Paleo Potluck RSVP Deadline is Wednesday January 18th
Coming to the Paleo potluck? On the fence? Well you have until Wednesday, January 18th to let us know if you and any guests are coming as well as what dish you’re bringing. Remember the more paleo food the merrier. This is sure to be our biggest and best Paleo potluck in CFSBK history. Come in and be a part of it. You can RSVP on the Paleo Potluck event page. See you there!
Hail to the Queen Ladies!
With just about 2 weeks to go until the Queens competition, it’s time to get down to business. Join Jess Fox this Saturday, January 14th at 1pm for a Comp-prep session to go over the movements, standards and scaling options. Also, since we have some first-time competitors, we’ll talk about what to expect and how to plan for the events and the day. If you haven’t already, please RSVP to jessica(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com.
Coach Nick’s Rowing Workshop is This Sunday!
This second workshop will meet Sunday, January 15th at 1:30pm and focus on the drive. Then you’ll tie up your new-found skills with a neat little bow called a “2000m Erg Test.” That’s right! Fun for the whole family. Be sure to take it easy the day before, skip Sunday’s WOD, and eat and sleep well leading up to Sunday.
Also, if you plan to join the CFSBK Rowing Team for CRASH-Bs, register before midnight Sunday (i.e., Saturday night at the latest). Go here to register.
At the end of Sunday’s workshop Nick will distribute and discuss a month-long training regimen for the lead-up to CRASH-Bs. You’ll arrive at CRASH-Bs prepared, confident, and amped!
CRASH-Bs will be held on Sunday, February 19th, in Boston. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email Nick at nick(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com.
NOTE: You do not have to go to CRASH-Bs to participate in Sunday’s rowing workshop.
Come Find What You Lost in the Lost and Found!
Once again we have a bunch of your stuff. While we appreciate the generosity we really think that you should have it. So next time you’re in the gym take a look through the Lost & Found bin by the fridge and retrieve anything you left. Anything unclaimed by January 20th will be given to charity.
Paleo Challengers, what’s been your favorite part of challenge so far?
Minding Your Mitochondria TEDTalks
Different Grips for Benching with Shane Sweatt CrossFit
Perfect Roast Chicken The Crankin’ Kitchen
Why Do Humans Have Chins (No, not for chin-ups) The Smithsonian
It's a toss between sleep and going after Gabrus.
The Rest Day Dinner I went to last week, where Katie Mears introduced me to kumquats and I learned that Michele can cook like a mo-fo.
I want to make that yummy looking pumpkin chili this weekend.
For those of you who have made it…
Did you find fresh pumpkin or canned?
Waking up. Rolling out of bed the moment the alarm goes off at 5am is still tough, but instead of hitting snooze 3 times and then walking around like a zombie for the next 3 hours (or 3 cups of coffee) I feel ready to attack the day by the time my teeth are brushed.
yes, fox, me too! except for the FIVE A.M. part. but generally, waking up rested – loving that.
@corbett: i've never used anything BUT canned pumpkin for that chili. one day i might find the time to try it with fresh, for the sake of science, but the results with canned are so good that i kind of doubt it.
My favorite part has been the conversations. I like the camaraderie that came with the challenge!
Post from yesterday:
After hitting 9 on the repout of press, I looked back at the numbers and realized that the wendler app, had reset all my 1RM's so it based the press off of 150 in stead of 165. Huge difference.
WOD with 2pd KB 4:53. Fun wod.
and that photo is not of me "resting" thats my version of the "Tebow"
I really love the day after deadlifts. Seriously.
I couldn't agree more Dan.
2 questions for our wonderful community:
1. Could someone point me to where the pumpkin chili recipe is posted (This is all laziness as I don't want to go back through every post until I find it)!
2. Does anyone have a good recommendation for a sports medicine (?) doc? My wife is having a problem with her knee (she says it feels like it's not "tracking" properly, causing pain and degrading her workouts) and wants to get it checked out/x-rayed, whatever they need to do.
pumpkin chili
I have made the pumpkin chili with fresh butternut squash. It is not worth the effort.
Gonna be in the gym today at noon for the first time in 2012–WOOT! I've been good about hitting 4-5 workouts/week (my goal for the challenge) but not so much about getting in my 2 lifting sessions b/c of travel the past 2 weeks (Nick's and mine).
My favorite part of the challenge is my new addiction to paleo chair. I can't hold it w/o holding onto something, but I spend 5' a day there and it is making a difference.
Oh, and the rivalry between Jim and Gabrus. Can't wait to see how that plays out.
I don't know how they look in terms of availability, but I HIGHLY recommend Alec and Deb.
I like being 'regular' I am not really hungover in the AM. I dropped 6 lbs already.
but more than anything, I really like the idea of beating JR…Mostly because he is an eagles fan.
Ive decided to give my wendler a rest while I am in LA. If i get to hit the weights I'll just squat/bench/dead. If not, I will run and do bodyweight stuff as much as possible in the two weeks. then just reset my wendler and start with the same 5 week when I get back (with hopefully higher reps)
See you in the finals JR
My favorite part of the challenge is having my midwife tell me about a conversation between her and my OB/GYN (both of them review my detailed food, exercise and blood sugar log weekly) that went something like "I know she's diabetic but she is the healthiest person I've ever seen! I wish I could be that healthy". Ha!!!
Speaking of exercise, I REALLY MISS YOU GUYS!
Charlotte I second your love of the paleo chair. I'm always sneaking one in the kitchen and bathroom at work. I'm also glad someone tried the butternut version of the pumpkin chili, we were going to attempt the same but now won't bother.
Dmak I second the recommendation for Deb and Alec! A knee tracking issue sounds right up their alley…
Bench Press
Working up to a heavy single, shoulders were tired from yesterday's press. 315 was hard. Good to know I can do it a little beat up.
Arm Superset
Lying Tricep Extension
Barbell Curls
Grip/Ab Superset
Plate Pinch
Toes to Bar (strict)
Bench Press
Working up to a heavy single, shoulders tired from yesterday's presses. 315 was hard. Glad to know I can do it a little beat up.
Arm Superset
Lying Tricep Extension
Barbell Curls
Grip/Ab Superset
Plate Pinch
Toes to Bar (strict)
@DMAK: yes, I have a very good knee guy. His name is Friedrich Boettner at the Hospital for Special Surgery on the Upper East Side – he logged some serious time at the Steadman clinic in Vail, and he's a young, athletic guy. 212.774.2127
My favorite thing about the Paleo Challenge (since I am not doing it…) is reading all of the food recipes, etc. Going to make Michele's pork shoulder tonight, with some fresh Rosemary off of the windowsill… Me, for the win!
could someone please explain to me how to tag a link like michele did for the pumpkin chili.
i'm web-challenged unless there is a dashboard.
you have to code it like this exactly:
[a href=""] paleo pumpkin chili, or whatever you want to actually show up in color as the link [/a]
replace both sets of the "[" and "]" with "<" and ">"
Noon class with Shane–great to be back. Having missed the first press exposure just did 3×5:
(45×5, 55×5, 65×5) 75×5, 80×5, 80×5. Pleased with this as my previous 1RM was 107.
WOD: 6:27 as Rx'd. Wrists hurt like hell afterward.
7am class. Did yesterday's Press WOD-push press 32# and KB 12kg. I think my time was 7:16. Not feeling as lethargic since starting Paleo Challenge; thanks coaches for asking!
Thanks for re-posting the link to that elusive Pumpkin Chili recipe! Oh, and I also enjoyed the Minding Your Mitochondria video, too.
Press 80×3, 90×3, 100×7
Push press/ KBswing 30, 20 10 (75#/1pood): 5:04
Annie 7:34
DMak, Marshall Hagins (my neighbor and friend) is a professor of PT at LIU and PT for the Mark Morris Dance Company where he has offices and sees patients. I have seen him for injuries and think he is fantastic.
thanks everyone!!
Assistance Work day
Chins: second-thickest band, 1,1,1,1
Rows: 25 lbs, 3×10
Back extensions: 10, 13, 15
3 rds
1 min KB swings
1 min row
:30 plank
You KNOW it's cold out when I put together a WOD rather than push the prowler outside.
I can't go to Nick's rowing workshop because I will be learning how to build my robot army!
"You have 15 seconds to comply"
Blog worthy video! Crow uses lid as a snow board . So cool, and scary.
Push presses @65#
Kettlebell Swings @ 1.5 pood
finished the first 1/2 in 2:04
finished the whole shebang in 6:21
wrapped up the whole experience by shouting at my shoes
Go Pack!
Best thing about Paleo Challenge? Fulfilling and regular bowel movements. Oh, and the health and comraderie stuff too…
Wow, crazy night at open gym. So many people and so many different things going on– very cool and energizing.
I arrived tired from a long week and some tough workouts, but Friday is my auxiliary/assistance/optional workout before a 2-day rest and since Bina wanted to come in I did as well….
Started with mobility stuff and then got to "work"…
Sitting DB Press: 40x8x3
DB Row: 40x10x3
Ring Rows: 3×8
That was that. i spent way more time socializing than anything really. Great to see so many folks.
The morning workout posts are killing me. What is Saturday’s workout? I must know!