Herschel and Asta Get Friendly
Happy Belated Birthday, Josh L
CFSBK is proud to be working with Si Se Puede! Women’s Cooperative for our in house cleaning needs. We Can Do It! Inc. is a women-owned, women-run business designed to create living wage jobs that will be carried out in a safe and healthy environment, and that promotes social supports and educational opportunities for its members.
Rest Day Dinner #1
Tonight is the first Rest Day Dinner of the Paleo Challenge hosted by Michele K. This event is filled but luckily there are plenty more dinners coming up. Check out the schedule below to see what’s on tap and if you’d like to host a future event.
- 01/06/12 Rest Day Dinner #1
- 01/13/12 Rest Day Dinner #2
- 01/21/12 CFSBK January Potluck
- 01/27/12 Rest Day Dinner #3
- 02/03/12 Rest Day Dinner #4
- 02/10/11 Rest Day Dinner #5
- 02/17/12 Rest Day Dinner #6
- 02/24/12 Rest Day Dinner #7 (Needs Host)
- 03/10/12 End of Challenge Potluck and Awards Ceremony
If you’re going to tonights event, what do you plan on bringing?
Check out these upcoming Opportunities to increase your stats!
- 01/06/12 Coach Noah’s Double Under Work Shop: 4 Slots Left
- 01/09/12 Strength Cycle C Starts: 2 Slots Left
- 01/10/12 Strength Cycle B Starts: 2 Slots Left
- 01/21/12 Tough Titsday Plus Starts: 6 Slots Left
- 01/22/12 Tough Titsday Novice Starts: SOLD OUT!
Quote for all the Paleo Challengers:
“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self.”
– Aristotle
What was your favorite music of 2011?
Another road WOD, tonight at Crossfit Works in Tucson, AZ. There are a bunch of affiliates here, I can solidly recommend this one. Here's what we did:
400m run
Duck walks, and some other mob. thing I forgot the name of and is too complicated to describe.
Strength work:
BSQ 5×3@65% 1RM (165 for me)
Then we did a standing vertical jump test (22", blech)
3 cleans @65% 1RM (110)
7 burpees
9 vertical jumps to target
I did this in 5:50, somehow getting smoked by this guy who looked like a linebacker. Respect, linebacker guy!
This was a totally different vibe from the last place I dropped in. Super friendly and welcoming. They even played Where Eagles Dare to start off the workout after the coach asked me what would make me feel at home. So if you find yourself in Tucson, this is a great option.
QOD: I wore a groove in my brain in the shape of that Cults album, but I'm sort of tired of it now.
Been kind of nerdy on my music in 2011:
Brooklyn's own Aaron Copland, the Godfather of American classical.
Arturo O'Farrill
Miles Davis
I'm going to tonight's Rest Day Dinner, and am bringing curried Brussels sprouts.
If you're free on 2/3, you should come to mine! Only 5 spots left…and I am making not only chili but also the Bacon Explosion (bacon wrapped in sausage wrapped in bacon).
Dan and I are providing for tonights rest day dinner:
Spicy Carribbean Seafood Stew
Braised cabbage and apples
Stella, incoming email. ๐
Music: The Xx
Asta, that sounds awesome!
Holy cats, my Rest Day Dinner is now full. Can't wait!
So what's the deal with warm-ups? I did Elements at CF NYC long ago, so I never got the dish on CFSBK warmups. When do I do 1/1A/1B/2/Z/7/45.3/pi?
Pressing yesterday was fun, gonna be feeling it all day. ๐
@stella would you mind sharing the brussel sprouts recipe? I heart them in all kinds of ways
Sure! It's really easy (and the dairy version is UH-MA-ZING — I went with the curried ones because they are non-dairy, but if you're doing dairy, you HAVE to try the original recipe!)
Brussels Sprouts, Two Ways (Source: How to Cook Everything, Mark Bittman)
Creamed Brussels Sprouts version
2 T butter
2 shallots, finely chopped
1 bay leaf
1 sprig fresh thyme
1 cup cream or half-and-half (I went whole hog and used cream)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 pound Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved
Freshly ground nutmeg
Heat butter in a medium pot over medium heat. When melted, add shallots and cook until translucent, about 2 minutes. Add bay leaf, thyme, and a generous pinch of salt and pepper. Bring to a bubble and add Brussels sprouts. Cover and cook until sprouts are tender, about 20 minutes. Stir in the nutmeg, taste, and add more salt and pepper as necessary.
Curried Brussels Sprouts Variation (contains no dairy):
Substitute 3 tablespoons neutral oil (I used grapeseed, but coconut would likely work well also) for the butter, 1 tablespoon yellow or black mustard seeds for the shallot, 1 tablespoon hot curry powder for the bay leaf and thyme, and coconut milk for the cream. Proceed with the recipe, toasting the mustard seeds in the oil for 20 seconds or so before adding the other ingredients. Omit the nutmeg.
Day 6 of the Challenge – in spite of having done this twice before already, I'm happy to report I once again feel like a million freakin bucks.
Question for hardcore Paleo cooks: Where do you get your coconut oil? I'm bummed that FreshDirect doesn't carry it (they do have a coconut oil hair product, but nothing edible). I'll admit I haven't looked too hard for it in the P-Heights/Slope grocery stores yet, and I am just lazily asking for suggestions ๐
Food coop has coconut oil at a pretty good price. You can also get it at Amazon with free shipping.
@stella thanks loads I think I owned that book at some point. Is it giant and yellow ? Sadly I fear it might have wandered off ..
Music in 2011 included
The soundtrack to Drive, particularly the first 3 tracks
Tons of Townes Van Zandt, just like most years
So excited that I finally made it back to the gym after what seems like forever. Thanks for the great class yesterday, David!
It was giant and yellow, and is now giant and red (new edition). I love it, and turn to the vegetable section at least once a week to come up with simple (read: lazy) ways to jazz up side dishes. Although it's certainly not a Paleo cookbook, I think it's worth owning. The recipes are SO simple that you have no excuse not to cook, and a lot of them are Paleo or close enough to Paleo that they can be easily modified to make them so.
I just made the Pernil (slow-roasted pork) recipe from the meat section last weekend with my CSA pork butt, and have been eating YUMMY YUMMY pork all week.
Stella! Trader Joe's on Court has Virgin Organic in a jar for like, $6. It's good – as good as the poncey stuff I picked up from Whole Foods and all the others I've tried. They got their first delivery in December, as new product.
BSQ this morning, good times. Thanks Coach Fox for the Triple P AMRAP and for explaining what Frank's was. I'm from a small town – we didn't have, I swear! Going to get a bottle tho.
The first half of my year was all about Townes Van Zandt
The second half, moreso the end was ALL about ACID WITCH and THE LOCUST
TVZ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUBdRodd6y0
Acid Witch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xny90WrOEqQ
The Locust: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37GOdU-gUAw
The latter two require the speakers turned up to 11 for proper listening.
Oh- The Acid Witch video is a compilation of B-Horror movie scenes and is not Work/Family Safe.
That Townes Van Zandt song reminds me of the intro music to the great, unheralded TV show Firefly:
1) Black Sabbath (only the Ozzy albums)
2) Black Sabbath
3) Black Sabbath
Some of you might like this. Friends of mine from my alt-rock days in the 90's. I like to push the prowler to their first two albums. It's pretty heavy:
I'm down in Florida with a bad cold and missing workouts. Was really looking forward to doing my 310×5 squat intensity at LA Fitness. Oh well.
Alternate warm up 1 and 2. Easy peas.
After reading only a few music posts, I have an idea for our new tshirts:
Crossfit South Brooklyn: We Promise Not to Play Disturbed or Godsmack
Yes on Si Se Puede! I use them at home and they are great and if you all have/desire a cleaning person I can't recommend them enough.
I miss CFSBK. I have been keeping with Mr. Wendler (yes, you now have Arrested Development stuck in your head).
Music for the year: Cults was great, but likewise haven't picked it up in ages. M83 is great, and Midnight City should be a CFSBK workout song on the daily, though more for wodding. Totally agree on the Drive soundtrack. I definitely enjoyed Watch the Throne, Yuck, the Vaccines, and Unknown Moral Orchestra.
Spotify let me listen to a lot of forgotten goodies, like:
Nebraska by Bruce. I've listened to this on repeat on many occasions
Clutch and Fu Manchu – I just play the entire selections and let it go. Somehow I managed to never got into these guys much before.
Bon Iver – again, all of it.
The Willy Nelson and Johnny Cash Storytellers album. Great stuff.
Saul Williams – especially the self titled 2004 release. Again, I had missed this when it came around and Jeremy's ipod turned me on to it.
Was this meant to be a question about new music?
Mostly older for me, took some steps back and re-enjoyed things that I haven't dragged out in a long time such as Cro Mags, Black Flag, Bad Brains, Descendent's, Germs, Buzzcocks, Stiff Little Fingers, et. al. 2011 was a noisy year apparently, but in the best way.
Does anyone else on the Challenge and kicking a carb-heavy diet feel a little nauseous and/or groggy these first few days? This must pass, right?
Listed to a lot of Pearl Jam in 2011. 20 years since "Ten" was released and I was feeling a bit nastolgic. Best album that I bought was The Black Keys – El Camino.
Oh and the song "Paradise Circus" by Massive Attack. It's carrying on into 2012 as well. SO GOOD.
Mike: No on the nausea, but YES to the grogginess. I really hope it's over soon.
i also get a tad groggy.
here's something hilarious that's about to happen:
once a month at my workplace, we have the most invasive, in-your-face SUGAR- and GLUTEN-intense experience you can imagine.
not only are hundreds of dollars' worth of good-quality (quote unquote) snacks (all sweets) brought in to the workplace, they are spread on multiple tables and desks right in my work area – not in a lunch room. so i can't escape them. meeting attendance is required if you're in the building.
when the meeting begins, the whole company gathers all around and we congratulate one another on our fabulous work, and everybody eats the stuff, and we leave it out for the rest of the day.
given my personal demons, this is the most threatening experience i can imagine at this moment.
to mitigate, i'm going home. literally. right now.
Mike, sounds like the classic low carb flu, it will pass. It usually lasts a few days to maybe 2 weeks.
When Mark Sisson was at the Crossfit NYC last summer, his talk was about shifting from a fat burner to a sugar burner. Link below. It takes time for your body to adjust. You always here paleo converts talking about sustained energy and less highs and lows that come with blood sugar swings. No more after-lunch food comas and that "I will strangle someone if I don't eat now" kind of hunger. So fight through. Godspeed.
In 2011 I discovered the Alabama Shakes. Mark my words, they are going to be the breakout band of 2012.
That's right, I discovered them.
In the spirit of solidarity, our company has BAGEL FRIDAY first friday of every month literally 3'-0" from my desk and in direct line of site from where I sit looking at my computer screen. It's enough bagels, cream cheese, muffins and croissants to feed +/- 150 people. LUCKILY they also have fruit so when I came in at 8:30 I proceeded to decimate the melon supply and then hid at my desk. They just now came and took away the last few nibs of bagel that was leftover. Yep, just survived 7 hours of bagel friday.
Also in the spirit of solidarity, (and not in the spirit of story-topping), when I arrived at work this morning at 9am a coworker came into my office and put some kind of buttery-chocolate cookie sandwich directly into my hands. I had to hide it under a napkin on my desk until another coworker could come and take it away to give it a good home.
In the spirit of Fox, I too got into some old bruce through Spotify. Namely, Darkness on the Edge of Town. Good God is that a great album. I think I listened to it on repeat for about 3 weeks.
Michelle that story is brutal!!! Good luck!
I just did a wod at Pacific beach San Diego's box. 21, 15, 9 deadlifts and pullups. It kicked my ass. I miss you guys though….I am way to pale to be here. Paleo on vacation is getting easier…the first day sucked (airport)
Is anyong allow dark chocolate, cheese and wine into their diet?
Should I feel guilty that I am? They're just too good to give up!
Let me rephrase that: Is anyone allowing dark chocolate, cheese and wine into their diet?
Wine and tequila and champagne (!!!!!).
Last year I did some dairy and dark chocolate. I was also guilty of going to town on dark chocolate covered almonds.
LUCKILY (har har) i'm allergic to both chocolate and dairy so it's not really a temptation anymore as I cut it out awhile ago.
Ah, the "low-carb flu"…so THAT'S what I'm going through now! Glad to know I'm not the only one out there that's feeling groggy and bleh. Was sorry to have missed class this morning but really needed to sleep a good 10 hours.
Music this year: Real Estate, Cults, Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes, Yuck. And am now back to the classic stuff- Neil Young.
I just want to dump my head in a bucket of vodka. I am not going to do it though. Winners circle, I can see it!
Trying to stick with newer 2011 music this year, I gave mucho mucho play to the new Dawes and Noah and the Whale albums. Both are the Dopeness.
Lots and Lots of DROMS, Mobility Work and Foam Rolling, just cause it felt so good
3 Rounds NFT:
10 OHS, 45lbs
15 GHD Sit-Ups
200m Row around 1:50 Split
(45×5, 55×5, 65×5)
Intended to 5/3/1 but then factored in how long it's been since I'd pressed or done any overhead pressing since gymnastics wrist/arm injury and decided just to do a linear this cycle. Presses felt good, starting pretty conservative.
3 Rounds NFT
12 DB Bench Presses, 30lb DBs
12 Ring Rows
Now off for some fun!
Pretty cool:
Nice work, everybody – we brought Baz back!
Next, let's learn telekinesis.
i also had to resist free pizza, mac and cheese, jamaican beef patties, cookies and 2 types of cake! I stuck with some chicken wings, celery, carrots and a little fruit. I have been craving chocolate all day long though…
I had a really hard time with the carb detox too. I'm not anti-carb by any means (anti-sugar, yes), but it was shocking to find out how much I went from carb load to carb load, essentially a sugar high to sugar high.
The advice I received to up the fat was very helpful. Do it. You are probably in a caloric deficit in addition to switching engines.
These days I add a lot of potatoes (mostly sweet, but any variety) to my meals in order to not under carb. It took a little time, but at this point I can go with just vegies and meat and feel fine. However, I don't think that (just veg/protein) is optimum for my performance and from what I've read (Wolf, Kressler, Everett, Welbourne, etc) I would definitely not recommend that for anyone doing met-cons. Really make sure to go out of your way to get some carbs the day you work out and definitely afterwards…
Rest Day Dinner #1 in the BAG!
Thanks everyone who came and brought such awesome chow!
Asta and Dan – great curry seafood soup and braised cabbage
Rebecca – broc rabe (one of my faves!)
Katie Mears – specialty sweet kumquats – a true treat – hand-carried from New Orleans
Stella – delicious brussels sprouts (eating them as we speak!)
Jason Fidler – secret beverage we all very much appreciated
J Bails – best winter fruit salad
To round things out, I made
– ancho-chile braised short ribs
– kale with pancetta, walnuts, and cream
– sweet potatoes sauteed in duck fat
A great night and *tons* of juicy box gossip to boot ๐
Yay, challenge ๐
holy shiznizzle, coconut butter. my paleo challenge is saved.
OMG, Mig, I could eat that kale with a shovel. Also, I am now obsessed with kumquats. Great party!
a) amazing potluck last night. i could eat those braised short ribs all day long.
b) great to be at a Friday open gym for the first time in a long time.
WU = 20 1 pd KB swings + 10 ghd sit-ups + 10 back extensions + 5 banded pull-ups x 3
Work = Wendler squats–(45×5, 95×5, 135×5) 155×5, 185×5, 205×10 (rep out). 10 was hard, but maybe had a rep or two in me. Happy with this.
Wendler presses: (45×5) 65×5, 75×5, 85×6 (rep out) felt super super weak here. Maybe the travel and not to great sleep is catching up with me.
5 rds (barely for time, loping along) 15 KB swings, 5 push-ups, 5 ring-rows. Not super motivated, but happy to do something.
To end… 3×5 ab wheel things, trying to make sure I only went as far as I could actually lock my abs/back on the way back in