85%x5 (No rep out)
*If you made all your reps last cycle then add 5-10 lbs to your deadlift training max
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 1.28.12 and 1.7.12
Row 2K or Run 1 mile for time
Compare to 12.11.10 or 11.23.11
Wanna Know How Team CFSBK is Doing in the 2012 Open Sectionals?
We’ve created a blog page for the 2012 Sectional WODs that will have all the WODs with the performances from all of our registered athletes. So check out the 2012 CFSBK Open Sectionals page!
CrossFit the Rack is hosting a CF Endurance seminar on March 31st/April 1st.
Join Brian Mackenzie and the CF Endurance team to learn to train more efficiently for run, triathlon, and endurance races and events. Improve your technique and mechanics to be a more efficient athlete. Increase your work capacity and pick up free speed with no additional time training.
This is a great event for all athletes, trainers, and community looking to improve run performance, triathlon performance, endurance race& event performance, improve on CF wods, learn more about CFE, or have an interest in getting signed up for one of these events. We cover many factors which impact performance. Skill of focus is running.
The weekend is full of current content that you can apply immediately. Racing, training or getting more powerful – you’ll walk (or run!) away with a refreshing perspective of how endurance training should be done.
There is a $100 discount for active military, fire, police, LEO.
You can register for this event HERE
You’ve done WOD 12.1. What do you think they’ll program for WOD 12.2?
Kelly Starrett Plans for the Open CrossFit
Guys! Haha. Way to catch me on my weakest movement! Hehehe. Too funny.
In foundations, a year ago, I couldn't do a burpee. Yesterday felt really good. 🙂
As for the games, I have an odd feeling there may be a long run or row and a heavy deadlift, snatch, or clean in the near future.
Well, so far I have 100% accuracy predicting sectional workout movements, so let's see how it goes this time! I'm going with a couplet of thrusters and double-unders.
I'm dropping in for the teaser class today because I finally got my husband to come to one. His sister's in town, so she's coming too. It will be a little Zawistowski family class. I'm looking forward to it (and not so secretly hoping my husband falls in love with it).
5-3-1 day. press repout 225×6
squat 310×5 wanted more
ss chins 3×7
prowler, added 20 pounds, quite a humbling experience. was sucking wind, bad leg aches, thought I was going to puke. Good to be taken back out to the woodshed.
9am with coach noah
pre pre wu
lax ball shoulders
foam roll
pre wu
pigeon stretch (yum), ham stretch
BSQ with björnimal
(125×5 185×5)
250×5 285×5 325×5
felt good
2K row
7:28 took it pretty easy.
concentrated on power 10's at 1, 500, 1000, 1500.
Deadlifts: 5 reps of 215 pretty solidly. Not so long ago that was my 1RM…
The mile run: a disappointing 6:48. But given that I don't run much in the winter, I'll not beat myself up about it.
Heading out to Seattle Tuesday morning. I don't think I'll make it to a box out there, but I did find a good gym near my hotel to do the week's squats and presses. I'm a lot more concerned about eating. At least I know where Whole Foods is, and servers out west tend to be pretty nice about substitutions and special requests. At worst I'll eat a lot of sashimi.
See y'all next week!
Swapped Snatch Pulls/Clean Pulls for the deadlifts. That extra hip extension wore me down fast. I felt like I was still breathing hard after all my rests. Lots of technical breakdowns. Glad that I can feel when things are wrong now! This feels like a great lift for me right now. I think I may work it in to my warmups this week. And try it again with a bit less weight and more focus on speed later in the week.
I got a nasty hip flexor/upper quad cramp during the 2k row.
Heavy Pulls
165×5 (last rep was too slow)
195×5 upper back broken (couldn't hold scapulas together, bar still traveling forward instead of up)
2k row
9:08 (not one of my better times)
I am in 19,000th place!
I'm happy I made it to class today. I had fun working on deadlifts with Jules and a special thanks to Coach Noah for cheering me on through my last 100m of the row. That was killer and now I have a new challenge to work on.
I love the Wendler cycle!!
warm up:
Work sets:
350 x 5
405 x 5
455 x 5
My last set was a 5 rep PR!
@David O: When are we going to do a total? After two and a half months of Wendler, I think a lot of people will hit significant PR's
10am, so weird to write that as I'm a solid 7amer, Coach Noah, DL's with Janelle, then I RAN A MILE in.. 9:03? This is a huge deal. My anemia these past months knocked me for a loop, literally subway stairs were a challenge, so to be able to do this was a freaking milestone. I truly wonder if the blood transfusion that I had to have was of some uber athlete or something. Thanks for ALL the high fives and understanding of my shrieks of happiness. I would like to give a big thanks to my favourite KB, Old Blue, as the 12 weeks of subbing KB swings due to The Thumb of Doom injury I'm sure played a huge part of my being able to do those rounds AND feeling like I could have gone around at least one more time. YEAH!
My DL's were solid, I'm adding more weight next week as the 5lb jump was easy-ish/comfie – have I mentioned how much I love this whole 5/3/1 Wendler deal? Best idea ever.
Jules that is awesome.
Oh! I also want to say a million thank you's to Coaches Nick, Fox, Shane, David, and Josh! David was the first to actually see the beginning of the whole anemia deal and took me aside to ask what was up as I was slowing down considerably and would finish with a pale face sans all colour. I had no idea until the Dr. visit, plus several other tests to confirm that yes I should be kind of dead, then tossed into the hospital. THEN all of you for being so thoughtful and helping me adapt all the WOD's so I could at least stay active even at a heavily scaled level – Dr. approved of course. And bonus for Fox for making me tell him "Yes Fox I'm doing good" if a WOD was particularly intense. "Ok" wasn't good enough – I had to be able to say all the words.
This includes all the switching out for the thumb – Josh you really came up with some good ones.
I am so literally over the moon right now that I think I could just pop from happiness. Thank you for the coffee bribe to come in and lift with you Kristin! Never would have run if you hadn't.
Love you guys!
Just wanted to give you guys a big THANKS.
I came down with a real nice stomach bug early yesterday morning and had no chance of doing the Open 12.1 I had a good feeling that I wasn't going to make it in this morning either. I haven't eaten much since late Friday night and was pretty beat. I emailed Coach Fox last night and he said I'd have to come in and at least do 1 Burpee or have to forfeit. That word sounded real ugly, even though I know there will be be a couple workouts this Open that I will not be able to complete Rxd.
Then this morning I see the CFSB blog page with nothing next to my name and I'm thinking that I don't want to be "that guy". So, I figured, F#¥? It , I'll see if I can bang a few out in my bootleg garage gym and send in a video submission.
Well, I managed 59, which in my pathetic condition was way more than I expected. If I didn't feel like puking the whole time I would have pushed harder, but I'll take that number. It looks much better than Forfeit.
Thanks Fox and all my other coaches.
six days from my first powerlifting meet.
Sorry! Last one, my dog jumped on my laptop before I could finish so a big old PS: To Margie, Jeremy, Noah, and Lady Fox – somehow you guys managed to miss my health shenanigans but wanted you to know that I lurve ya'll too. Lady Fox remember how happy I made you with my literal thoughts on "Death by Burpee?" Good times! 🙂
Long time lurker, first time poster, ex-Brooklynite and soon to be Crossfit South Brooklyn t-shirt wearer.
Didn't officially register for open due to our second child arriving late Thursday night. I committed to doing as many of the Open WODs as possible when I can get to them. In this vein, I had to combine today's DLs with the 12.1 WOD. Here's how that worked out:
Open WOD 12.1:
104 burpees
That was a grind. Strategy was to start conservatively and keep moving. Goal was to eek above 110. Next time…which won't be for a while.
You guys have a great community here. Wish I had known you were around when I lived in Park Slope. Look forward to posting again and hope to pay a visit to the old neighborhood sometime soon.
Whoa! So much for "little Zawistowski family class"! It was 3 Zawistowskis, plus 20 other people in teaser today!
In 12 minutes:
Run 400m, then AMRAP of
10 burpees
15 situps
10 squats
4 rounds + 4 burpees (really, burpees again?!)
But more importantly, my husband started asking about semi-private Foundations, which makes today's WOD a smashing success. 😀
Julie – I knew you were hardcore when you kept coming into the gym after chopping up your thumb but I had no idea about your "health shenanigans". You are getting a high-five the next time I can drag myself out of bed for 7 AM class.
12 PM:
Looking at these numbers, I am realizing that I did something terribly wrong in calculating 85% of my training max. In any event, these felt okay, but my technique still needs a lot of work (especially w/r/t breathing at the bottom and putting the barbell down).
2K Row:
I was all ready to do the mile run but everyone else was rowing and I figured, why not work on something I'm less comfortable with? Happy with my time but not exactly chomping at the bit to do it again.
The next total is up to Fox. I think we'll probably do it at the end of this wave or after 1 more to get some new singles to base future waves off of.
Thanks for the kind words.
Thanks for posting!! Great work on 12.1!
Huge, world Record Teaser Class today. Oy!
NEW #1 spot in the world for WOD 12.1. Some dude out in Russia did 161 Burpees. AND theres a video to accompany it. LEGIT
Rob F … FTW. Winner!
Spent the weekend at a USA Weightlifting Cert. I. Am. Sore.
deadlift 165, 185, 185. 2k row 8:04.