3 Rounds for time of:
Row 300 meters
20 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Pull-ups
Post time and RX to comments.
Nicole, Jeremy, Michele and Rob at York Barbell with their Trophies!
After the Challenge is the After Party! RSVP for the Paleo Challenge Potluck
The 2012 Crossfit South Brooklyn Paleo Challenge is officially over, and now its time for everyone to put on their big white chefs hats again and let their hair down, because on Saturday, March 10th, at 6:00 PM we will be holding our final Paleo Potluck!
Please RSVP in the event page with the dish you plan to bring and how many homies will be rolling with you. As always, you may need to bring a crock pot or other thermonuclear heating device to keep your food warm/irradiated.
Join the CFSBK Book Club!
The first meeting will be held on Sunday, March 11th at 5:00 PM at [location TBD]. Please feel free to bring Paleo-friendly snacks to share! The first BOM will be Super Sad True Love Story: A Novel by Gary Shteyngart.
If you have questions or want to RSVP to the first meeting on Sunday, March 11th please email Martina O. at parisgirl30(AT)gmail.com.
Annie Thorisdottir Gets 109 Reps on WOD 12.2 CrossFit
Did Cooking Making Us Human? Top Documentary Films
10 Years of Gorgeous Images of Earth From Space Wired
when are we doing Wender Deadlift Week 2?
Shree – we are skipping the deadlift from last week.
WOD 11:26 with thin green band pullups (and a little help from my friends on rounds 2 and 3 to get my chin over the bar).
So nice to be back with my 7 AM crew!
this was my first time in group, and this WOD was brutal. flop sweat, burning biceps…
I can't wait until the next session.
Oh yeah, and my goal for March, so y'all can hold me to it: I will practice double unders every time I come to the gym. I am determined to be able to string them together consistently, no matter how long it takes!
My form with the wall ball was terrible. Half of them shouldn't have even counted! Thinking about using the lower line next time. I want to be in this for the long haul so why not work on my technique in the beginning? WOD: 12:25
Great morning with 7amers, nice to see Dave back and Stella – those guns of yours are crazy fierce. Can you please point me to the door? Everyone ruled.
Left wrist is still jacked from Friday so Shane in .003sec gave me subs for today's WOD with Josh. 300m run, 20 goblet squats with 15# DB and 10 RR for 3 rounds. Felt awesome, loving this running stuff – zoom!
First weekday morning WOD- it was a fucker.
12:39, 16#, green band on the last set of pullups. Thanks to Kenny and Shane for assistance and encouragement.
Started messing with kipping pull-ups. Definitely on the things to do list now.
8am class. Yes, this WOD was challenging. Ring Rows instead of banded pull-ups. Forgot about the joy of wallballs since I haven't done them in a while. *sarcasm* 10:50. Got paired up with Jayme who is now my kipping pull-up hero.
Someone please explain the trophies in today's picture. Well done, Strong Folks!
Thanks Samir…
The "Egg" trophies were won by all three of us– it was for 1st place in our respective divisions. Unfortunately, we had no competition so there were no seconds, or thirds, etc…
Jeremy is holding Nicole's since her hands were full. The big trophy was for best overall raw woman's lifter.
And Rob shall henceforth be known as IPA Squat and Deadlift Masters Raw World Record Holder Rob. Rolls off the tongue, no?
Great job to all the lifters in York over the weekend and everyone who competed in the Open.
That is a really nice picture of the weightlifters! Congrats to all! Jeremy, way to take care of your peeps. Exceedingly generous.
Today's wod really kicked my butt. It didn't sound so bad when I read it. I guess it's gonna take a little time to get my wod back.
Yes, I forgot to mention that I am now a world record holder. Actually I hold two world records.
Apparently there aren't too many Masters 1 raw lifters in the IPA!
Ive only gotten 6 or 7 responses for Softball so far.
lets get an SBK team. Come on who wants to play softball?
Went to Crossfit Palm Springs today:
Warm Up was a lap around their garage (while the owners dogs followed /chased the class) I def pr'd my 400m during that chase.
Angie +1000m row (ca$h out)
Did the row in 3:34
Angie time was 20:34 .
woah so does that mean cfsbk will add 'world record holders' to the web page.
5/31 Squat
Weight felt good out of the rack today. That's a rep pr for that weight by 1
Dmbll Overhead Press
535x1x8 w/ 1 min recovery
2 rounds
50# wrist rollers
3 ab wheel rollouts (from feet)
Congrats powerlifters!
First WOD post strength. I heard Pukie's sloppy wet footsteps creeping up on me by round 2.
Thanks to Josh M for trying to get my rowing under control, Samir and DMAK for reminding me to breathe, and whoever snuck that green band on my bar for round 3.
12:04 (8' target, white/green band pull-ups)
two and a half days later, i'm still just plum exhausted.
7:47 on todays WOD. Kept the rows low and easy and saved the gas for the wallballs. First round unbroken, second and third rounds 15, 5. All pullups unbroken. Daniel was a great partner and motivator.
Fun WOD today – 8:05 Rx'd
Sameer! Hurry! The swarms are coming!
I forgot to post it on the board… A weekend of bachelor party did a number on me and cost me some time for sure.
12:34 RXed.