Josh M. and Marcos both think they got the ‘Big Piece of Chicken’
Congratulations to Sarah LR on getting her first four strict Handstand Push-ups!
Fish Oil is Back!
We just got a new shipment of Fish Oil! Get yours next time you’re in the gym!
Coach Noah’s Skill Session: Kipping Pull-up Class This Saturday
Got strict pull-ups? Then it’s time to get the kipping under your belt. Have a kipping pull-up but look more like an MC Hammer on crack(humpty) on the bar than a world-class gymnast?! Join Coach Noah Saturday, January 28th at 1pm for an entire hour dedicated toward mastering the kipping pull-up. The buy-in is 3 Strict Pull-ups for guys and 1 Strict Pull-ups for dolls. Contact Noah at noah(AT) to get in where you fit in.
SBK Ladies Competing at CF Queens’ “Hail to the Queen” Comp this Weekend
Our friends at CrossFit Queens are hosting their second annual “Hail to the Queen” competition. This is a great opportunity for women of all levels to come out and test their prowess against/with other local CrossFit ladies. This competition is 4 events designed to find the fittest woman in all the land. You can check out the event’s promo trailer HERE (See if you can spot the SBKers!). We’re have a kick-ass crew of ladies representing us at this event they are:
Jess F (Check out her Athlete Profile Here!)
Stella Z
Lana Z
Asta F
Sarah LR
Mellisa L
Christine D
Ellie JM
Marian L
Katie Mo
Kate D
We wish all these ladies luck this weekend!
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Good luck ladies! knock 'em dead!
There's 11 of us in total competing so we'll be representing SBK hard! Please add Katie Mohrhauser and Kate Denny to the list!
Great AM classes this morning! Hope you all had as much fun as I did!
WAHHHHH! I finally get my first strict pullup and Noah has a kip class on the same day as Hail to the Queen?
Please tell me the class is going to be offered again soon — I so want to do it!
p.s. Here's Lana's Athlete Profile!
It will be offered again, and soon. Knock em dead in Queens.
First off that picture is freakin' awesome – Second that is a great ladies team we are putting up you guys are going to rock it out!
Excellent 6am class with Lady Fox. Nice work managing us all, ma'am–I believe we were doing 4 different days of workouts between the 6 of us, yowzer.
Me, I did Wednesday's squats. My first time doing the Wendler rep scheme after finding a heavy triple last week (195). The Wendler App says that means my 1RM is 206, so today I did the following:
(45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 110×3)
155×12. Thanks Eric & Jess for the help w/ the rep-out. Fun stuff.
Then, a nifty little power clean WOD: AMRAP in 20" x 8, with 40" rest in between rounds. 115#. 4 reps every round except the first, which was 3. Hard to reset the bar quickly after bailing every rep. Still jumping away from the bar on my cleans.
Good luck this weekend, Queen-type ladies!
In an effort to get back into posting on the blog…
Re: the last three weeks (yesterday’s blog question)
I’ve enjoyed the Wendler cycle (and the programming in general) the past three weeks. I like coming to the gym and sort of knowing what I’m doing but also having that unknown (the rep out). Sometimes I was a little shy about the rep out, so that’s something to work out this cycle. I didn’t consistently make the press exposures this past cycle, so my goal is to make all of those (or make them up at open gym) for the next three weeks. It’s easy for me make up reasons to skip the press because I pretty much hate it, which is all the more reason to go. For the squat, I’m just going to try to stay the course, slow and steady. I think I went a little light on the deadlift, so I might make a bigger jump there.
I'm sure I'll find out tomorrow but…
What are we doing next with Wendler? Is it a reset at more weight (i.e. week 1 plus some #s), or do we keep moving up from week 3, just more gradually?
Hahaha thanks for pointing that our Jess, I didn't even know I had an athlete spotlight! ::blushes::
I'm super excited for the competition!! (also horrified I am just not going to be able to do more than two of the modified handstand push-ups #weakarms…oh well)
As far as our matching SBK team spirit outfits go: SBK shirts and knee socks is what I remember from our meeting, but just because I don't want to be the only one showing up with rainbow striped socks if yall are wearing black… are their color requirements on the socks? Also, are we requiring bootie shorts for SBK ladies? 😉
When I talked to Jess on Sunday she was saying we would get matching socks — but if not, I will wear my brand new rainbow zebra-striped socks with pride. ($2.50 at Target, ladies!)
As for booty shorts…I can't believe I don't own a pair. I need to fix that.
Good luck to all the ladies this weekend… CFSBK is very lucky to have you all representing us!
Coach Noah — What ever happened to the mucle up class?!?!
Re: The Wendler 5/3/1 cycle
If you made all your reps plus some on the rep out sets:
…you will increase your maxes by 10 lbs on the squat and dead, and 5 lbs on the press. This will not change your work weights too much, you will attempt to match or beat the previous weeks rep out volume.
If you hit the required minimum but no extra:
…you will stay at the same maxes and attempt to go above the minimum on the rep out sets
If you missed on the rep out sets:
…Was it a technique fail? Then stay at the same weights and work it out
…Was it just too heavy? (maybe you used maxes that you currently don not own?) Lower your maxes and attempt to go above minimum on the rep out sets
GOOD LUCK to all the badass CFSBK ladies this weekend!! I'll be thinking about you all from sunny Miami.
Speaking of – does anyone have any CF recommendations in Miami? I see there are a ton of affiliates. Thanks for input!
@Steph are you in south beach? if so, Crossfit Miami Beach at 930 Alton rd is the spot. Otherwise I hear crossfit 305 over in actual Miami is good. I know someone who works out at the miami beach one and they love it.
Muscle up class will be offered again as well. I'm using a somewhat unscientific method to determine which classes I hold based upon how many people ask me about it while I'm at the gym. Might have to refine my methodology, but worry not, there will be muscle ups in the near future.
Jess, I would love to talk to you about endurance stuff! (Just read your athlete profile). I am a marathon runner and am currently gearing up for a 1/2 in March and full in May. I want to learn more about this "crossfit endurance" and what that means…
@ Sarah LR – congrats on the HSPU's… any chance you can shake loose that tremendous jalapeno popper recipe? shpetner (at) gmail. Thanks!
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×3
Work: 165×3 195×3 215×5
Warmup: 45×5 95×5
Work: 120×3 135×5 155×13
GHR: 3x 5 Assisted + 1 negative
Press Assistance: 80x10x4 75×10
Deadlift 135x10x5
Chinups: 7, 6
Fat Bar Chinups: 4
Kept it light, still feeling yesterday's rep out
5/3/1 Bench Press (superset with 3×10 chins)
Kroc Row
Gripper work at home
Strength Cycle 3.1
Squat @ 210x5x3
New toys included a TK sleeve for a funky knee and my first time with a belt. Loves da belt – know I get it.
Bench 155x5x2, 155×10
Pretty happy with the rep out @ 10
Assistance work
DB Rows at 45x10x3
DB Press at 30x10X1, 30x8x3
Fun to share BSQ platform with Dave Byrd – loading up his bar should count as extra assistance work.
shit got serious at strength cycle for me tonight. thanks Jeremy for keeping my head in the game.
after the workout, we tooled over to opening day at Park Slope's newest BBQ joint, Fort Reno Provisions. it's on union and fourth, people – and it does not suck!
@JR I will be in South Beach – thanks for the recommendation!