Spend 30 minutes working technique on this lift.
Check out Cal Strength’s Donny Shankle doing a 495lb Rack Jerk and 440lb Hang Squat Clean
California Strength will be at CFSBK on 6.6.12
Post insights to comments.
Don’t forget that at 1pm today Asta F will be hosting an info session on putting together a CFSBK team (or teamS) for the Ragnar Relay. Whats a Ragnar Relay? Watch this video to learn more.
Team CFSBK is 29 strong for the CrossFit Open.. but we want you! Click here now to register!
Miranda Talks about Fran
Check out this video of Miranda Oldroyd talking about a recent date with Fran. For competative CrossFitters, benchmark workouts eventually become less dependant on work capacity and more about skilled execution. Understanding transitions, having a rep plan and knowing where to take rests becomes the primary focus. When you do a benchmark workout or lift, always remember to put in your notes how you can be better next time.
Describe how you could be more efficient in a recent workout or lift.
Weighted Muscle Ups
Bent Arm Pike Press to Handstand, Lower to Inverted Hang, Kip Up to Support
What Happens to Your Digital Life When You Die?
I've had a couple requests for a paleo crockpot recipe roundup, so here you go.
Since today is cleans, for me, efficiency is quite important with cleans. You only get so many shots, and there is a fine line between not being warm enough, and wearing yourself out on cleans, especially squat cleans. Last time, I could have warmed up more, tall cleans first, very light. Mid hang triple. One or two sets max, light, for triples, probably one. Then singles. I think a big part of succeeding on cleans is your plan on how to get to your pr attempts. What do you guys think? This is maybe my favorite lift.
Mig; GOOD CALL on the crockpot links! I've used mine a few times this winter but not nearly as often as I should, given how easy it makes life.
Efficiency: I've been consciously working at resting sufficiently between attempts, since Jeremy called me on my Speedy Gonzalez ways a few weeks ago, and I think I've finally gotten it down. Being the anal-retentive gal that I am, I do it by checking the wall clock obsessively until 5 minutes have passed since my last set. Hey, it might be a little OCD, but it works.
I think, though, that I could use that time between sets a little better. Instead of just sitting down, I could be stretching or doing some other kind of mobility work, since tight muscles are a serious goat for me.
That Donny video is DOPE.