Save 1-2 reps in the tank in the rep out, remember that these percentages are based off your training max.
Post load and reps from Rep out to comments.
30-20-10 reps for time of:
Push Press 95/65
KB Swing 53/35
Post Rx and time to comments.
Still Room for Tough Titsday Plus!
TTD Plus is the third iteration of Tough Titsday. This 6 class series is all about lifting heavy and playing hard. Each Saturday, we’ll meet after classes are done and we have the gym all to ourselves. We’ll get our lift on and then break out the fun stuff you’re always eyeing like the prowler, sled, slam ball, sledgehammer, sandbags, ropes and more!
Limited to 6 participants who have some experience with lifting heavy and the desire to be awesome.
Saturdays at 2:00pm, 1.5 hours
1/21; 1/28; 2/4; 2/11; 2/18; 2/25
Register Here
Have You Signed Up for the Paleo Potluck?!
If not you should! Head over to the event page for full details and to RSVP with the number of folks you’re bringing and the dish you’re sharing! This year we’ve got more people signed up for the Paleo Challenge than ever before so this is going to be a rocking good time!
2012 CrossFit Games Schedule CrossFit
Seafood and Sausage Chowder Brooklyn Paleo
Cook A Week of Vegetables in One Afternoon Kitchn
2 Kermits Sing ‘Under Pressure’ Youtube
Margie, thanks for the "Under Pressure" post!
Agreed, those Kermits made my morning. Also, Thanks for posting the chowder recipe. It is a really good one!
Excellent 7am with David this morning. I think my weak ass arms are finally getting stronger!! I did 8 reps at 42# for my rep out. Which is WAY more than I was expecting (mentally and mathematically) Clearly I have grown since the total 🙂
WOD was fun. Did 37# on the push press and 12kg on the kettle bells. Finished in 7:50.
Lastly, is anyone else getting killer headaches in 10am-Noon range since starting the challenge? Maybe killer isn't the right word, it's just like constant pressure in my scull. Is this a paleo related thing? I've been drinking shitloads of water (still doing the 1floz/# body-weight water challenge)… so it's not dehydration. Possibly it's just dry winter air f*ing with my sinuses… but I thought I'd see if this is something others have been experiencing. If so… advise?
i'm getting them. afternoon. i HATE headaches.
squat, bench, chins last night. squats have been a little disappointing, I need to work on a little more mobillity and dial my squat back in. fighting myself on the way down.
10 rounds 5 reps sandbag burpess 1min in between. Felt ok, those are never easy.
grassfed meatballs, a lot of them, and a big ass sweet potato too. I think I unwittingly started eating less carbs as a result of eating cleaner, and that was not my plan. I need fuel. I'm probably not the only one that's made that mistake.
Guys, I just found out I have to go to LA for two weeks for work (possibly more). This is going to be a real challenge to stay paleo…as I will be going out to dinner, ordering lunches, living in a hotel/on couches….this is what I was afraid of…this will be the reason why JR beats me. I am going to fucking go for it, and just do a lot of outdoor exercises. Maybe the tan will help my after photo
Just make sure it's not a beater/farmer tan. 😉
I think you can definitely eat Paleo in LA.
I just got back from San Diego where I stuck to the paleo plan 100%. You'll be fine, you'll only feel like an asshole for a couple minutes, the first time you explain yourself to people 😉
lana, the chowder looks great! i'm going to give that a try sometime soon.
is it possible that any bars in our area will be playing the crossfit games on tv this summer? is it beyond dorky to hope so? yes, yes i want to go to a bar and watch people exercise on tv. we don't have espn…sniff.
What are you talking about? LA is the right spot to be! Sunny, warm weather, everybody is active there. Shimmy yourself into a banana hammock, slap on the rollerblades, and go hit Venice Beach! I'll see you in the winner's circle when you get back. I'm expecting to have a cocktail or two with you at the finale of this. Good luck!
@Gabrus —
1. Make sure it is a beater/farmers tan.
2. Don’t explain yourself at all, just go with the “I’m difficult but more than worth it” air, they’ll eat that up in LA.
I agree with everyone else, LA is a great place to have lots of paleo/clean options available to you. There are a ton of CrossFit's down there, maybe you can email one of them around where you'll be staying and ask for restaurant/grocery recommendations. Perhaps even find a place to lift.
110 X 6
oh totally. I am sure i can find options…its just that I will be working around the clock and doing networking drinks/dinner every night. I am not actually bitching, but this is just the hiccup I was afraid of. I will be buying a handle of sauza, and a shit ton of beef jerky.
I can make it work…watch me.
JR I will use all my money I win on betting the giants money line for the rest of the play offs and for winning the challenge to TREAT you to some cocktails. Tequila based of course
"Rip's Shoes" $65 at Rogue
Made for starting Strength
Made a starter concept for what I am bringing to the Paleo Potluck with the cabbage roles – yummy so far, now just to perfect 🙂
Work out was tough for scaling – thanks to Fox for getting onto me for over thinking defo my issue. Way over thinking my squat too I need to drop more weight and get the balance with my shoulder back and then build out. But overall the first time in a long time since being back I have been that out of breath at the end – a pretty good feeling!
The shoulder is aching pretty good today so going to give it a rest and prep for the Paleo Dinner 2# Hell ya it's Do or Dine in Bed Stuy!
I was almost annoyed because I just spent double that on lifting shoes, but they're out of stock on all sizes above 7.
@Gabrus if you're staying on the east side/Downtown area, I have suggestions for you. West side not so much. Email jdzevin at me.com.
For epic meat (almost certainly not grass fed, tho) three words: Soot Bull Jeep.
Front Squat
Felt alright, just working up to something heavyish
Strong rep out. One of those sets where you check the bar to make sure the weight is right.
Weighted chins (superset with press)
Pendalay Rows
Here's something that's surprising me about the challenge:
I'm taking tomorrow off and heading to San Francisco with my husband for the long weekend. So when I wrote my plan up for the challenge, I specifically said I was going to allow myself one cheat meal, because I wanted to treat my vacation like a vacation and not feel like I couldn't have a local treat if I were dying to try it.
And now that I'm about 18 hours away from actually flying out, I have no desire to cheat! It's partly that I don't want to screw up the momentum that I have going, and partly because, in all my obsessive pre-researching of things to eat in SF (I'm as OCD about restaurants as I am about cooking at home), I haven't found a single off-challenge item that would make me go, "Now THAT is worth running off the rails for." Instead, I'm getting all excited about West Coast oysters, House of Prime Rib, and ribs from Roy's. (Which I realize probably have a little soy in the marinade, but I also decided as part of my plan that I wasn't going to stress about small amounts of fermented soy.) Sourdough bread? Couldn't care less.
I would never have guessed before starting the challenge that I'd have this reaction!
After watching 200 of these 'Shit {insert category of people} Say' videos that have been flying around the internet (slow day at work). I've decided that someone NEEDS to make a CrossFit/Paleo version. You know we have the most advanced secret language of any subculture.
"Did you do Cindy or Mary last Sunday?"
Shit Vegans Say
Because apparently I can't read, I showed up for the noon class today.
Ian L. can't read, either.
David kindly let us stay so I made up my squats from yesterday.
400m row nice and steady at 25s/m cause the erg hates me
18 box jumps
Then I came back at 5 to press.
65×5 75×4 64×4
53# and 1 pood
My reward will be Bogota. If I can lift my arms.
LA is my old hood, three places that it's easy to be paleo:
Food (overland and pico area) http://www.food-la.com/
Forage (Silverlake, it's AMAZING ) http://www.foragela.com/
If you feel fancy, hit up Animal. (http://animalrestaurant.com/) There is usually a wait for a table, but you can saddle up to back bar super easy and sit down to some buffalo pig tails, their house red wine is great.
There are whole foods everywhere. BONUS: Sunday Farmer's market at Ivar and Hollywood.
restaurants for you in SF:
the best German food I've ever had: http://www.suppenkuche.com
awesome: http://nopasf.com/
quick workout due to time constraints
db press 50sx10x3
superset chins in between each set of both
It's also Dine LA Restaurant week coming up: http://discoverlosangeles.com/restaurantweekv2/index.jsp
Press: Reps across x85lbs
WOD: 75lbs push press/52lbs KB Swing
Felt great. Hit 16 consecutive double unders before class- personal best by far.
Cooked and ate a lamb's heart after class for the first time. Delicious.
If you haven't seen this video from TEDx yet, WATCH IT. It's an MD who reversed the effects of her advanced MS condition with a take on the Paleo diet. Fascinating. Vindicating?
Man, presses felt so much better than last week!
45×5, 55×5, 65×5
80×5 (I forgot we were doing 3’s), 90×3, 100×7
Shoulder didn’t freak out at all!
WOD in 6:04 rx. I suspect my form on push presses goes to shit once I get tired.
Awesomely packed in the gym tonight!
140x3x5 sq
80x5x3 bp
75x3x3 cl
tried a strict chin, getting closer to getting it back.
thanks to my FB gym friends for helping me successfully refuse a huge tin of killer chocolate biscuits today. a major victory. like, unprecedented.
WOD Rx'd
Strength Cycle B: Intensity Day
Squat 315×5
The first rep went fast, but rep 4-5 were ugly. Not pretty.
Bench: 195×5
Fine. Shoulder felt good. Matches 5RM PR.
Halting Deadlfits: 265×8
First time doing these. Interesting.
Overall I didn't feel that great today, so I'm just glad I got my reps. Hopefully next week I'll be more together mobility-wise, arrive to class on time and feel stronger.
Today's WOD was definitely a creeper. The volume looks manageable on paper, but once I got under the bar for the push press, it let me know s*!t just got real. Push press was broken down into sets of 3's, Kettlebell swings were unbroken.
7:13 rx'd
Welcome back Marcos.
Stella, Tadich Grill, 255 California Street – place is unreal, and easy to eat paleo w/their menu.
Stella! Oh man.. that's my old hood. You will have such a good time, SF owns me. If you have a chance even for a walkthru, check out Farmer Brown they're all about "supporting local and african-american farmers, using organic, biodynamic, and/or sustainably raised foods, and beverages whenever possible." Everything inside is recycled, the art is fantastic, it's eclectic as hell. Even the bathroom is awesome. And coffee or tea at Sightglass. Also, please eat 1170 Kumamoto's. Oh yumyum. Have a blast and the bestest time ever!
Big classes tonight all around! Glad I was able to jump into the 7pm class.
(33×5, 43×5)
58×3, 65×3, 75×7
-I'm with Dmak on these. They felt sooo much better than last week! I got one more rep out than last week even though it was heavier. weird.
5:08 rx'd.
-all the kb swings were unbroken but i ended up breaking the push press too much. my shoulders just got fried.
i remember seeing that Kermit video for the first time last year – it reminded me of the angst-ridden puppeteer schtick in BEING JOHN MALKOVICH, on the one hand, except for the fact that it was Kermit and therefore totally unimpeachably brilliant and moving. plus it's a great gem of a song.
that post had nothing to do with food, omg.
michele: if it weren't for Abelard and Heloise, who among us would know what "frottage" means?
press 85 5×5, 65lb/16kg 6:45