Perform 3 sets of the following complex for a maximal weight:
6 Deadlifts
3 Mid Hang Power Cleans
1 Push Jerk
You have 5 attempts to find a best complex. The bar may be dropped from overhead after the jerk but must be regripped and pulled within 3 seconds after it settles.
Post loads for each attempt to comments.
compare to 12.30.10
Congratulations to our newly named gym wear model, “Fran” for making the Tattly Blog!
Week One Ends
Great job to all our athletes that competed in Open WOD 12.1! 7 Minutes of Burpees proved to be a tremendous test of pure and simple work capacity. To see how all our registred athletes did, check out the link at the bottom of the navigation bar on the left side of this page. We’ll update it every week with the new workout and our team’s progress. We had 56 amazing SBK’er officially compete with 13 of them joining the 100 Burpees Club. We even had Rob F who was reeling from a stomach bug send in a video submission to qualify through this week 1. Below we’ve listed our top three men and women for this week. Good luck to all at 12.2!
Joe O’Neill: 120 Reps
Christian Reiss: 118 Reps
Michael Mishik/Rickke Manazala: 116 Reps
Ellie Myers: 103 Reps
Melissa Loranger: 100 Reps
Kate Denny: 97 Reps
RSVP For the Final Paleo Potluck
Come one, come all, calling all cavewomen, cavemen, cavedogs, and cavebabies! The 2012 Crossfit South Brooklyn Paleo Challenge is officially winding down, and now its time for everyone to put on their big white chefs hats again, because on Saturday, March 10th, at 6:00 PM we will be holding our final Paleo Potluck!
Please RSVP in the event page with the dish you plan to bring and how many suckas you intend to roll with. As always, you may need to bring a crock pot or other thermonuclear heating device to keep your food warm/irradiated.
What is the best TV Show you,ve recently been watching?
This is what 161 Burpees in 7 Minutes Looks Like CrossFit Games
Knee Sleeves CrossFit One World
The Improper Alignment Speech Ido Portal
How to Be Coachable: Advice from Expert Coaches Breaking Muscle
Homeland homeland homeland.
Breaking Bad.
Deadwood and Arrested Development (courtesy of Netflix)
one other that I can't get enough of. Charlie Rose. I record them and watch virtually every single one. Best interviewer on the planet?
For things that are on the air ATM, I have to go with Archer and Justified.
Breaking Bad
Archer – Second 2 is now available on Netflix!
el oso today! 115. 125 was a mess. 1st round was good, cleans during the 2nd round were super ugly. got to the dl on the 3rd round but then gave up because i knew my cleans would suck. then rested for a bit and finished up, just for completeness-sake.
Strength cycle, back off day to get ready for the Total on Wednesday.
BSQ 135x5x3
Rack walkouts 200×3. I am excited by how these felt — I felt like I could squat it.
Press 45x5x3
DL 135×5
Chins 1,2,1. Kind of surprised I couldn't put two in a row more than once, but I guess I'm fatigued from a double dose of burpees this weekend.
Now I have to keep from psyching myself out for the Total. There are two numbers just STUCK in my head: 200 (for the squat) and 500 (for the whole shebang). I realize that these are TOTALLY ARBITRARY targets but there's something about changing the digit in the hundreds place that's so psychologically powerful, you know?
Oh yeah, and to answer the QOTD, this is hardly new, but my husband and I have started watching Mad Men. I LOVE it. The writing is sharp, the costuming makes the show so pretty to look at, and since I work in advertising there's an extra layer of fun for me.
6am class…what?
Warmup included mobility and wall balls and such.
For the complex:
-drills with the 33lb bar then one warmup at 63.
-work: 83, 103, 123
Happy about this. Decided to make bigger jumps because these complexes really add up fast. Grip is totally shot by the last set.
The only TV shows that we've watched in the past year have been Sons of Anarchy and Rescue Me. Love them both.
Breaking Bad, Portlandia….
We had a great Rings strength class yesterday, working front and back levers, and muscle ups.
On another note, Im selling my studio apartment in Carroll Gardens, it's walking distance to the gym –
Please pass the info on to anyone who might be interested.
Walking Dead
As someone who is proud of not owning a TV, it's pretty embarrassing how many TV shows I am completely obsessed with and just how much I truly <3 Television (without commercials over the internet).
I've been watching this really awesome show called 'Seinfeld'. Not sure if you guys have heard of it, but it's FANTASTIC.
Seriously though, between Seinfeld and Arrested Development reruns, my latest infatuation is an online sketch comedy show called 'The Whitest Kids You Know'. It's totally cheesy and immature, but retardedly funny.
Also, Louis CK was rocking my world before I finished all the episodes (a sad day on the couch).
Excited for today's WOD! I'm about to go run a mile to make up for not making it to the box yesterday. WOO!
Hey all,
I'm trying not to sit all the time at the office, but I am not in a position to have a standing desk these days. I think I could get one of those knee chairs though. Do the people who know these things think that the knee chair has utility as an alternative to normal chair sitting?
Not sure about knee chairs, Joel. Without actually seeing one, I'd be worried about how the constant pressure would affect your patellar tendon.
I recently discovered and rapidly consumed "Workaholics" which is sort of "It's always Sunny.." meets "trailer park boys" meets.. something else.
I'm also a regular Parks and Rec watcher and.. I'll admit that I watch New Girl every week.
DO: that "something else" would be "Office Space" if you ask me.
Love "Workaholics" and "Always Sunny," too.
I also love posting about TV more than posting the results of my workouts which surely makes me a bad xfitter. Oh well.
I like knee chairs as an alternative to a regular chair. they never bothered my knees.
i watch most shows. which is sad, but at least I can say its for work (sort of)
The Walking Dead. Though, I'm hoping to see the introduction of great characters, like Michonne and the Darwinian-style elimination of some of the more annoying dramatis personae, like in the books! At this point in the comics, all the weak have bitten the dust and that's a good thing during the Zombie Apocalypse. Speaking of which, I still have to read World War Z. It's on my coffee table!
"el oso"
12pm class with coach fox.
8-10 minutes hip/hammy opening.
Then el oso. Today was a lot of fun and def a grip fryer.
HPC were the limiter for me and working with the smaller diameter bar at 155 would have helped a lot with the cleans. Hit my first set at 135 and flew through it buyt 155 i couldnt keep the hook grip in for the hpc. Gonna give this a go again at open gym in the next couple of weeks and work with the smaller diameter bar and see if there is any diff
@Dh3 you bring up a question I've had for a while. My biggest limiter on the bear was always grip. Same actually happened in Grace when I would rest in the hang position and then try to get a little bounce off of the floor. Forearms were shot.
I'm wondering if I just have a sorry grip and need to work on that, or if that's just how it goes.
Well this is def a grip burner, what i was eluding to a bit was the thinner bar for me may have helped., not sure.
Regarding grip – while it is true that this workout or any barbell complex will be incredibly grip fatiguing, it is also true that most people have sorry grips. It's something that must be trained like everything else. So, get on the farmers carries, pinch plates for static holds, pull or climb a rope, and, yes, get yourself some grippers.
Is it obvious how much time I spend with Jeremy?
@Margie especially, but anyone who has an answer to this question, please chime in. Any recommendations for books on weight training for women? I'm enjoying reading Rip's book "Strong Enough?" right now, and would love to nerd out reading something that's chica-specific.
The chairs typically look something like this:
I don't think they put too much pressure on your knees from what I remember because of the angle, but at least allow your hips not to be quite so short throughout the day.
Joel – you should reach out to Dr. Fidler (fidlerdc at sign gmail dot com). He's our resident chiro and offers advice on workspace setups in addition to fixing wrecked backs and taunting people while they do burpees.
Today's WOD @ 135
Could barely function after that. So short WOD.
1) no one else likes spartacus
2) no one else is willing to admit that they like spartacus
which is it.
As Margie has pointed out, it appears my grip is for shit. This one wrecked it. I'm in Quantico for most of the week and stuckmwith the LA Fitness across the street. Holy cow, is all I have to say!
So, no bailing. I did the complex at 95 and 105 as directed. I then did it at 115 but with a short rest between sets because I was afraid of loosing my grip and creating a scene at this place. Not that this place doesn't like a scene, it definitely has plenty, just not the bailing kind.
Shows- Currently in the third season of Soap… it holds up incredibly well.
Breaking Bad
Walking Dead
Daily Show/Cobert
Today's WOD was fun. Because my shoulder was not happy about the jerk, I subbed it for a 4th clean.
Attempt 1: 65# Easy Breezy
Attempt 2: 75# Exhausting, but weight was fine.
Attempt 3: 85# – failed on 2nd Set of cleans. (however… just doing 1 clean at this weight was a PR, YAY!)
Attempt 4: 85# retry – failed at the same spot
Attempt 5: 80# dropped the bar on my 3rd set of cleans because I couldn't grip it anymore 🙁
This was a mental one…. while I achieved a PR on cleans, I failed on my last 3 attempts, so I left feeling like. "WTF I only maxed out at 75#?!" I felt like I could have had 85# had I just started with it… maybe not though. But overall, YAY for getting past my mental block on 85# cleans!!
Anybody interested in buying my meat share this month? I'm going to be away a lot and won't have the time to cook it all 🙁 shoot me an email or call me (917)907-3337. thanks!
Ok Sameer….I love Spartacus. Just watched season 1 on On Demand this past week… After my kids were in bed, of course!!! Also just got into Southland as well.
Stella – Unfortunately, I don't know of many women who've written books on par with Strong Enough? But if you don't know Krista Scott-Dixon's site, you will most certainly enjoy her articles.
531 Squat
Dmbll Overhead Press
595×5 Dynamic
3 rounds of grip/ab combo
Wrist rollers 50#
35 ab wheel rollouts
Set 1: 95
Set 2: 115
Set 3: 125
Set 4: 135 was so doable but failed on last set of cleans all due to grip fatigue. So should have hit 135 on an earlier set. But also, would like to thank Margie big time for her post because it was a revelation. So, so many high volume pull up, kettle bell, barbell workouts are limited by grip failure and forearm fatigue for me. Thanks for stating what was clearly obvious but I didn't see: my grip sux. From now on, I'll be the guy standing around the gym, clutching a couple of 45# bumpers.
These past three days have been about as much fun as I can have athletically without skis and powder. Vibe has been totally \"on.\"
Saturday, 88 burpees. My form definitely got snake-y by the end there, but big props to Sarah La Rosa for keeping me moving.
Sunday, lots of fun, deadlifting with ace kettlebell stenciler (new term?) and all around gentleman, Alex. 5×245 was my last set, and I think I could have gone heavier. Like a dummy, I recollect telling him that I think my grip is getting there…
Well, I asked for it … the grip-frying complex. My last set was at 125#. Again, maybe I could have gone heavier, but it was great fun. I like these complexes a lot – would like to do the Bear again sometime soon, or some other complex. I have gotten to the point where I think I can stuff a loaded barbell in my hip crease and shake it out with some confidence, so if nothing else, that was good for my addled psyche. Big ups to the other Sarah, and thanks for the words of encouragement from the crowd. It really matters, and it really never happens at the LA Fitness-es of the world (sorry, Dmak). Oh, and my kids love coming to the gym. Do people at \"globo-fitness\" say that with a straight face?
Regrets in advance for the novella, but I want the world to know how happy this sort of thing makes me. Oh, and I am about to lay into some Herondale-raised pork chops… As they say in Zombieland, \"enjoy the little things.\"
"El Oso"
115 Cleared
155 Cleared
165 2 Rounds + 6,2 Cleared.
Went to bring it down for my last clean and the bar slipped out of my hand. I was conservative on my wrist as I haven't been cleaning or Front Squatting much lately. My Split Jerks felt really unstable today.
Back Squat
(45×5, 135×5, 185×2)
Great work today, everyone!
no lifting. traps of death.
T minus five days til the meet!!
Strength Cycle, Taper week
Basically warmed up to my last warm up that I'll be doing Saturday:
Squat: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 185×4, 225×3, 275×1, 305×1
Bench: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×1, 175×1
Overall feeling pretty good. Right lateral stiff and not loosening up today. Will work with Alec on that tomorrow I guess.
Looking forward to watching the Total on Wednesday!
Oh yeah… I like The New Girl too… I mostly watch sitcoms (30 Rock, Office, Community), plus Top Chef but currently catching up on last season's Dexter.
Worked up to 145, which felt kind of tough. Then I was inspired by Rob Nuge having a literal battle with the bar- it was so fucking awesome I had to try one more complex.
Got through 165, but as Joel likes to say…"dirty."
Glad some folks are into Southland, a very underrated, quiet, well crafted little show. I miss stuff like this, I for one don't need everything to be a period piece, have an anti-hero, or have some sort of mystical unexplained phenomenon.
Tom hit it right, the tone at the gym since Wednesday has been great. Very happy to be around everyone's great energy, and had so much fun coaching the Games WOD on Saturday, where every single person brought it hard.
complex at 125
show: shark tank.
i enjoyed today's wod. It's the kind one feels like doing again!
155# — Failed on 3rd HPC. Gave it one more shot but couldn't move the bar on the first HPC.
Backed off to 145# for a fourth set to finish it off.
correction… 115 as prescribed, 125 with short rests between due to bailing fears.