Spend 20 minutes on handstand practice
Spend 10 minutes working on double unders
spend the remainder of class foam rolling and/or stretching
Post handstand progressions/consecutive double unders and reflections to comments.
Please sir, can I have some more!
Teaser Class Moves to 10AM!
Our free weekly Teaser class is now moving to 10AM on Sunday mornings. This is the perfect way to come experience what we do for yourself. If you’re interested in attending this Sunday’s class please RSVP to cfsbkinfo(at)gmail(com).
Active Recovery is at 11am this Weekend
David’s Saturday active recovery class will be held at 11AM this weekend. Come an hour early to mobilize your business!
How are you feeling after the first three weeks of the new cycle? Do you have a strategy/approach for your upcoming rep outs?
Handstand to Forward Roll Progression Gymnastics WOD
Handstand Against the Wall Progressions Part 1 and Part 2 Gymnastics WOD
The Evidence for a Vegan Diet The Atlantic
The Weighting Game Robb Wolf
The paleo challenge has taught me that my oven isn't an exotic piece of equipment only reserved for thanksgiving dinner. I've been baking chicken, vegetables and sweet potatoes oh so quickly and easily the last week. Last night I just put a bunch of chicken thighs and wings with seasoning in there along with another dish full of mixed veggies and bam! 45 minutes later I've got a day's worth of food at a fraction of the cost of eating out.
Hurray Paleo Challenge!
Awwww, you guys! You didn't have to make a whole AR class just because I asked for it in last night's comment 😉
**can't wait!
Read that Atlantic article earlier this week. The article itself is horseshit, but its worth it to read it and then read the commenters totally shred the writer's "argument." Melissa McEwan even chimes in, although she is one of the more restrained ones. Typical Vegan anecdotal crap.
Also, Ggggggggggggggggggggggggggmen.
Super fun class today. I love going upside down. Wish we could do more gymnastics stuff. Hint hint hint…
I read the Atlantic article this morning still bleary-eyed and in bed.
I have a few friends that are vegans and a couple who are raw-food vegans. I'm often appalled by what they eat and have been, on a few occasions, actually grossed out by what they eat. I find it surprising how much processed foods my vegan friends eat. If you aren't eating dairy then why in god's name would you want processed cheese food? Or cook with margarine. Ew.
That said, I find the same tone in a lot of paleo stuff I'm reading. "Eat this way. It's the only way. It's the perfect way."
So, I went back and read what Michael Pollan has to say. Granted I sort of worship the man so I'm biased but this article is worth a read. Or a re-read. It's long…
The pot luck was really fun. Glad to see lots of faces I had not seen before and to actually have good conversations and meet new folks.
I would like to point out in light of the vegan article and the Pollan article that all but one of the most popular foods as evidenced by the awards on Saturday night were meat based. There were lots of veggies at the potluck. Lots of veggies cooked in bacon. Now, I love bacon, and god knows this Southern cook likes to use seasoning meat, but I think the way we eat veg (or don't) as we all experiment with paleo and with eating in general is worth thinking about. There is always talk about how good those brussels sprouts are with bacon, but when do we talk about simpler preparations. And who else eats lots of fish?
Anyone come up with a paleo/primal Tortilla Chip recipe yet?
No I dont want kale chips and I dont want to dip celery and carrots in my guacamole.
I realized this long before, but ithit me again yesterday as I was watching the games–I really love the thin, crunchy, crispy texture of a good tortilla chip. How is that replicable without some type of flour?
I like them all, but the super thin crispy texture of these is my favorite next to good freshly fried restaurant chips
Corbett, I agree with your sentiments. One of the values of eating a paleo based diet is that by eliminating processed food, we have the opportunity to "reset" our palates and actually taste the sweetness in a red pepper or a roasted brussel sprout. There are so many vegetables to enjoy and, of course, a huge range of proteins.
I think there is a natural proclivity to "reclaim" bacon and beef since they are no longer taboo. It's scary to let go of junk food, and so I think it's tempting to try to satisfy that hole by filling it with something perceived as equally indulgent, ie "Yeah I can't eat a cookie, but I can eat sausage everyday of the week!"
But, as we get further down the path of this way of eating, the novelty of all that wears off and the real beauty of the diet takes effect. Then we begin to experience the wonderfulness of simply prepared foods that feature the actual taste of the ingredient, as well as elaborate preparations. That's been my journey, anyway.
Hey all: For all of those football fans or ones that are going to watch the super bowl, and want to root for something, I will be creating a box pool this week.
it will be 5 bucks to purchase a box which will give you the chance to win some bucks.
Also i have no voice after yesterday's GIANTS win. Its on with the New Englanders.
Beautifully written Margie.
Oh also @Shawn, in place of tortilla chips you could try Plantain or Maduro chips. When sliced super thin, and fried, they can get sufficiently crispy! I haven't found anything else that works as well as a tortilla replacement. However, personally, I don't use guacamole as a dip often, I use it as a topping, and have been very happy with that.
Well said, indeed, Margie. One of the things that most impressed me once I started cutting sugar (and I didn't eat all that much before) is that I could really taste the sweetness of grapefruit and all the subtlties of its sourness. When I was a kid, grapefruit was vehicle for sugar.
I think the most important thing to remember is to find the way that's right for each person. I love to eat meat. For me, now that I'm eating more meat, is to find the right balance of how much of what kind of meat I can eat and feel good. Less red, more seafood, and lots and lots of veg. That seems to be what works for me.
Alternative caption for today's picture:
"Who ordered the Paleo Pizza?"
Sorry I couldn't resist
Hey Shawn$ – the closest that I can probably figure out would be buying organic sprouted corn tortillas cutting into chip shape then baking so they're crispy – or however you would want to do it. It definitely falls into the WAP thoughts of traditionally prepared grains but even Sisson is saying that as an occasional treat he would eat grains. Plantains are solid, totally with Lana there, and I've been known to use bacon as a hand to mouth guac vehicle. Jicama cut in 1/4 slices is sturdy and crunchy as hell, as well as tasty. The big health food store off of the 2345 Borough Hall stop carries the tortillas, ask for them FROZEN from the back, don't take off the shelf so you're getting the freshest, as does the food coop.
Note: I have no idea if you are Paleo/Primal or participating in the challenge.. just my thoughts 🙂
My strategy for my rep outs is to beat last weeks volume at the slightly heavier loads.
Shawn – My 2 cents, assuming you are hardline opposed to vegetables and assuming you mean for one freaking day of football, is to have some tortilla chips and be at peace with it. Whatever version someone comes up with is probably going to be an unhealthy indulgence anyway, a la "paleo brownies" or "vegan" chicken nuggets or some other garbage. I'm going to try jicama along with the red pepper and cuke slices. Never thought of that. Thanks, Julie!
About the potluck and vegetables – I tend to eat a ton of roasted, steamed, and raw veggies with minimal accompaniment at home, but I wouldn't bring those to a potluck, because a potluck is sort of about showing off! Not that that necessarily means bacon, but I do think the chance to share food with others makes us all want to try our fanciest recipes. And fish is pretty hard to bring to a potluck, and maybe expensive too – although I really appreciated all the delicious shrimp dishes!
Anyways, I just wanted to note that the stuff you see at the potluck is probably not the best indicator of what people are actually eating at home.
Red pepper! I can't believe how long it's been since I thought to use that as a dip vehicle. (I almost always use baby carrots and zucchini slices.) Red pepper is totally coming to my Super Bowl party.
Agree with Erica, I don't dress up the veggies that much at home, but I definitely wasn't going to bring unadorned salad greens to what is essentially a cooking pageant. (And the salad I made didn't take more than 30 minutes of effort anyway!)
Awesome to see everyone at the Potluck! Regarding tortillas (and chips) I tried to make the coconut flour ones in the Paleo Comfort foods – and agree that the outcome was not fully in line with the indulgence of eating that much coconut flower – Also the quote from our own coach Jeremy comes to mind: The tortilla chip is simply a superior guacamole delivery system.
I am super surprised by how sweet things taste now with the resetting – milk for example (still part of my plan in moderation) tastes crazy sweet and second the notion on the grape fruit, awesomeness now! Also I had not been drinking and indulged in tequila – ya def. makes a difference when you cut it out!
One funny thing so far is when folks say I have lost some weight and think I am going a 'Severe' diet and the disbelief that I am eating lots of really really good food instead – Those perceptions are interesting since I do not really feel deprived (only tortilla chips, movie popcorn and beer – but not everyday stuff).
Looking forward to the work out – have started the road to schedule my surgery for my lamo shoulder so def. have to get it as many as I can ahead of time!
Hey y'all, here's a great way of contributing to the USA Women's Rowing Team, if you're so inclined: buy its "Power and Grace" 2012 calendar. The publishing company is having a sale: 50% off your order of $20 or more. Click on the link below and enter "HOLIDAY11" at checkout. 100% of the proceeds goes to support the USA Women's Rowing team. Here's the link.
Question: When you meet someone, how do you find out if he's a vegan?
Answer: Oh, he'll tell you!!!
(Maybe better told than written?)
hah, good one.
Entertained customers in Vegas yesterday. Two games, one dinner: one bloody Mary, one vodka soda. Two glasses of wine. That's across two effing games and a dinner. In Vegas! 7 hours of sleep! While I am succeeding with this paleo challenge, I am definitely failing at something! It's wrong somewhere! Oh, no cheats on food.
For repouts: a good rack position is key. Hold your breath, get under the bar. Get stable, breathe. I always have a minimum number. Honestly the rest have been for Gabrus. I am not kidding at all. Find something to chase.
The giants. I can't take it.
I disagree with the Robb Wolf article. I've gone around and around on the weighing myself thing. Ultimately, I find the scale very useful and healthy. I'm not saying it doesn't have negative effects, but I think that does not have the much to do with the act of weighing oneself rather than the reasons that one does it.
1. It's measurable. Just like my reps and weights and WOD times are easily measurable, so is the scale. When I think about this in relative proportion, like through this chart from Starting Strength http://www.crossfit.com/cf-journal/WLSTANDARDS.pdf I think it gives me a good idea of other things I'd like to know: my body fat, my relative power output, etc. Calipers and formulas based on various body measurements are difficult and not that accurate, but the scale at the gym stays the same. It's not an answer, it's a useful number.
2. I suppose this plays off of the last point, but it's a quick and dirty guide to me that my nutrition isn't where I want it to be. I have a number in my head that I don't want to hit, and if I do, it's a wake-up call. Of course, that can change, maybe my goals change and I want to put on mass and so there is a number I do want to hit, but I think the scale is good because it can act just as a warning signal.
3. Added weight prevents me from doing things I want to do. Sometimes that requires shedding pounds. A few years ago I weight about 25 more pounds than I do now, and I couldn't run like I wanted to, or do pullups like I wanted to, or play basketball like I wanted to. Of course, it was 35 pounds at another point and I've added back some weight because my goals have changed (and I've had a rough month at work for health and nutirtion), but both of those things are measurable by scale. When I was losing the weight it was important for me to monitor and achieve those goals. I was eating healthy, I was lifting and running (in ways that I perhaps wish had been smarter knowing what I know now), and I was drinking less, but week by week seeing pounds fall off I think was a legitimate and important goal for me. I think it is less important to me now because I'm in a range where I'm trading strength for weight, but that wasn't the case then, and I'd have found it really obnoxious for somebody to tell me to back away from the scale. If somebody said "remember that there are other fitness goals that are important" I'd have said thank you.
Foam Roll, Mobility, DROMS
3 Rounds of:
20 KB Swings
10 KB Lunges each leg
5 KB Snatches, each arm
Back Squat
(45×5, 135×5, 155×5)
175×5, 200×3, 215×1*, 225×5
Added the 215×1 because I thought the 25lb jump would be a shock to my body. 5 Reps felt good. I actually think the first rep feels the worst. Then it's a matter of will. Knees caved a little on the 4th rep but otherwise It was fine. I feel like I could have squeezed out a handful more reps. This being my first wendler, I find myself sort of unfamilar with what a rep out should feel like.
(45×5, 65×5, 75×3)
Easy peasy. Rested 2:00 between sets
4 comments have been rescued from Comment Purgatory!
Sorry Asta, not my intention to give you the finger in that photo.
5/3/1 Squat
Dumbbell Overhead Press
535×5 dynamic
Grip/ab combo 3 rounds
Writer roller 50#
Ab wheel 35 reps
erica nofi gets it.
Shawn, Good corn tortillas quartered and fried in rendered pork fat on your stove top at home. You can do it, it's no biggie. Its gluten free and rich in animal fat but probably not strictly paleo. Don't buy grocery store lard it's garbage. Home made salsa or guac, it's unbeatable. You have to render the fat ahead of time but the reward is you can strain it and keep using it for other yummy stuff for a while.
Fleisher's sells lard too, and I bet theirs is good if you're too impatient to wait for rendered fat from cooking.
This must be the month of my shoulder strength progression or something…
Got 4 legitimate handstand pushups on the 35# plates today. All thanks to Jackie telling me that it's 'all in the legs'. Honestly, when I got my legs going that momentum really carried me up nicely.
Put in 10 min of DU with Margie, was nice putzing around doing competition warmup with Christine&Ellie, finished out class with a 10 minute row and about 10 of foam rolling. Also went to acupuncture before class.
I'm feeling good about this last three weeks re: deadlift and squat. In the next six weeks I want to continue to attack my DU (again faster rope on its way to my house), work on pullups, grip strength, rowing and my deadlift. I really feel like I'm kind of at a awesome point in my training and am excited to see what I can accomplish.
Squat 215x5x3
Press 105 or 100? X5x3
DL 305×5
Chins +15# x5x2. +15#x9
Guys, saw these on the eBay, vintage shoes lifting shoes, not my size but I figure someone has gotta love them.