Spend 20 minutes finding a 1RM Rack Jerk
Athletes will take weight out of rack but can bail as necessary. Athletes may Split Jerk
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 7.7.11
30 Clean and Jerk for time 135/95
Post time and RX to comments.
Compare to 8.25.11
We’re Here: New CFSBK Hoodies are In!
CFSBK Hoodies are Now in Stock!
Just in time for cold winter weather, the new CFSBK Hoodies are in! $40 gets you our best hoodie yet! Pick yours up today!
Sizes run S/M/L and XL.
Calling CFSBK Shutterbugs
We want you to tap into your inner Cindy Sherman and join our photography team! We’re looking for one or two photographers to help us document group classes for the blog. Ideal candidates would have their own camera and attend group classes at least 3x/week. We are willing to barter in exchange for your services! If you’re interested please contact David(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
The Paleo Challenge Countdown Continues!
Only 8 days left to sign up for the 2012 Paleo Challenge! Sign up today!
What’s your favorite Paleo resource? This could be a website, book, podcast, product
Ave Caesar, Morituri Te Salutant Talk to Me Johnnie
Top 10 Lessons for 2012 Precision Nutrition
Proper Bench Technique with Laura Phelps-Sweatt (CFJ Preview) Crossfit
The One Joint Rule Mobility WOD
Jerk: 93
Grace: 63/4:18
Thanks Fox for encouraging me to try 93 again after failing it twice (and for the cues that finally got me to make the third attempt).
My first Grace! I will have to, as Fox suggested, check my performance on this benchmark after Paleo Challenge is over.
Those hoodies look awesome. I know what I'll be spending some of my fantasy football winnings on. (Burn.)
Today's racked push jerk was a PR for me. Despite almost Mike Tysoning my jaw on one attempt and crushing my pinkie on another. I still got 3 reps at a new max.
With Grace I could have gone heavier I think by 10-15 pounds.
I need a Lax ball bad.
Keith: I feel better about having clocked myself in the chin during Grace knowing that I'm not alone.
Hello from the Bolt Bus from Boston to NYC! Looking forward to my first Grace tonight, which'll be a good warmup forrrrr…
Party Like It's 1999: New Year's Eve Eve Eve Edition (http://www.facebook.com/events/143546932419030/).
Come to the Bell House anytime after 9 to shake it* to some excellent 90's tunes.
(*or just hang out and listen).
Favorite paleo resource – the INTERNET..
more specifically the everyday paleo website which has a bunch of jewels that are not in their cookbook. Also, other people.. the CFSBK community is a great hat to draw from in terms of new food stuffs and general know-how.
Dan R's also a pretty good paleo resource as he absorbed the paleo books into his mind and can spit them back out at me if the need arise. 😉
GRACE! Unfortunately as its my first day back at work since holidays and there are 8 million errands to run to get up and going on this PALEO CHALLENGE MADNESS 2012. I do hope to get back into the swing starting this weekend (hurray!) and join ya'll 2x a week (scary, I know, but it seems I actually have my schedule under control now and can plan for things like this). Going to press by my lonesome (or with Dan) at home tonight and probably do a tabata.
Also looking forward to the first rest day dinner! Eating, my favorite activity.
Hope everyone had a nice holiday and has fun plans for new years and look forward to seeing everyone more regularly in 2012.
great first workout after a long vacation.Push jerk 1rm 165 could have gone a little heavier maybe 170 and Grace Rx 6:49
real stoked to see all the names up for the paleo challege cant wait to get this started!
The LAX balls came in this afternoon. We've got one with your name on it!
Paleo Resource
My all time favorite nutrition book would be Protein Power Lifeplan by the Eades.
For anyone who hasn't signed up for the Paleo Challenge yet, we just sent out the first email to everyone registered. 1 out of 3 secrets of the universe was revealed in it.. so if you're dragging your feet on this, sign up today because the ship is sailing soon..
Does anyone have photos from the 12/21 Total to share?
Stella – there are a bunch in the "event photos' tab on the left of the blog.
Chris Kressler's website and podcasts are my favorite "paleo"/health resource.
Good one Joel. Brings me back…
There are? I checked again and didn't see anything past Tough Titsday (the 17th) except a few pix from group classes.
Excellent 5pm with Coach Shane! I haven't had him as a coach in a while and almost forgot just how much I liked training under him him. He can spot a bad move and mend it with a witty joke from a mile away.
I really enjoyed the split jerk today, I only got up to 65#. I know I could do WAY more, but since it was the first time doing them… this felt about right.
53# in 4:30! Up from August's 42# in 5:45!! WOO, Progress! I will also retest after the paleo challenge 😉
255 on the rack jerk. I think that's a PR by a couple of pounds. Haven't really jerked in almost a year.
Grace in 2:15. That was a PR by about :20. I was surprised by both the time and the fact that I didn't feel awful at the end of it.
First regular crossfit workout in a long while. Did this at 115 in 4:22. Very wheezy by the end.
Worked up to 90KG on the jerk. Failed at 100. According to Google that is 198.4.
p.s. Jeff and I got our fish oil in the mail today. It's the kind that you drink! UGH GOD! IT'S GOING TO BE A LONG TWO MONTHS OF THAT SHIT!
I thought the "One Joint Rule" was something different.
Grace rx'd @ 5:27. I did it @ 115 in August in almost the same exact time. So progress, but I can definitely push harder. PR finishing when I was on about rep 14 didn't help.
Jerk @ 185. Needs work. Get under it.
By contrast, I felt awful at the end
PR nonetheless
Not some of my best movements so I guess it’s good to do them.
Split Jerk I got up to 145 before it really started bothering my wrist. Feeling very stiff
Grace in 4:13 @ 105
A little too much lean involved, worried about the lower back.
I hadn't jerked in a long time, so I just wanted to see how it'd go…
(53×5, 83×3, 103×3) 113, 123, 133, 143, 153, 163!
163 had a little bit of a press out at the end, but I'll take it. Old PR was 155 so this is great.
Grace: I thought I loaded the bar to do it RXed and was very proud of myself, finishing at 2:44 when I realized that I'd only put on 85#. Oops.
Lots of jerks tonight, hadn't split in a looong time so made lots of small jumps
(in kg)
102 felt better than 102 which had a bit of a press out. I'm pretty sure that 229lbs is a PR overhead.
Grace Rx'd
Also a PR.