95%x1x3 (no rep out)
Post loads to comments
Compare to 2.4.12 and 1.20.12
3 Rounds for time of:
35 KB Swings 24/16kg
25 Sit Ups
15 Push Ups
Post RX and time to comments.
True to his word, Jim R takes a pie to the face from a lost bet to DH3
Congratulations to Mike B and Janelle R on their recent enagement!
Have you registered for the CF Games Open yet? You can register right here. Go Team SBK!
What Now? Upcoming Programming
Thus marks the end of our first two waves of the Wendler 5/3/1! Starting tomorrow we’ll be doing a 3 WOD Crush week (Sunday, Monday, Wednesday) followed by a 4 WOD Back Off Week (Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday). This back-off week will have an Olympic lifting focus. Then we will hop back right back into the next wave of the Wendler. Onward and upward we go!
Update from Lana Z.: We Made It!
Lana Writes:
3 days ago, I was getting ready to lose hope on the project, we had less than 60 hours left to hit our goal – which was $2500 away at the time. I was feeling pretty grim and hopeless. But instead of curling up in my bed and crying which, I’ll admit, I kinda wanted to do…. Kristen and I grabbed our notebooks and went begging door to door for donations from the local businesses in the area. We wrote 7 thousand emails to friends and family members and sent the information to as many blogs as possible in hopes that somehow we could make it work.
Let me just say, WOW, what a tremendously supportive community we have here in Brooklyn! Our neighbors shared our project and threw in their last minute donations, which added up quickly. The local business owners dove right in – excited to help in any way possible – even those that weren’t able to help financially offered me lunch, donuts, coffee, or the option to have them cater our events throughout the summer. The project was published in lots of blogs including the Huffington Post! Our friends and families gave what they could, and the members of my Lana’s gym (CrossFit South Brooklyn) contributed almost a thousand dollars collectively! (talk about an amazingly supportive fitness community).
After all this, here we are! OVER our goal! What an amazing couple of days it has been!
Seriously, thank you all SO much! We have a lot to do now 🙂
LaLanne Fitness Plans for the Open CrossFit
What Can You Do to Avoid Monsanto’s New, Deadlier Nuerotoxic Sweetner? Very Little Daily Kos
The video cut off, but Jim's Response to "How do you Feel?" was, "Go Birds".
I can't remember the last time I saw someone get pied. So awesome.
JR, as I leave for Puerto Rico all I can say is you are a man of honor. I will give you a chance at some point to win back that bet.
after the pie'ing, we all stood around and said how much we wanted to be eating the pie.
Also, woohoo! A WOD I can do Rx'ed! (I'm sure I will be a slow poke, but whatever.) Can't wait.
Deads (last night)
All felt good. I remember the first time I pulled 4 plates and what a struggle (and surprise) it was. Feels good to know I can now pick that up anytime I want.
Wasn't feeling any 'go' so I did the WOD as a NFT with GHD sit ups.
Looking forward to my Saturday coaching cameo!
I wasn't thinking that I wanted to be eating any pie. Nope. I was thinking that Jimmy had just successfully martyred himself to the Philly sports fan base…
re-did day one of new wendler cycle. I only got 285×7 last week, and found it to be unacceptable. I managed to get 10 today, and that was my main goal. chins were fine, bench was 2 reps off but I was gassed and that's ok, I'm generally good there.
Prowler in the rain is terrible. I would have thought that it would be easier, for some reason, it felt much, much, much harder. (TWSS.)
@gabrus, I had some sugar last night.
fun wod. 9:10 @ 20 kg.
The KB swings made me realize I've been missing box jumps, wall balls, and HSPUs, though. Haven't done those movements in a while……………
I know, i know – nobody misses those!
Deads: 150, 170, 190. Nice to do a different rep scheme than the Monday morning usual (which I have been failing at of late!).
WOD 8:45 with 12kg bell and switched to knee pushups starting in the second round. Glad I didn't actually do this Rx — I think I could have, but it would have taken me about 9 hours instead of just under 9 minutes. Harder than it sounds!
Dead Squats (below parallel)
390×1 (PR)
Deficit Pulls (off 2 DC blocks)
First time like I have felt drive off the floor in a while
Bodyweight x 30
BW x 50
First set felt like a working warm-up. Last one took some grinding.
Deads: 160, 165, 170 x3. This is fast becoming my favorite lift.
WOD: 7:30 with 16kg unbroken until the last pushups. Felt really strong and fast. Thanks, Joy, for the encouragement and the reminder to pop my hips. This WOD was mental. 35 swings is A LOT.
@Shree – I love all those moves. KB swings really knock the wind out of me but the most amazing thing is that I'm ready to move up to the 20kg bell for lower volume.
8am with coach margie
(135×5 225×5)
275×5 300×5 320x1x3
8:49 rx'd
I was thinking about eating the pie..
Alex, aka Rocket, is such a sweet little boy… happy to meet him today:)
Active Recovery as usual at 11 – fun to watch a certain fellow strength cycler take their first-ever AR. Good stuff, right?
I had a great time deadlifting with Josh today, before doing my semi-timed sort of WOD.
I don't remember the last time deads felt so good. Today I went back to flat footted, rather than with shoes. I am not going back. Shoes for squats, press, and O-lifts, flat for DL. I was also informed by Margie that it's time to start doing rack pulls, and when she speaks, I listen, so rack pulls here I come. Goodbye for now deadlifts.
Great to be back in the gym on a Saturday –
300 x 5
340 x 3
Wasn't feeling it today so I stayed at 340 for the singles
7:03 with hand release push-ups @ 24kg
@Corbett, I have a feeling we have to be careful what we ask for – especially with hell week coming up………………………
Work out this Morning:
135 x 10
225 x 8
315 x 6
405 x 5
455 x 3
495 1×3
WOD 8:45 Rx
Swings took a lot out of me…but felt good.
Can't wait for Crush Week
Deads felt really good.
20kg, 9:42 (I think, might have been 9:47). It was all good until the third round. Still, better than I had hoped for after being sick last week.
My crush WOD tomorrow will be eating home-made chinese food with the in-laws. You haven't had food pushed on you until you've had a Chinese mother-in-law push food on you. I need to start a Wendler cycle for eating duck or something to make a good showing.
280 x 5
Wod at 1.5 pood 7:41
Best part of my day was when Nick played "I wanna dance with somebody" during the 12am class. I'm placing a vote for more old school pop music in the gym! (Yup, the 80's is old school, get over it.) #Whitneywouldhavebeenabadasscrossfitter