph under the barbell, I totally sucked at double unders (I need to practice them, I know)… Max Round was 3 double unders and 26 air squats.
Joel w says
Want to post this for posterity's sake, and because I'm pumped about it. Rep out at 320×6. Cannot wait for 1RM test.
RonW says
bksquat 185 3×5, WOD 7DU, 30arsqt best, 24DU, 142arsqt total