Complete as Many Reps as Possible in 7 Minutes of:
From the CF Games site description: This workout begins from the standing position. The Athlete will move from flat on the ground to touching an object with both hands that is 6 inches above their max reach. Score is total reps completed.
This is the Open Sectionals WOD 12.1 from the 2012 CF Games. Athletes from all over the world are competing in this workout. Remember athletes competing in the game MUST submit their scores to the CF Games site by Sunday at 5pm.
Athletes should watch the standards video HERE prior to attending class.
Athletes not competing in the open can scale to Squat Thrusts and eliminate the 6″ jump.
Post reps and RX to comments.
Is this the man to get 160 Burpees?!
Team CFSBK Will Be Representing today at the NY Open Series!
Good luck to all of the Team CFSBK members participating in today’s NYC Open Series and doing this very WOD at CF Queens! Go get ’em!
Team CFSBK attending Open Series for WOD 12.1 are:
Jessica B.
Teresa B.
Jessica F.
Melissa L.
Steph P.
Carlos G.
Dan H.
Matt H.
Sameer P.
Christian R.
Arturo R.
Rob S.
Join The CFSBK Book Club Because Reading is FUNdamental!
It’s not too late to join the CFSBK Book Club! So far there are 5 SBKers and a few soon-to-be members in the club including:
Martina O.
Peggy P-L.
Christine N.
Shawna S.
Andrew M.
Martha S.
Traci T.
David O.
Shaye L.
Teddi M.
The first meeting will be held on Sunday, March 11th at 5:00 PM at [location TBD]. Please feel free to bring Paleo-friendly snacks to share! The first BOM will be Super Sad True Love Story: A Novel by Gary Shteyngart.
If you have questions or want to RSVP to the first meeting on Sunday, March 11th please email Martina O. at parisgirl30(AT)
Pre-Class Question: What’s your goal for number of burpees for today?
Post-Class Question: Did you hit your goal?
WOD 12.1 Visualization/Mental Prep (Audio) CrossFit Invictus
CF Games Open WOD 1 Prep Mobility WOD
Check out the leaderboard for WOD 12.1 CrossFit
Announcing 2012 Regional Sites Crossfit
Blind Gymnast Takes Leap of Faith ABC News
Thanks to Dan and Asta for hosting such a yummy potluck.
There was a TON of good food – an embarrassment of riches. Smash hit: Joe and Sarah's sweet potatoes whipped with coconut milk and cardamom. I honestly thought there was no new news in sweet potatoland, but I nearly put my face in the bowl, they were that good.
Dan also let me borrow All the Mobility Toys. Thanks again ๐
I don't know…50? It really depends on how quickly my shoulders give out — I can do strict burpees, but not kazillions of them in a row, at least not yet. This is gonna be mighty interesting.
Coulda done some more if I had been just splatting to the floor for all of them instead of doing the negative pushup thing for the first 30. Thanks to Dan for pointing out my inefficiencies and cheering me on and counting my reps.
I really want to hit 100 but anything beyond 70 I think is gravy.
mmmm gravy
Fingers crossed for 80.
77 in good form. Well, most of them in good form.
65 burpees. I have rug burns on my knees.
MGMT – I forgot to put away the dog bed. My apologies. The next time you see me, I'll do 20 burpees.
Go Team CFSBK!!!
55. Guess who hasn't been metconning much? But I did those suckers strict, which I am proud of.
Good luck today, guys and gals! Can't think of a better, or worse, way to start the Open. I'll be living vicariously through all of you. Might try a "slow and controlled" version tomorrow and see how I do.
Well hit 89… had a few miss steps with doing it on the mat which cost me a couple. Thanks to Lana for counting for me and paying her burpee debt to me. ๐
Congrats to the 116ers that is very impressive.
51. My goal was 49. Win just to come in and move today. I haven't been getting enough met cons in either. Time to adjust my weekly routine just a bit.
Some really nice work all over the gym this morning! Nice job CFSBK.
10 AM:
92 Burpees.
I didn't really have a specific target – my goals were just to keep moving and to give it everything I had, and I feel like I accomplished both. Came out a little bit strong (19 burpees in the first minute) but settled into a nice pace around minute 3, especially when I discovered that I could take a micro-rest at the bottom. Using a ring as a target added an extra wrinkle because it kept swinging all over the place but, all in all, I'm happy with my performance. Thanks to Jason and Sean for counting and encouragement.
Also, thought I'd share: My friend (who is a vegetarian and distinctly un-paleo) sent me this TED Talk given by a doctor who (claims to have) mitigated her multiple sclerosis with the paleo diet. Her prescription sounds pretty familiar…
huge AR today and tons of energy in the gym! congrats to all the burpers ๐
I did 63. I was shooting for at least 70. I stuck to my 10/minute up until 5 minutes at which point it deteriorated quickly… oh well. As I said on my facebook post about it, 8 months ago I could barely do 1 burpee, so this is good.
The 6" target kinda blew…
AR then burps. 77 strict. Thanks to Rob for pushing me at the end.
52 strict.
I was sucking wind the entire time. First metcon in a LONGASS time
it was a pleasure being partnered with my 'real life' friend Mackenzie.
stoked for next week.
still coughing.
8am with coach margie
69 strict games standard. kept good form.
My strategy beforehand was to not over pace my beginning. Just go at an aggressive pace and NEVER STOP MOVING for the love of God, NEVER STOP.
102 Reps
Happy that I hit my 100 rep goal. I won't be doing this again, I think perhaps I could maybe squeeze out 2-6 more reps if I re did it, which for me isn't enough to re-test. I'm happy with my performance. Big thanks to Josh M for doing this with me, Excited for 12.2!!!!
TIED for 4,047th Fittest person on the planet ๐
My goal was to get 70 to 75. I got 86, and thought I was going to die. ๐
I'm not gonna lie, y'all. Around 40 or 50, I was like, "Oh, *$%@! These are kinda insane and I'm probably going to collapse at 59 and will be super cross with myself for not getting an even six zero."
Luckily though, Christine, my partner cheered me on.
Two No reps really scares a person though. When you hear partner say it, you're like, "Nooooo!!!" Coach Noah wasn't lying though. You do straighten up and fly right afterward though!
57 plopping burpees with GABRUS!!! Partner of my dreams.
just signed up online for the open
i was hoping to get at least 10 per minute, so i was shooting for 80 or so. i got 74.
ack. hopefully the next one won't be so evil
I got 84 and was strict about my push up to plank etc. I am thinking of retesting with a sloppier snake up which I have trained out of my burpee. I feel like I should have studied up a bit and gamed the wod some. Either that or my recent strength biased work has cost me some wind.
67. Not really near my goal. First 50 were strict plank pushups, last 13 were games standard. I think I could have hit my goal of 80 if I did the game standard the whole way. I really need to find the time to get one more met con in per week, I just don't know how to make that work.
SIDE NOTE: Rock Chalk, Jayhawk, KU!
Man, watching the highlights of the KU-MU game has made me want to redo the burpee workout. I can't explain it, so pumped.
posting to the wrong day…