5 attempts at a max load on the barbell complex:
7 Rounds of:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push-Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push-Press
Rest as needed between attempts
Check out the WOD Demo
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What Jimmy R Does when not taking pies to the face
Only 14 Days Remain to Register for the 2012 CF Games Open Sectionals. Register HERE!
The More You Know: Programming This Week
Today’s WOD is the second of three in this cycle’s shortened Crush Week. We’ll be running four Back-Off WODs starting on Thursday each with a focus on Olympic Weightlifting technique before rolling into the next wave of the Wendler 5/3/1 Cycle.
Butterfly in the Sky, I Can Fly Twice as High: Join the CFSBK Book Club
Shaye L., Peggy J-L, Teddi M, and Martina O have joined forces to create the CFSBK Book of the Month Club!
The first meeting will be held on Sunday, March 11th at 5:00 PM at [location TBD]. Please feel free to bring Paleo-friendly snacks to share! The first BOM will be Super Sad True Love Story: A Novel by Gary Shteyngart.
If you have questions or want to RSVP to the first meeting on Sunday, March 11th please email Martina O. at parisgirl30(AT)gmail.com.
For full details check here.
What’s the last book you read? Fiction or not, would you recommend it to the book club?
I Am The Fittest CrossFit
Paleo Diet: Am I Losing Enough Weight? Robb Wolf
The Carbohydrate Loading Conundrum Robb Wolf
Sh*t CrossFitters Say Youtube
St*ff CrossFitters Say Youtube
What's the wod?
Last book I read was The Streets of Laredo, which came after Lonesome Dove. The one, however, that I am more interested in, is what I just bought, "Coming Apart" by Charles Murray. He's a controversial author, this book is making quite a splash. Highly recommended by David Brooks, discussed in WSJ as well as Economist, and I just watched the author's interview on Charlie Rose. Important topics, very interesting conclusions, looking forward to finishing it. Would this fall within the purview of the book club?
Last book I read was <href=:http://13bankers.com/">13 Bankers by Johnson and Kwak. Not fiction. Unfortunately. Wish it was.
Is LeVar Burton going to be there?!
I read Wendler's 5/3/1 for Powerlifting and I would recommend it unless you've read the original and in the that case I would find the 3 pages that outline the difference in programs and leave it at that.
Basic text of either book is well worth reading for any lifter though.
last completed: The Alienist, Caleb Car (reco from Deb+Alec)
now finishing: An Everlasting Meal: Cooking with Economy and Grace (reco from Charlotte)
Book-clubbable? Sure.
"Take a look. It's in a book. The Reading Rainbow…" Well I'll be singing that one all day.
I think the last book read was a biography on Joan Macraken. Currently shuffling my way through 1776.
BSQ 160x5x3 Getting heavy!
Press 60x5x2, 60×9 (rep out). I did a little moving around on the platform on that last rep but Jeremy let me count it.
Rack pulls 175×5, bent rows 75x5x3. Never done either of these before and I'm hoping it helps me get my deadlift over the hump.
Chins 2×3. I tried for a third rep but it wasn't there.
Inspiring to watch all you bears this morning!
Last book I read was All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren. It's a fascinating fictional account of corruption in politics (set in depression-era deep South), which unfortunately suffers from a lot of tangents that aren't central to the story and sentences so long a German could have written them. I think this one might be better as a movie (and it's next on my Netflix queue).
This is one of my favourite WODs ever. Also, it reminds me of the good ol' days when I was a teenaged nerd, playing Risk 2210 A.D., and fighting over a made-up country called 'Enclave of THE BEAR.'
Anyhow, can't wait for this tonight — and I may or may not be bringing a special guest along for the ride.
As for my last book, I just finished off 'The Lost Continent: Travels in Small-Town America,' by Bill Bryson, which I originally started as an audiobook while on my own road trip from Colorado to NYC. In typical Bryson form, it's an amazing account of the quirks that make up this country, though it does suffer from being a bit dated.
Still, I'd recommend it, along with most of his other books, to anyone who likes a witty read.
Greetings from Rincon, PR.
Did a nice workout on the beach yesterday. 800meter ish run followed by 100 pushups, sit ups, squats, the 800m ish run.
CUrrently reading Murkami's the WInd Up Bird Chronicle and its pretty fantastic.
Also, if you are coming to rincon anytime soon, bring earplugs. The rooster, dog, chicken, and cat symphony is amazing at 5am.
The workout is "The Bear" listed above. It's heinous. JR's favorite WOD
The last three books I read were:
Motivational Interviewing
This is a psychology text about clinically proven methods for talking to people to help them motivate themselves. The original MI work comes from working with alcoholics and drug users but it's quite applicable in health, healthcare and a variety of other settings. This book helped me be able to talk to someone and develop a useful assessment of what kinds of things need to be focused on and what things don't need to be addressed really. Essentially it helps you really listen to someone and use conversational techniques to facilitate people in talking themselves into change. Kind of a dense book but really interesting.
This is a bunch of case studies about both large and small scale changes and what were the primary reasons they were successful. From nation wide cultural shifts to people making dramatic changes in their own lives. Really interesting a lot easier of a read than MI.
and I'm currently reading Influence: The Power of Persuasion
This book talks about the reasons that some people can ask for something a certain way and get overwhelmingly rejected, while others can ask for the same thing in a slightly different way with huge margins of success. In a nutshell, there is so much data to consider that people respond to certain types of triggers and respond to them somewhat autonomically. The same is true in the greater animal kingdom, ours are just much more subtle and culturally influenced. Its kind of a similar book to switch from a different perspective. Again, pretty interesting.
I'm not some weirdo trying to control people or anything. One of my goals for 2012 was to understand motivation, change psychology and effective methods for facilitating people. I haven't gotten this stuff down to a science at all but it's certainly affected how I engage people both in my personal and professional life. I'm also much more aware of persuasive tactics used on me in my daily life by sales people, advertising and even people who don't realize the techniques they're already using.
Currently reading "What is the What" by Dave Eggers which is a mix of fiction and non-fiction about a child survivor of the civil war in Sudan. A shorter, great fiction read about a child soldier in an unamed African country I recently read is "Song for Night."
Before that I read "The Sorrow of War," which is probably the most famous North Vietnamese written book on the US conflict there (although I like "Novel Without a Name" more).
For non-fiction (aside from a couple Paleo books), "Chasing the Flame" and am about to resd "A Probelm from Hell," both from Samantha Powers about genocide.
Shit, I've been reading a lot about war! I gotta change that. Looking forward to The Bear.
Hate the bear…it's a forearm thing. I guess a grip thing. hate it hate it hate it.
@David, very interesting subject to focus on. As a salesperson, I've been thinking about that daily for about 15 years now. To me, I think it's about getting someone to say what they want or don't want. Rather than try to persuade someone that they want something, I think that it's much more powerful just to find out what it is that they want, and ask questions about that.
Roll on you Bears!
The last few (non-school-related) books I read were:
A Game Of Thrones, George RR Martin. Awesome.
The Curfew, Jesse Ball. Good, not my favorite of his, but checking out.
Kingdom of Fear, Hunter S. Thompson.
Long Way Back from the River Kwai, Loet Velmans. Interesting WWII POW autobiography.
Last book was "An Everlasting Meal" by Tamar Adler. Awesome book for anyone trying to figure out how to cook all these vegetables. Has some danger zones filled with amazing sounding bread though, but a thankfully brief dessert section.
Laurel and I have incorporated it into our weeks cooking to great result. Has made making enormous quantities of veg more possible, so now we can throw together a meal with 3 or 4 vegetables in minutes during the week.
Also had two fantastic realizations this weekend regarding cooking and economy (both money and time).
First with the coop produce list that is posted daily you can plan on what you are going to eat based on what is available and cheep. So this weekend I went through the list online before going in and selected vegetables that were $2 a pound or less, and filled an entire shopping cart with vegetables and still walked out for under $70! All with plans in mind for the big Saturday morning cook down (yes I do shop at the coop late on Friday nights, lame). And the correlate is that we are eating only seasonally appropriate vegetables.
Second, for all those who have a stand mixer that is gathering dust now that paleo has become the law of the kitchen I have found an amazing new use. Using the 'cookie' attachment to pull pork. I pulled 14lbs of pork in less than 10 minutes on Saturday (see link below for howto).
Just finished:
The Big Short by Michael Lewis – great read. He's such an engaging writer
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho – I know this book is "a thing" and I kind of get that, but it didn't blow my mind. One passage in it really shifted my understanding of something personal, but otherwise I found the messages pretty common, though nice reminders I suppose.
Now reading:
The Purposeful Primitive by Marty Gallagher – weightlifting essays
Behind the Beautiful Forevers by Katherine Boo – nonfiction about a slum outside Mumbai
Moneyball by Michael Lewis – not as (personally) compelling as Big Short, but still fun
Broken foot = lots of free time
I highly recommend Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow. It is definitely not directly related, and yet there are so many interesting points about our unthinking brain that are relevant to motivation. Priming might be my favorite example, where subconscious cues like a smile or gender expectations can have a large effect on performance.
@David, I *knew* you had just read Switch, all that reference to bright spots…great book. Is the MI stuff that whole, "What one thing would be different?" section in "Switch"?
I read slowly now that I have a toddler. Currently halfway through "An Everlasting Meal," definitely book club-able. Also just opened Loren Cordain's new book which I got as a gift (signed!) for participating in a survey about auto-immune disorders & the paleo diet a couple of years ago. Also reading some books for work, "Impact Investing" and "From Walden to Wall Street."
@ Margie,
When I am reading him, it concerns me how good Michael Lewis is as a writer. I think his prose probably convinces me he is more correct than he actually is about a number of things, but he just so effortlessly goes from anecdote to data. I loved the Big Short, probably moreso than Moneyball.
My post didn't show. Womp.
The Big Short was good, engaging and a quick read.
Currently Reading:
– 1Q84 (love Murakami, but this book is LONG)
– The Road (McCarthy, extremely depressing)
Recent Past Reads:
– The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet (Mitchell), very good; great character and scenic development. If anyone reads a lot of Murakami I recommend this purely for engaging with historic japan from the side of the Dutch rather than from the view of the Japanese.
– Gang Leader for a Day (Venkatesh), if you have read or listen to freakonomics than this is a definite to read. Really interesting take on the socio-economic existence of low-income projects and gang life.
I like to read.
The Bear looks fun. Cannot wait to get back to the gym tonight.
No one wants to hear about the technical book I've been reading recently. The title is so long and detailed it sounds like I made it up just to lord my arcane knowledge over people. Also it's so dense that I've been reading it for a few months, just slowly making my way through.
The last non-technical book I read was (I think) The Pentagon's New Map (Barnett) — which kicks serious ass, but may ruffle your feathers a bit if you're as much of a NYC urbanite yuppie liberal as I am. Got me thinking about global policy from a totally new angle, though. Highly recommended.
The Bear:
Attempt 1: 55#
Attempt 2: 65#
Attempt 3: 70#, fail at 3
Attempt 4: 70#, fail at 6
Attempt 5: 70# success!
Now that it's over, I enjoyed The Bear more than I thought I would. Thanks to everyone in the 7am class for all the support! That last push press was a product of your encouragement.
Just finished:
In the Garden of Beasts (Erik Larson, author of Devil in the White City). It's about the family of the American Ambassador living in Germany during the rise of the Third Reich. Would definitely recommend. Especially if you liked his other book.
big props to CFSBK'er Ariel, who pointed me toward this lamb sirloin cut, which i'd never made before. i'll be sad when it gets too warm to make roasts!
@David, I know; I was just going through $#!+ CrossFitters say……….
ちモれ匕 下尺 ◯ 爪 爪ㄚ 匚モㄥㄥㄗ卄 ◯ れモ, モ卄…
Mig- where's the love? Someone cooked that lamb sirloin perfectly!
David: stop trying to manipulate me into doing what's good for me! 😉
Switch has been on my list for awhile. I really enjoyed their first(?) book Made to Stick. Both those other books sound fascinating….
Just curious, at what weight is Bear Rx-ed?
Hey Co-op folks!
Random product discovery: Taste of Ethiopia Gomen (collard greens)
It's in the refrigerated section in the back that has hummus, fresh salsa, soup, etc. The one with mostly vegetarian fare. Anyway, for prepackaged food, it's really good and apparently it's one dude who sources his ingredients locally if possible.
Good option if you need a quick veggie addition to your meal.
Rob – there is no RX weight for The Bear. The point is to get to the heaviest load you can successfully complete.
When I woke up at 5:30 AM (for the 6 AM class), this looked pretty manageable. I actually remember thinking, "I thought this was Crush Week." Famous last words…
Brutal, brutal, brutal — couldn't breath
Do any of the coaches know what's going on with the Fight Gone Bad issue happening right now between Sportsgrant and CrossFit?
I've heard that Sportsgrant is suing CrossFit for the event "FGB" to raise money for and now CrossFit is taking legal action as well. Just wondering if anyone has heard anything since CFSBK is typically one of the bigger fundraisers in the event and there are talks of the events being changed around including where the profits are being given to…
…Last book was "The Fool's Progress" by Edward Abbey, by far my favorite author and favorite book, This was my 3rd time reading it and just as good as the first 2 times.
Asta…The Road really put me in a downer after reading that.
I'm also skipping my most current read of "Breakfast of Champions" by Vonnegut which I seem to have a love-hate relationship with.
The Bear:
Attempt 1: 53
Attempt 2: 68
Attempt 3: 63
Attempt 4: 68 (MAX)
Attempt 5: 73 (Failed on 4th round. Backsquat/Press)
I wish I had really listened to Josh when he said to go up by more than you think you should and not take tiny jumps in weight. I know I could have finished the 73# set had I done it on my 3rd attempt rather than my 5th. But, this was my first time doing this WOD and I did much better than I was expecting so… next time. I think I had planned to get no higher than 65# on it so I'm very happy with 68 being my max. Anyway FANTASTIC WOD. Maybe one of my favorites. Ever.
Also, really enjoyed working with Ariel today. She is a wonderfully encouraging WOD partner!
I'm not really a reader (of fiction) so I always hate when these book questions come up. MEHH….
Oops* I f'd those number up….
Attempt 1: 43
Attempt 2: 58
@JoelW, I think you nailed it with Michael Lewis. Excellent writer, and I think that I may have read all of his books. I'm nauseatingly familiar with the subject matter in the Big Short, and, in my opinion, he kind of misses the single biggest factor. I think it's such a big miss that it does more harm than good.
That's not a rebuke of him as an author, he's very good, and I don't think it was nefarious in any way, I just think that it's important to consider what Janet Tavakoli says about him:
"I was in the Salomon Brothers' 1985 training class that Michael Lewis lampooned in his amusing book, Liar's Poker. Imagine my surprise to see him billed as a trader on 60 Minutes, since he was actually a junior salesman. Well-heeled male peacocks strutted the trading floor, and junior salesmen were girlie-men, mere eunuchs serving their pashas."
I don't endorse her ad-hominem attacks, but I suspect that she was right, that he did a couple of trades and grabbed coffee for a couple of years. Hardly makes him an expert on a subject of such gravitas.
Big Short was a Big Miss, happy to discuss the book with anyone, offline. He literally misses the biggest point. Might not be so obvious to the outside reader. I am a big fan of his books, all the same, they are great.
fun wod. Almost made it to the 315 I aspired for, but in the end had to settle for the 115… Alas…………..
But hey, "I'm still the King!"
Thanks @ David and the rest of the box for helping me get my 115. I look forward to my next exposure.
Grr..my post just got eaten. 7am meeting with "The Bear". Oh man this WOD killed me and I didn't even lift heavy. It was actually fun to do but then afterwards I had to go home and take a nap for like, 2 hours- lol!
Recent reads:
-Let The Great World Spin by Colum McCann. What a great sense of voice. Beautiful and gritty snapshot of NYC in the 70's as told through the eyes of an Irish clergyman, a French tightrope walker, a Puerto Rican prostitute and a middle-aged Black woman who was part of the Civil Rights Movement.
-The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf. Got this for the Paleo challenge. Good info but such corny writing style!
-One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey. Just read this for my book club. Loved it.
Alright alright. I just surfed for 3 hrs in rincon. Didnt realize that surfing was THAT big down here. Tomorrow there are supposed to be 20ft waves, which i wont go anywhere near.
I stood up on like 2 waves out of like 50 attempts then set up my rings and did some skin the cat and lever work with some pull ups and muscle ups. Great scene down here.
Fun a href="http://instagr.am/p/G9a-aeo6Jd/">Beach Work.
Alright alright. I just surfed for 3 hrs in rincon. Didnt realize that surfing was THAT big down here. Tomorrow there are supposed to be 20ft waves, which i wont go anywhere near.
I stood up on like 2 waves out of like 50 attempts then set up my rings and did some skin the cat and lever work with some pull ups and muscle ups. Great scene down here.
Fun Beach Work.
Today's Bear was difficult, scary (you will see) and fun. THe rest of my day went considerably down hill after I left.
I went through the whole set of 7X with 75 pounds first.
I then counted out Dave as he did his whole set of 7 with 135# on the bar. "F–K ME that's hard" – Dave
I put 85 on the bar… got to the 6th pas into it and I must of did the front squat perfect because I shot up so much the bar flew out of my grip into the air high above my extended arms and bounced behind me. ((sorry about that)) nobody was near it thank god. It also threw off my focus the rest of the time doing this as it was crowded around me.
I buckled down and completed the 7 unbroken with 85 pounds. After about 5 minutes I tried 90 only got to my 4th and just put it down I was spent.
Work has been a living hell all day. I almost wish I could go back and blow off more steam tonight.
Books I have read in the past month and 1/2
the first 4 books of game of thrones
I am 20 pages shy of finishing belly of Paris and about 1/4 into 1Q84
I read a lot since I don't really watch TV. Other books I have read in the past 3 months include
And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks
Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001
Books I have on deck
the 5th game of thrones book,
Steve Jobs Bio
Paul Rand: From Lascaux to Brooklyn
I like each for their own reason I guess ask me directly about what you like and I can try to give you some recommendations, sorry I am not doing the book club too many books in my queue.
Sad to be missing The Bear, but my body needs to rest.
@David: Motivational interviewing has completely been taught in my nursing classes, it's super critical to trying to help people achieve healthier lifestyle changes. I think I need to bolster my knowledge on this to be a successful clinician…
@Asta: I'm halfway through 1Q84! Intense book, very much like Murakami's other works.
When I'm not reading for school right now I also have been flipping through:
Medium Raw – Anthony Bourdain
Madhouse: A tragic tale of megalomania and modern medicine – Andrew Skull
@Keith, I enjoyed the Steve Jobs bio very much. Yes, he had his flaws, but he was a brilliant, and *intense*, guy who is just fascinating to read about. If you haven't actually bought yours yet, you're welcome to borrow.
– The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet – so far so good!
On Deck:
New York for Sale: Community Planning Confronts Global Real Estate – about community planning in NYC, um, clearly.
– Look At Me by Jennifer Egan – really good. Also fun to read for technique; she is so good at seamlessly switching points of view. Ending was disappointing, but it didn't really detract from the book
– The Aesthetics of Equity, by Craig Wilkins (former prof of mine). Interesting look at the systematic underrepresentation of minorities and minority viewpoints in architecture (both the discipline and the product)
– The Clue of the Linoleum Lederhosen, by MT Anderson, because this whole Pals in Peril series is awesome even though ostensibly middle-grade. Not really middle-grade. Totally for adults.
– Dies the Fire, that crazy-pants book Noah was talking about a while back, which was a joke Xmas gift from Jon, and was, in addition to being completely crazy-pants, poorly thought out, really poorly written, and pretty damn racist & mysoginistic. Unpleasant read; actually threw it out in the middle.
– IQ84. Disappointing. I was all excited for it to meet the standard he set with Wind-Up Bird, and ended up totally let down. Won't say more since many people are reading it.
– Reamde, by Neal Stephenson – also disappointing. No big ideas, flat characters, felt like a first draft of something he had to write as the price for writing Anathem.
Just finalized the after-party for Saturday. The fight(s) are at Gleason's starting at 6pm. After-party will be whenever Paul is done fighting, at reBar. It's just a couple of blocks away and has good food and drinks. http://rebarnyc.com/
Please everyone come out and cheer for Paul! How often do you get to watch live boxing? It's going to be great.
press (ss with chins)
135×3, 155×3, 170×8
dips (ss with chins)
db bench
80s 10,10, 8
sit ups
watching you guys do the bear tonight, made me long for group classes. I just might have to come back soon.
@Sarah- We're in! I've never been to Gleason's and love to watch boxing!
Oh this WOD looks sweet. IDK when I can come in next though. 🙁
Hey David,
I'll be checking out those three books you recommended; I'd like to find ways to motivate my patients to make changes for their lives, Gw…
On another note, anyway we could get a headsup on the Wed. WOD, cause everyone who shows up on Tuesday, gets too know – and I don't wanna' have to wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My first post on the blog, wooo!!
I LOVE THE BEAR!! Definitely one of my favorite WODS since joining. I maxed out at 95# (65/80/90/95/90), which was a bit disappointing, as I was hoping to hit 105. I had to cool down on my last attempt as I felt my wrists would give out at any moment. I think that I could have hit 105 if I had scaled higher from the beginning, maybe 75/90/100/105. The weight wasn't the problem as much as me thinking my arms wouldn't fatigue, and I could hit my max set on the last attempt. Oh well, lesson learned.
I'm happy to say I've recently rediscovered my love of reading, although I am sort of embarrassed to admit that it started when I bought a Nook. It's just so nice to have a near-weightless pocket-sized object that holds all of my books as opposed to having to carry around different sized books & physically go to the book store to get them when I'm done. Oh well, convenience is in. I've always been fascinated by the military & military history & have recently read a number of very good books on more modern conflicts:
-None Braver: U.S. Air Force Pararescuemen in the War on Terrorism by Michael Hirsh
-The Warrior Elite: The Forging of SEAL Class 228 by Dick Couch
-We Were One: Shoulder to Shoulder with the Marines Who Took Fallujah by Patrick K. O'Donnell
-Lions of Kandahar: How the Special Forces and Their Afghan Allies Saved Southern Afghanistan by Kevin Maurer & Rusty Bradley
I've also just started Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore which I've heard great things about so I'm excited to get deeper into it & see if it lives up to the hype.
The Bear:
Attempt 1: 75#
Attempt 2: 95#
Attempt 3: 115#
Attempt 4: 125#
Attempt 5: 135# FAIL
I was pretty happy with 125# but I just plain gave up on 135# – I don't know if I would have been able to finish the complex but I definitely had more in me, so it feels like a bit of a wasted night. Oh well – I'll be more focused on the next one.
The last book I read was "The Bonfire of the Vanities", which I can't recommend highly enough, especially for anyone living in New York. In some ways, it's a portrait of a city (NY in the late 1980's) that is almost unrecognizable from the one we live in, but in other ways, it resonates quite strongly (and Wolfe's ear for accents is uncanny). Plus, the writing is ridiculously engaging – when the protagonist was under duress, I would actually get stressed out myself.
105 on the Bear….I thought I was going light to save the shoulder but it was still an ass kicker.
Tried posting twice from the airport, but my phone was not having it. Sorry if it triple posts…
The Hunger Games!