*If you made all your reps plus some extra on the rep outs last cycle add 2.5-5 lbs to your press training max.
Post load and rep out to comments.
Compare to 1.5.12
5 Rounds for time of:
10 1 Arm DB Clean and Push Press/arm
30 DB Swings
*Use the same DB for both movements.
Post load and RX to comments.
Dave P. Jerks 150kg (330lbs) for a Double
Congratulations to SBK Friend Jacinto Bonilla!
Jacinto B. took first place in the 60+ years-old category at the Northeast Masters Tournament hosted by CrossFit Norwalk. For a full rundown of the WODs check out the results page here!
Help Lana Z. Raise Money for her latest Design Project and A Great Cause
Here’s a letter we got from CFSBK and creator of Brooklyn Paleo about her upcoming project “Art Not Arrests”:
“I’m writing to ask that each of you consider donating toward my latest design project, if you are able. After a series of shootings in my neighborhood last summer, my friend and I were inspired to do a design project that would help raise awareness for ways to help stop gun violence in Brooklyn. This is what we came up with!
Please give it a read over and watch our adorable video to learn more! If you can spare some cash we would greatly greatly greatly appreciate it. There are wonderful rewards to be had!! Including super bad ass hoodies. I know how you guys like hoodies!
P.S. I am willing to do burpees for donations made my CFSBK people… if that’s what inspires you.”
The Five Stages of Food Grief Whole 9
Scientists Look at the Dangers of High Heels NY Times
Excellent link from this "samir chopra" person.
Since August 13th, 2010 I have done 6,878 squat reps (1,446 sets) and I couldn't quite put it into words– thanks. Excellent essay dude.
RE: BBQ down the street. When we had the brisket it was definitely neither dry nor salty– it was a little underdone (could have been more tender) but very tasty. The ribs were the best of the 3 meats we tried, but I liked all three. The collards were awesome.
As with any new place there will definitely be some growing pains over there. I would consider it 'beta' but well worth the gamble.
Bina says, "The atmosphere, price and people there were great. Pretty easy to eat paleo and it has a full bar. (Ed. note– like she ever would order a drink) The biggest problem will be seating since there is so little of it. Definitely a go-to local place for after the gym."
I guess we shouldn't be telling our friends, but we want it to stick around.
Finally, Michele posted this link yesterday, but I have to double-down.
Chris Kressler shows us why he rules the paleo inter-webs with another excellent podcast:
That's a hell of a double. Great stuff!
not sure if this was posted before, but here's another 'young girl breaking weightlifting records' story http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_t3#/video/us/2012/01/25/dnt-teen-girl-weightlifting-champ.kusa
Jesus Christ, Slate:
Thanks so much for sharing the kickstarter stuff guys!! It really means a lot to me ๐ Time to start making the burpie video in thanks for the Fox's donation ๐ You guys rock!
Call me anal, but he's Chris Kresser, not Kressler or Kessler or whatever.
Sorry, I have a thing about names. ๐
Oh and lovely write up Samir!
big dave, whoa.
jesus, i've been spelling his name wrong for like 6 months (and it's in the URL!). Thanks Margie. I'll call you anel.
I like how Dave can gently lower 330 thus not breaking his collar bone– nice lifts man!
Here are my 20 burpies…. Thanks guys.
anybody squatting tomorrow at open gym? I'm doing squats and presses if anybody wants to push each other
JR– I am squatting and benching tomorrow. I hope to be in by about 6pm and was planning on getting inside one of the Rogue racks. Would love to work out with you…
@rob that's done.
Nice write-up, ineed, Samir. I wish I had read that before I got under the bar yesterday. Hmmm.
$20 more coming at ya Lana. Great project. I'll pass it around.
I used to hate cleans. Those are def. feeling better. Why, oh why do presses have to suck so bad?
@MGMT: Thanks for posting the link to my blog. Much appreciated. And thanks, folks, for the kind words.
I've posted before on my Crossfit experience on my blog and will continue to do so – so please keep checking on in (better still, subscribe to the RSS feed!).
Thanks Corbett!!!! YOU ROCK! …and your burpee video will be up shortly ๐
Also, excellent writing Samir, I love the intensity of squat day too.
@Michele–that link you posted yesterday to Robb Wolf's podcast had a tiny discussion @ the end of downhill skiing training but nothing that I could find referencing long-distance training specifically. Was that the right one? Am I missing something?
@Charlotte – it's at the end of this bit in episode 116:
[40:46] Phytic Acid and Iron Overload
Dollar per burpee? (just curious)
Yep! (I haven't been challenged past $20 but I think I will need to break them up if you donate more than $50 haha)
Corbett, you're Thank You video is now on YouTube!
If I start feeling like the Hail to the Queen competition is being sacrificed, I reserve the right to postpone the burpees until after Saturday.
…jesus I can not spell today (haha, or ever)
JR your 50 burpees will be done in a minute… I'm mentally preparing for them.
Samir, I loved this sentence, "In the squat, the barbell threatens to crush, to drive down, to oppress." In that sense I find it easier to "get up" for a squat than I do for a deadlift. With the deadlift, I feel like my opponent is internal, but with the squat I actually have an opponent.
Lana – you're in for trouble…
Joel: Thanks. That is very good insight coming from someone with awesome squat numbers!
thanks Lana. you looked great. full disclosure requires me to say that I too am working on a project that will be crowd sourced in a few weeks – hence the hours in front of a computer and the crappy mobility in my hips.
i reckon i need to start training now. but maybe not for burpees.
i agree with fox. i think you're in for trouble. : )
I woke up this morning from the following dream:
Setting: Group class on a random beach
Coach: Fox
Gear: Pogo stilts, mountain bike, and a buffet of food
WOD: With the pogo stilits attached to each leg, hop on them in the water, while holding the mountain bike over your head. For each rep, you are entitled to a plate of food at the buffett.
Who is an expert at interperting dreams?? What does it mean????
Lana – 20 more please!
Lana — 100 more please ๐
tee hee.
I know I'm in trouble… I realized it when I got back from doing JR's 50, and had another two donations in my inbox ๐ You guys are rocking my world! (and killing my quads)
Corbett, good luck and god's speed… I think you should do box jumps ๐
JR your video is uploading, I'll email it to you when it's finished!
P.S. (while I was writing this post, I got another donation) SAMEER NO!!!!!!!! How could you do that to me?! I mean…. thank you :
Box jumps on the baby box. Maybe.
Here's JR's Video – 50 BURPEES FOR $50!
Sameer, I think I need to push your reward off until after the Hail to the Queen Competition, it will kill me.
Magie and David however… it's on!
I can't seem to get to the link to post it here, but I highly recommend you check out the NY Times vid on the homepage called "Bout Time: Claressa Shields" featuring a 16 year old girl who's an Olympic hopeful for boxing. Great mini-bio.
Lana: 65 more please. Feel free to postpone them until next week when you've recovered from Hail to the Queen and all the other burpees you're doing!
Alright Lana, 35 more burpees, I suck at them so I'll do em with you.
My last post didn't go through, I think because of links but..
There are lots more videos up on my youtube channel now – Including one in which my DOG does a burpee for Margie!! That's right, DOG FIT!
I am about to do Dave's Thank You video, then I am calling it a quits for burpees today, I've fallen behind and need to go do real like stuff that isn't burpees. BUT FEAR NOT! I will do them ALL and you will get your embarrassing personalized thank you video ๐
Until then though — Sameer, Joy & Dan H! THANKSSSS!!!!
Also, I'm having a really hard time emotionally with this… I am like YES DONATIONS!! and then UGH ON NO!!!! every time I get an email about them… it's very confusing!
if you think dave byrd is king ONLY of the platform, think again. he is also paleo taco master.
Safety Bar Squat
Happy with the weight selection, weren't thr hard to stand up but needed to fight to keep the chest up
210×1 PR
215×1 PR
Planned on chasing a new PR at 210, went up so easy I went for 215. That one was a fight. Very happy with a 10lb PR. Rep out got ugly at the end, but I had decided at the seventh rep that I was getting 10
Pendalay Rows
Gripper work at home
Good workout
@David Fung -I think the dream means your muscles are sore and you're hungry.
I do apologize for the serial posts, but the site where I usually log my lifts is downs I need to put them here for the moment.
strength cycle B, volume day
I am supposed to do vol on Fridays so that I have enough recovery after Tuesday intensity.
but today, a bitch neeeeded to squat. so against my better judgement, I came in.
bad idea.
no dice. after a heavy x5 Tues, I was not recovered. At all.
Jeremy had me drop back to a warm up weight to at least get my body moving. so 95x3x5,
heavy, son. just short of my all-time 3-RM.
supposed to be 80x3x3, failed on the second set. we will try again tomorrow.
Bails and I agreed to do our gripper work at home.
Funky shoulder has me pressing light. I think it went something like:
45×5, 65×5, 95×3(ouch, that didn't feel right!), 80×5, 80×5
Acc WOD @30# in 11:44
Congrats Jacinto!! What an animal!
Wendler strict press: 100X5, 115X5 130X8.
wod @ 30# in 10:06
Wendler 5's
press: 65, 70, 77×8 the last one was ugly.
squat: 145, 165, 190×11 a couple of wonky reps in the middle, but Jess' gentle reminder to organize myself helped me finish on a solid note.
dips; 25lbs 5 reps three sets.
145×6 (same as last 5 week, same "felt heavy" as last 5 week)
5 Reps
Rest 30s
No time for WOD, had to run to find out what all this Reebok + CrossFit stuff is about
Press 100×5
Wod at 40# db, 8:57
Struggled to get the 5tth rep at 115–another sign I have to adjust numbers a bit.
This was weird. It wasnt necessarily hard, but it became long and a mental fight to keep slugging through. I maybe could have done it lighter at 25#s