Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
75/45 pound Snatch, 30 reps
135/75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
165/100 pound Snatch, 30 reps
210/120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible
We’ll be providing scaled weight progressions for folks not competing in the Open.
Post reps completed and Rx to comments.
They Came for the Competition and Stayed for the Gun Show
Happy Belated Birthday to David “D-Mak” M!
CFSBK at the NYC Open Series Competition
CFSBK was in full force yesterday as we hosted the second event of the 2012 NYC Open Series. Amazing work from all the competitors who put on an amazing display. Congratulations to Sarah LR for taking 3rd place amongst the women and to Jess Fox on hitting a Snatch PR during the event!
We also want to give a special thanks to all the volunteers who helped make the event a success and to all those who came out to show support for Team CFSBK!
CFSBK Powerlifters Hit Big PRs in Pennsylvania!
Yesterday Coach Jeremy accompanied Michele K, Rob I and Nicole A in the 2012 International Powerlifting Association PA State Powerlifting Championships in York, Pennsylvania. All three lifters hit big numbers and new PRs!
Michele K-185 (PR)/90/205
Rob I-360(PR)/215(PR)/400(PR)
Nicole A-225/100/220(PR)
Reaction To the Open WODs
The Open is a great time to think about your mental planning for competitions. A unique feature of the Open and CrossFit is that each workout has the opportunity to play for or against your personal strengths, weaknesses and/or biases. When 12.3 is announced will you find reasons to pick it apart and ride an emotional response? Or better yet, will you simply analize it and start thinking about how you’re going to optimize your output? We can spend a lot of time thinking about workouts or lifts without productively influencing them. Use the open to take each workout that comes out of the hopper and develop a productive work/rest strategy and mental plan. Good luck!
Join the CFSBK Softball Team!
Interested in putting that functional fitness to use? Dan H. is in the process of recruiting 15-16 members for a CFSBK softball team as part of the YMCA Adult Co-ed League. Games are usually held once a week around 7pm at the Red Hook fields. A small league fee of $40-50 per person will be expected to participate for the season. ALL levels are welcome. If you’re interested or have any other questions, please contact dh3 at dhalioua(at)gmail(dot)com.
The LXD: In the Internet Age, Dance Evolves Ted Talks
Whats Best For Sore Muscles, Heat or Ice? Greatist
Rinse Berries in a Vinegar Solution to Keep Them Fresh Longer and Mold-Free Life Hacker
who photoshopped Melissa Loranger into that photo?
Happy Birthday Dave!
it's gabrus' abs that really make that photo.
the whole powerlifting meet experience this weekend was great. doing so many Totals at CFSBK beforehand, with spectators and rules and things, made it quite easy to adapt to the structure and flow of the meet, even with some new-to-us equipment (squatting in a "monolift.')
i'm sure i speak for Rob and Nicole when i say it was great to have our coach Jeremy there with us, from the judge's meeting in the morning through the awards ceremony. he also took us on an emergency coffee run between the bench and deadlift, when we were all dangerously flagging. i overheard some of the other competitors complimenting Jeremy on the training and guidance he has provided us, and he also proved himself handy in the "get ready" area by helping a very elderly lifter get into and out of his singlet over and over again ๐ apparently, if you're a Super Senior Pro Lifter, you look at Jeremy and think, "THIS is the man I want helping me get dressed." i wish i'd gotten that on film!
Dave Byrd and Bina Altera also sat patiently in the stands, snapping photos and giving us high fives. i'm very grateful you guys came along to support us.
I wore a borrowed pair of Jess Bailey's knee highs and I highly recommend this strategy if you want to put some pounds on your squat ๐
in terms of my own results, i'd hurt my back in an awesome, brand-new way last week, so i'm extremely happy with my numbers. thanks to Dr. Jason Fidler for squeezing me into his office a few days before the meet and helping me smooth out my shit.
the bench press was a disappointment, but i've got a plan to work on my upper body strength and am going to hit it hard after a few well-earned days off.
squat: 170, 180 (PR) 185 (PR)
bench: 85, 95(F) 95 (F)
dead: 185, 195, 205
Gabrus, I wanna have your babies.
Is Teresa's last name Bolt?
Snatch goodies today:
Did 30 snatches at 75#, then switched to 95#, after four, my back felt odd, so I switched to 85# and did 19 more. I was very gassed; returning to regular programming after strength cycle is always a bit of a shock. Great to be partnered with Noah B, who rocked out 30 at 75 and 95!
Congrats Sarah LaRosa and Jess– whoop–whoop! That's awesome.
I appreciated the bit in the write-up today about productively thinking about your workout/lift. Believe me, I spend a lot of time obsessing about my lifts and a lot of that energy is not all that useful.
That said, I can be somewhat productive when obsessing about my lifts and yesterday was proof positive. I finally got to 400 on my deadlift which has been a long slow climb. From the looks of the video, the form was strong and the bar moved relatively quickly:
Thanks to Dave for documenting the event. It was a lot of fun and I'm really glad I bit the bullet and got out there. Michele was dead-on– the totals are great prep for a meet. Thanks to Michele for inspiring this to happen and keeping the momentum going. It was great to have a fellow newbie to experience this with.
Special thanks to Jeremy for driving a total of 7 freaking hours to hold our hands. What a great coach and friend.
I don't think I've ever done a 135# snatch. So 12 PRs in 6 minutes (or something that like.) I was so excited I yelled, "I did it!" when the first one went up. I know that was dorky but I was pumped.
I was inspired by by my partner Mike who did three pulls but didn't get the weight up until the fourth try.
Awesome to come in for Active Recovery this morning! Man, only took me 6 months to do it. TOO BAD IT WAS THE WRONG DAY. I even took a shower instead of just rolling out of bed! I need a PA.
Some cool stuff happening down there, Congrats Mike on yer PR and Luca for beating your yesterday count and everyone else for gettin' it done. Fun times!
56 as Rx'd
This made me feel both good and bad…On the one hand I really wanted to get a crack at the 165 in this. On the other hand I had never power snatched 135 before, only full squat, so it was nice to have been able to work at that weight. 2 things got me here. 1) I got into such a groove power snatching that when my pull started to fatigue and I needed to get under the weight more I could find it. 2) I must have been in bad positions for some pulls because my lumbar erectors started to seize up a bit after about 10 at 135, then I started to rest a lot and…
Isaac's snatch PR and Steph P's reps at 100 were highlights of my day. Some really good vibes in the gym this weekend!
Looking forward to 12.3!
I say "My back felt odd"
Fox says "My lumbar erectors started to seize up"
12.2 was worth the redo, but I have to say I'm sore now. Gonna need a massage.
Thank you Mel, Rickke et al for the encouragement this morning, I'm really happy about how things went today and this week… Go team CFSBK!
I really love the numbers our strength people are putting up. Excellent work Rob! And congrats to Bethany who pushed into a heavier weight today. You are totally a postpartum roll model. ๐
I did a scaled version of 12.2 today at 75#, 95#, 115# and scored 63. These weights were perfect for me.
I'm definitely planning on "analizing" the open sectionals wods!
WOD 12.2 – scaled to 45/55 – 34 reps.
Nice work CFSBk power lifters! Your write ups make me want to do a meet one day as well.
Super inspiring watching both Steph and LaRosa kicking ass and PRing their second attempt at the WOD.
Coach Jeremy was awesome !
I had a ton of fun and everyone was so nice and really supportive.
Michelle was moving well despite her back and Rob with his 400 DL
was one of my favorite lifts of the day. I love Dave and Bina, good
Looking forward to having Jeremy not only as my strength coach
but also my figure posing coach, HA!!!!
Also, a big mighty thanks to Shane for all his help……I hope David
knows how lucky he is to have such a great staff of coaches!
Noah FTW
Wanted to check in real quick with my experience with this WOD.
Did it this morning at 12 (I guess thats technically "this noon") and got 38 reps. Basically confirmed what I was thinking earlier this week- I need to snatch more.
A few months back I sat down and thought about what I needed to practice with what I thought would pop up in the games in mind. For me the Olympic lifts and handstand pushups were the two things that I felt a bit shaky on and that could really slow down or possibly DQ someone in a WOD. Life intervened and I think I haven't practiced nearly enough, which is my fault. I'm going to try and make Friday going forward my "goat day" and work on my weaknesses, as well as hit one or two comp classes a week to practice the more esoteric stuff.
As far as the "Reaction to the Open WODs" heading above goes, I would like to reiterate my personal support for Sameer and the others who raised questions about this workout. I think its very possible to critique the WOD programming AND still prepare a plan and try and execute to the best of your ability. Just like in politics, art, etc. I think critique is the highest form of compliment- its a desire to start a dialogue, to strive to be better, to think more about something rather than simply going "oh well, suck it up." Watching people spend two thirds of the WOD today failing over and over after the very first weight jump doesn't seem to me what this WOD should have been.
Despite my misgivings, I made a plan for myself, where I tried to finish the first 30 snatches relatively fast without redlining. I did them in sets of 10 on the minute, so I was done at the 3:00 mark. Took a leisurely 1:00 to change weight, and started at 135 at 4:00, trying to snatch every 20-30 seconds. I failed the first few, then muscled a few up, then failed a few more when I was fatigued. Towards the end I got on a little roll, refound some of my mojo and hip pop, and hit 5 or so in a row to finish out. I was fairly happy with my performance from a learning perspective- I basically refamiliarized myself with a lift while under a modicum of duress. So personally, I considered the WOD a "win." That being said, I feel like I was one of the lucky ones.
I think going forward we will probably see some more varied WODs, and I hope that nobody lost heart or got frustrated enough by this one that they stop. If you didn't like a particular WOD, I'd personally love to hear how you thought it should have been programmed (keeping in mind that HQ has lots of factors to consider when they program the Open WODs.) That said, just like in life, there are some things that no amount of personal analysis can change, so be ready to rip it when the bell rings. I know you will.
Sorry for the extra long post. I love Crossfit because at its best it is broad and inclusive, and the Open Sectionals are supposed to support that concept. It irks me when it becomes narrow and exclusive, whether that is intentional or the product of hasty or misdirected thought. I encouraged everyone to sign up for the Open, and I'd hate for them to think I was leading them into some sort of trap or setting them up to fail.
I want to give a big shout out to everyone who got stuck at the 30 or 60 or whatever mark, and spent the whole time trying like heck to get that weight up. I saw a lot of awesome fight in people, nobody made excuses, and everyone hustled right up to the 10 minute mark. You guys were my heroes today, Rich Fronning be damned. Keep on keepin' on.
Samir- you're too kind, and too funny. Good working with you today.
I'm pretty new to the snatch and was working on getting under it- I wanna try and have good form on this big lifts and I know I have strong legs. Unfortunately the early effort caused my legs to fatigue early in the game as I did my longest run to date on Friday (8.8 miles- Jess, I'mma kill that 31.1!).
Interesting working in the front of the gym, trying to stay focused and hearing the crowd go wild behind me for Fox's lifts. From the perspective of mindfulness meditation it was a good challenge to allow that distraction to arise and pass away…..
Sad to have missed out on deadlifts, but happy to get some snatch practice in- I think I like it. Excited to see what tomorrow will bring.
Good post, Noah. Snatches are such a fickle thing! I think this WOD is elegant. I can't wait to try it when I recover from movingthis weekend!
Billy, I bet you'll kill this WOD if your deadlift-high pulls were any barometer. Fickle is certainly a good word for them- Gotta stay with em day after day, not at all like riding a bike. There is a certain elegance to the WOD, but I think it could have been better with less reps and more weight jumps- more dispersion (my new favorite word.)
43 snatches.
Two words: