90%x3 (no rep out)
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds for reps of:
1 Minute Wall Ball 20/14
Box Jump 24/20
1 Minute Rest
Post RX and total reps to comments.
Pam O. in a Pretty Perfect Push-up Position
Nick’s Rowing Workshop Tomorrow
Nick’s Workshop covering the mechanics of the drive is tomorrow at 1:30pm. This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to improve their technique especially if you’d like to represent SBK at the 2012 CRASH-B’s in Boston. The workshop will finish with everyone’s favorite a 2000m row! Don’t come in hungover.
If you plan to join the CFSBK Rowing Team for CRASH-Bs, register before midnight Sunday (i.e., Saturday night at the latest). Go here to register.
CRASH-Bs will be held on Sunday, February 19th, in Boston. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email Nick at nick(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com
Paleo Potluck!
We’ve got a ton of people signed up for this year’s Paleo Potluck. We want a ton more. It’s going down on Saturday, January 21st at 6pm.
RSVP to the comments in the events page with your number of guests and the dish you’re bringing no later than Wednesday, January 20th. Join us for an evening of fun, friendship and drunken pistol contests!
The entertainment for the evening will now be provided by Coaches David and Fox who’ll wow you with their ‘Duelling Eukeleles’ act! Fun for the whole family!
Come Get Your Ish!
The lost and found runneth over with your discarded belongings please come retrieve them before they are donated to charity. The bin will be cleared out on January 20th
What’re you looking forward to most this weekend?
Paleo Politics: Or, Return of the Caveman Feminist Wire
The Invisible Woman Hunt.Gather.Love
Look at this strong a*** baby! Youtube
1. Cooking bacon and eggs for my wife and sons.
2. Making a video on EASY pulled pork
3. Foam rolling and stretching myself into oblivion
4. Watching Tim Tebow annoy the masses
5. A packers victory. (discount double check, baby!)
6. Reporting to Gabrus, that as of this morning, I am down SEVEN pounds, from 205 to 198
Sitting on the couch all morning drinking coffee and watching movies.
Had my one allotted cheat day yesterday, so I feel like I need to do the confessional thing. Our annual staff appreciation party this year was a wine and cheese tasting at the Brooklyn Winery (so good), and even though I started the day with the best intentions ("I'm only going to have a couple glasses of wine, and that's it",) we all know how that story really ends. But I'm right back on the wagon this morning, ready willing and able to be my most paleo self for the next 6 weeks. (and beyond?)
JR I weighed 198 freshman year of HS.
I am DOWN to 288, and dropping, well see what two weeks of sprinting in the sun does for me.
ALso, shit talking me, and rooting for the packers? It's personal now.
Lol I love it man. Your g men look good, front. 4 is nasty. Good luck. Money line his bold!
From last night:
Warmup: 45×5 65×5
Work: 90×5 105×5 120×6
Warmup: 135×5 185×5
Work: 195×5 225×5 255×9
Squat Assistance: 95×5 120x10x5
Close Grip Bench: 95×6 105x10x5
Tons of people at open gym. Great to see everyone!
I guess I am looking forward to smelling like Moroccan oil all weekend. Gym bag fail. Hehehe.
Hey are we supposed to get feedback on our paleo challenge submissions? Just curious. Mine was a bit dense, apologies.
I'm most looking forward to Active recovery in 15 minutes and to two of my best friends coming to the teaser class on Sunday! YESSS!
Also, last nights rest day dinner was so much fun. Who knew all you people were so funny?
Hey Billy – you are supposed to get feedback, yes. You are on my list and I am a bit behind. My apologies. Coming at you very soon!
Paid a visit to CrossFit San Francisco, which is right by the Golden Gate Bridge — so pretty!
Warmup: run, atrocious attempts at double-unders.
Then 10 minutes of handstand hold practice. I haven't gotten to do that in a while so that was fun.
WOD: "Reverse Quarter Gone Bad" — 5 rounds, each round :45 per movement followed by :15 rest, no rest between rounds. Burpees, thrusters 45#, and pullups. Score: 105. Boy, was that not fun!
30# Wall Ball
24" Box Jump
Total 96
I am looking forward to watching Osi Umenyora do the 'discount double check' as Aaron Rogers is sacked, for the 4th time, in tomorrow's game.
Monster active recovery today! Thanks Coach O for the dedicated LAX ball rollin time and especially that warm-up ladder of hollow holds/supermans.
I have a VIRTUALLY non-existent hollow position – it's a miracle I can squat over my body weight, to tell you the truth – so I am grateful for the opportunity to work on this.
Two things:
1. Mobility WOD is back after a longish hiatus, and he's only got a few more episodes til the project is over. A somewhat unusual subject matter, too (pelvic floor integrity) so check it out if that interests you.
2. This super cold weather always makes me crave a fairly exotic, delicious winter treat which I have never had the opportunity to make myself – it's out of my wheelhouse, culinarily. Today a friend is spending the day teaching me how to make it! Booyah!
DL 230, 260, 295
Wod: 117 Rx
Wall balls felt easier than ever before. Still stepping off the box at 24" though.
For CSAers who still have the pork shoulder (and who passed on the Paleo challenge), Momofuku's Bo Ssam reciepe was published in a newspaper a few days ago:
Margie, no worries. I actually am a bad typist and was feeling a bit shy about saying that I might have sent it to the wrong email addy. Happens more frequently than it should!
Great 14 Top AR Class today!
I'm way behind on my lifts..
1K Row
3 Rounds of:
10 OHS, 45lbs
10 Supine Ring Rows
10 Push-Ups
5/3/1 Back Squat
(45x5x2, 135×5, 155×5)
165×3, 185×3, 210×8
Thanks to Shane, Fox and Jess for watching my rep out.. I came into it thinking.. "I dunno.. 4-5 reps, feeling kind of weak" and then Shane told me to do 8 so I listened.
(45x5x2, 65×5, 75×2)
Humbling how far low this lift has dropped having spent well over a ¥ear not doing it with any regularity.
Then, for fun,
Single Dumbbell Overhead Squat
Finished off with some windmills and called it a day. Was feeling kinda slow having only had some eggs and greens for breakfast, need to go put some carbs back into my body.
Fun (big) noon class:
DL: 175×3, 200×3, 225×3
WOD: only 86, but Rx'd woo!
I'm lovin' it. The new McDonalds commercial is claiming "quality" in their beef showing cowboys and grass-grazing cows.
So have the judges agreed to three categories for the Paleo Challenge? Men, Women, and the Meathead division for Gabrus and Jim? Obviously they need to be judged head-to-head so we have a winner on this.
And I use Meathead with the maximum amount of affection– you guys are the best and this public-friendly rivalry is fun to watch.
This weekend I'm looking forward to playing some bass, watching some football and hanging some art.
Comp Warmup 2:
-got 2 rounds done.
(95×5, 135×5, 155×3)
175×3, 200×3, 220×3
-kept my regular grip until my last 2 grips. I'm trying to push this until I really need to switch.
152 total rx'd.
-BJ's: 42, 39, 39
-Wallballs: 11, 10, 11
Started with wall balls though which is a huge strength of mine. Calves are already sore though!
Fun to work with the Hail to the Queen ladies! Can't wait for the comp!
Pelvic floor MWOD is great and oh so important!
Nice to lift with Dave today. DL at 115×3,135×3, 150x2xF. Mentally choked on the last rep due to some shoulder issues.
WB/BJ WOD: 6# small wall ball made things super easy. Played conservative on the shoulder. 20" box. Don't have my numbers in front of me.
should proofread!
-started with boxjumps, not wallballs.
-regular grip until last 2 reps…
So fun to be back. Dash decided at 5 months of age (about two months ago) that sleeping was no longer cool, and he wouldn't be doing it any more. So we are about a week into sleep training, and while things are getting better it suuuuucks. But progress is being made, so I figured I'd come in for deadlift extravaganza!
3 across:
275, 275, 275
101 Rx'd
Super fun to see everyone!
Turing 27 on monday though that's not quite this weekend.
OMG the gym is crazytown on weekends. Was too freaked out by the crowds to stick around for active recovery.
@Michele–thanks for the MWOD/pelvic floor tip! Will check it out.
My first exposure to DL, worked off my Titsday max:
155×3, 175×3, 195×3.
Wod: 123 total. Started with wallballs, so box jumps were a joke and half.