5 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
40 Double Unders
Athletes without double unders will sub Ball Slams
Post time and RX to comments.
Congratulations to Kate D. and Melissa Lo on getting their First muscle-ups on Friday!
Happy Belated Birthday Shaun M.
CFSBK at the 2012 CRASH-Bs
Coach Nick led Coach Josh M. and CFSBKer Mackenzie C. to PRs at this weekend’s CRASH-Bs in Boston. The event is a 2000m erg test and athletes from all over the country come to the participate. Josh rowed a PR 6:48.6 PR and Mackenzie rowed a 8:15.8 beating her previous best of 8:26. Congratulations to both athletes on their performance and thanks Coach Nick for leading a team of SBKers up to Boston to compete for the 3rd year in a row!
Team CFSBK is Growing. We still need YOU!
We now have 38 athletes from CrossFit South Brooklyn competing in the 2012 CrossFit Games Open Sectionals and we’re lookng for more! This is going to be a great event and a great chance to challenge yourself! You can register here!
2012 NYC Open Series is Open For Registration!
CrossFit Queens, CrossFit South Brooklyn, CrossFit Metropolis, CrossFit Virtuosity, and CrossFit Long Island City will be combining forces each Saturday of the Open to bring together NYC’s most competitive athletes for five epic Open events!
This is an incredible opportunity to throw down on the 2012 Open Sectional WODs with other local CrossFitters and represent yourself and SBK to the fullest. For full details on the events and to register please check out the event’s EventBrite page HERE!
Each venue has a limited amount of space so be sure to register today!
2012 Paleo Summit
There is a FREE online Paleo Summit being offered online that’ll feature 8 days worth of lectures from some of the most important voices in the Paleo/Primal diet world. We’re talking Matt Lalonde, Paul Jaminet, Sarah Fragoso, Chris Kresser, Dallas & Melissa Hartwig of Whole 9, Paul Chek and more. This is free event starts February 26th and you can find out more details including a full list of participants HERE.
How did the Olympic Lifting Centric Back-Off Week work for you? Do you have a better grasp of the lifts covered?
BSQ 165x5x3. I was shallow on the last set. Need to be more confident about the descent.
Press 65x5x2, 65×6. I tried for a seventh rep but it wasn't there. I suspect this has something to do with the fact that I went climbing at BK Boulders on Saturday.
Deficit pulls 165×5. When I saw the weight I thought it sounded low, but of course Jeremy knows exactly what he's doing. This was hard!
Chins 3, 2, 2. I'm glad I had time for them today, unlike last week (and fun to have Julie for mutual encouragement!).
19:34 — 20 du attempts. DUs were weak today.
This is such a cool video:
I love the open!!!!
Mel L also got muscle ups on Friday, if I'm not mistaken…
a morning without the alarm is a glorious morning!
spending the day off hanging out with my crock pot (shanks!) and making a batch of 12-hour bone broth. this Challenge has been successful in many ways, but my tummy is still randomly unhappy.
Have you thought about supplementing with some probiotics or super enzymes?
So… what are the general thoughts on taping wrists? Worked Cleans on Friday and today, now I feel like my hands are sticking out like a zombie all stiff wrist'd (instead of "braaiinnss" it's "coofffeeeee") – especially my left – the wrists don't feel great. Just curious as I would like to try because this movement is **finally** kind of coming together.
Stayed and did my 5, 5, 6, pullups, thin green band, with Stella – who was awesome as always. I totally dig those 10 minutes for some reason. Chilling in the corner discussing the finer points of muscle ups. Good times!
Congratulations Crash B'ers!
Does anyone have a spare computer monitor they're looking to get rid of? Flatscreen would be a must.
Please email me (David@Cr..) or post a comment with the model.
make that 39 CFSBKers entering in the open (though not sure if I will even get one round of some of the WODs) but fuck it.
My last paid holiday off with the city so I took advantage of the noon class!
-Overall I really liked this. You basically just kept moving throughout. Runs felt pretty good and I was able to stay relatively light on my feet. I think only one round of the du's were unbroken though.
Loved the barbell mobility stuff. In a 'hurts so good' kinda way.
Excellent work Mackenzie and Josh on the Crash B.'s! Loved that it didn't stop you both from hitting the noon class hard.
AM strength:
Squat 255x5x3
Press 120x3x3
DL 345×1
I knew the day was coming when I wouldn't hit all my lifts. The squats took too much out of me and I didn't have enough gas left.
After my 3rd press Jeremy said "you're doing 3s today." And after my 1st DL he said I was done for the day.
I'm happy I made the squats though, they were super tough for me.
Carlos, you saw "I didn't hit all my lifts" — but I saw a strong-ass dude doing BATTLE with a very heavy bar. It was amazing to watch.
Jumped into 5pm a little late. Running is a weakness of mine and something that I generally avoid. I gas really quickly and maintain embarrassingly slow paces usually. Today however I felt like I had lungs to spare. I certainly wasn't "fast" but I kept a consistent pace, rested minimally and was very pleased with my effort. Again, I credit strict Paleo. I'm really feeling that movements or workouts that would normally knock it out of me are wayyy more manageable now.
15:34 as Rx'd
I start shooting this wake, so I am going to try and squeeze my 531 lifts into 2 days.
285×5, 325×3, 365×7
210×5, 235×3, 265×7
Dips 9,7,7
db row 80x12x2 each arm
today felt great even though I 'ran' some trails yesterday, i credit that to diet and getting 11 hours of sleep last night.
Good workout today. I got my stuff mobilized really well and the warmup sets felt great.
Squat: 280x5x3
Doing 3 sets is SO much easier than 5. What a mental relief. These went well overall and definitely were easier than the last two weeks. Feeling good and primed.
Bench: 190x5x3
This was OK. I would have like them to be easier. I'm tired of this territory and hope to get into the 200's for work sets soon.
Chins: 4×6 with thin blue band
I did super-sets with the bench press. Wendler talks about doing chins or pull-ups between every set of presses. That's pretty intense, so this seemed like a good place to start and I wanted to keep it sub-maximal, hence the band.
Fun sharing the platforms with the big boys, Gabrus and Jeremy. Good times.
BTW, the new Van Halen album rocks.
Josh and Mackenzie dug deep yesterday at CRASH-Bs and were very consistent and confident in their races. Great poise. I couldn't be more pleased!
Also, Fox and I ordered ergs from the event to take home, and Josh, Mackenzie, and Teresa gamely loaded them up and strapped them down, and we were at least an hour late leaving as a result. Thanks for your help and patience, guys!
I slept in this morning (nine hours of driving yesterday took it out of me), so I missed strength class. I lifted at noon and got the following:
BSQ 290x5x3
Heavy but good.
Press 140x5x3
Quiveringly heavy. Not good. But this is the most I've ever done, so I'm psyched. Press is my bugaboo.
Deadlift 365x5x1
Heavy but good. I heart deadlift.
I'm at or beyond the weights I was doing pre-crash, so I'm really happy. One of my goals for the Paleo Challenge was just to get back to baseline. One of my measures of success was to own 250# BSQ, and I've reached that. This strength cycle has been a huge boon for me and my sense of well being, after being so horribly shaken by my crash. I credit Jeremy for encouraging me to do it, at a point when I didn't think I could. (I told him I felt too weak even to do the class. His response: "Well yeah, that's why you do it. It's a strength class.") Thanks Jeremy!
Oh, and chins @ 35#: 5, 5, 6.
14:26 rx’d. My running sucks. All doubles unbroken except 3rd round (38, fail, 2)
17:21 scaled — 20 DUs, including attempts. Fun little WOD. I'm tempted to add DU's to my goals, but I really want to focus on three so, for now, DU's will have to wait.
5/3/1 Squat
Squats felt great after the off week. Felt like my joints were lubricated. 325 moved easy until the 12 rep which was a bitch
Dbl Overhead Press
Felt good
585×5 dynamic
On the last set, 405 felt like a toy after having 585 in my hands for the power shrugs.
3 rounds of Grip/Ab combo
Wrist rollers 50lb
30 Ab wheel rollouts
congrats to both the CrashB'ers and to their Coach Nick for an inspiring comeback. To get under a heavy bar after such an accident is pretty freaking amazing. I really admire your determination and courage.
came in tonight to get my cleans.
and for fun, lightest-band chins. last time I tried with this band i failed every rep. tonight: 1,1,1.
double unders were pretty good but i ran out of gas running.
8am class- did not enjoy this WOD. 20:02, modified DU's for 20# slam ball. Felt like chopped liver for an hour or so afterwards. May have been due to having too little sleep and out drinking too much with friends over the weekend (on Paleo-ish red wine :/ ) Or maybe I just suck at running. Oh well. I'll try to not drink (alcohol) and get lots of sleep over the week and see how I do on Friday's WOD. Oh and congrats to the Crash B people!
Fun wod great being back at the gym tonite.
12:18 Rx'd
Nick, we missed you this morning and you rule for jumping back into the game after your accident.
Also, I love Jeremy's ability to reduce what seems like a hard decision down to a no-brainer in just a few pithy words.
P.S. Went to MUJI today and got that cotton eye mask I read about people using on here. Yay for better zzzzz's!
First WOD at CFSB!
Loved the mobility work.
15:45 Rx.
My calves are on fire today. I hope this means that I can always have the über calves I've so desperately wanted some day. Glad to be back.