Take 20 minutes to establish a 3RM on the Front Squat
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Compare to 12.3.11
30 Unbroken KB Swings
15 DB Bench Press
1-3 rope climbs
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January Strength Cycles Still Have Room!
Want to spend the first couple of months of 2012 getting really really strong?! Join Coach Jeremy for one of his Strength Cycles and spend 8 weeks pulling, pushing, pressing and squatting a barbell! All cycles still have availability!
Upcoming 3x Per Week Cycles
Cycle A (Novice Program)
1/9/12 – 3/2/12
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
Cycle B (Intermediate/Advanced)
1/10/12 – 3/4/12
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
Upcoming 2x Per Week Cycles
Cycle C (Morning)
1/9/12 – 2/29/12
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00am
Continuing Education
1/10/12 – 3/1/12
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm
*This is open to up to 8 SI alumni
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in, they can contact Jeremy to discuss placement.
3x Pew Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
Continuing Ed is one payment of $200
Class Sizes
Space is limited to 8 participants
Class Length
One hour and thirty minutes
The Paleo Challenge Countdown Continues!
Only 9 days left to sign up for the 2012 Paleo Challenge! Sign up today!
For all the Paleo Challengers? What are you most excited about the challenge? What are you nervous about?
Falcons Have Had A Winning Strategy For Success NY Times
Download This: The Best Mixtapes of 2011 Wired
Top Scientific Downloads of 2011 Wired
Excited: Rest Day dinners. (You should come to the one I'm hosting on February 3rd!) Since I'm almost exclusively a morning CrossFitter, I haven't gotten to meet as many people at the gym as I would if I took classes in the evening. I'm looking forward to changing that.
And I'd be lying if I said I didn't hope my jeans fit a little better.
Anxious: COMPLETELY giving up sugar. I don't eat nearly the amount of cake or pastry that I used to, but I do like to snack on dark chocolate and ice cream. I've been trying to wean myself from these in preparation for the challenge and god, it's hard. It really is like an addiction — on Monday night I found myself after dinner just completely unable to think about anything but a sweet snack, even though I wasn't actually HUNGRY. Bleah.
Hey Ladies! Crossfit Queens just opened a few more spots for the Hail To the Queen. If you missed out the first go around, Here's your chance!
I'm not sure how running to the mailbox constitutes a Crossfit workout, but still funny: Masked Man Explains Attire That Caused San Jose Bomb Scare
@Bethany: What else can be said without going over the top, other then… wow…
Last night…
Squat: (45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 185×3, 215×1) 235x5x3
Happy to be finally making progress again with my squat. Never squatted more than 225 for 5s until last week so it's great that I've been able to make two 5# jumps.
3×10 ab roll outs and back extensions
3×3 banded pull-ups alternated with mobility work
@Rickke: can you shoot me an email, got a question for ya. mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
Good times at noon w/ Coach Josh. Felt funny to be going for a max effort for my first FSQ exposure since…I dunno…so I stayed conservative. Hit 155, my previous 3RM from 2009. Felt good. Then, fun times with the accessory work, which was very grippy–didn't do the last rope climb for fear of falling. Did the swings Russian-style w/ 20kg and the bench press w/ 30# DBs.
I also signed up for the paleo challenge. I'm most excited about dropping some fluff and feeling like I've got my old engine back. I'm most nervous about the social aspect of having to explain/order annoying stuff in restaurants/etc. I'm never good at that and it's always the reason I end up slipping over the course of the year.
Paleo Challenge: I'm most nervous about having the will power to overcome the temptation to have "just a tiny bit" of the treats that are always around at work. I need a real push to free myself of the constant stream of sweets and treats that come into my office 3-4 days a week. I say I'm paleo now but you'll often find me in the kitchen eating 1/4 of a cupcake or just one piece of chocolate, especially when they are home-made.
That being said, I'm most excited about freeing myself of the above and feeling like my health is 100% optimal when I need it most to get through labor and recovery. 🙂
this was the first time front squatting in months due to wrist issues in the rack position, felt great today though. worked up to 125# and focused on form.
Paleo Challenge:
Most excited about; Hitting the goal weight/body-fat I've been shooting for since starting CrossFit in july (I'm getting super close!), the rest day meals, and more people submitting recipes to BrooklynPaleo.com
Least excited about explaining to my friends that I'm going to be completely sober for the next two months.
Fun 8pm with Noah, a nice welcome back form the holidays — I enjoyed working with Katie and Joy for the front squats! 3RM of 115, which I was very pretty happy with, but think I had more in me. Rope climb was much harder than I expected… while I knew it was going to be hard, I kinda thought I would just surprise myself and climb right up… but no. There was so many parts to think about at once! Lots of practice needed for that.
16kg KB Swings
15lb Bench
2 rope attempts… usually got 2 or 3 pulls up and then couldn't hold myself longer.
I gotta work on my arms 🙁
205 on the front squat triple – felt shaky so I did a few more sets at 185 to work on form.
Only got 2 rounds of the WOD in:
30 KB swings @ 1.5 pood
15 DB bench press @ 35#, 40#
2 rope climbs each round (each round: first climb with feet, second climb no feet)
Nice working with visitor John and friggin’ awesome watching Sarah cruise up that rope!
Excited about: Losing the ring of blub surrounding my rock. hard. abs at the moment… also excited to get back to following programing and doing some conditioning again. But mostly, having scheduled shop and cook at home days with the wife.
Nervous about: Not having a drink (or 3) after a looong work day, 1st month sans-booze…yikes.
Ramping up to hit my first volume day:
Squat: Ascending 5×5:
205, 215, 225, 235, 245
This went well. They felt pretty explosive. I'll be hitting sets across at 250 on Friday…
Press: Ascending 3×3:
137.5, 140, 142.5×5
Not bad. Expecting it to be a bit easier. I'll start my cycle at 142.x5x3x3 next week.
T-Bar Row: 60x10x5
Second class at SBK in a week! so happy to be back with you all. Fun class with Fox and Noah tonight at 6pm.
Front Squat:
warmup 45×5, 65×3, 75×3
work 85×3, 95×3, 105×3 (3RM), 95×3
Felt surprisingly good for not having done any lifting in a while (except for cleans on monday!) 95 was heavy but pretty comfortable/clean, 105 was definitely tough and a lil ugly.
did two rounds before I had to skip outta class early. kb swings with 12kgs, bench with 15# dbs. rope climbs are… interesting and tough!! this was probably my second or third exposure.