Post loads to comments.
Compare to 11.3.11
1,2,3…10,11,12 reps for time of:
Push Ups
Un-anchored Sit-ups
Double Unders
Option to stop at 7 reps if you celebrate Kwanzaa, 8 reps if you celebrate Hannukah, or ignore the workout altogether if you are a party pooper and celebrate none of the above.
Post time to comments.
Happy Belated Birthday Isaac W
We’re operating on a full schedule today!
CFSBK Holiday Schedule
Saturday 12/24 Normal Hours
Sunday 12/25 9am-10am Group Class ONLY
Monday 12/26 No 6, 7 and 8am Group Classes. No 7am On Ramp. 12, 5, 6, 7 and 8pm are on as usual
Saturday 12/31 Normal Hours
Sunday 1/1 Closed
January Strength Cycles Are Open for Registration!!
We all want to get stronger. That’s because we implicitly understand that building strength is the foundation for increasing overall physical capacity. It has been proven again and again that lifting heavy primes our bodies to be more effective and efficient at metabolic conditioning workouts. Strength is the only mode of training that supports everything else we do in the gym and in life. Plus it’s pretty badass.
Upcoming 3x Per Week Cycles
Cycle A (Novice Program)
1/9/12 – 3/2/12
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
Cycle B (Intermediate/Advanced)
1/10/12 – 3/4/12
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
Upcoming 2x Per Week Cycles
Cycle C (Morning)
1/9/12 – 2/29/12
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00am
Continuing Education
1/10/12 – 3/1/12
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm
*This is open to up to 8 SI alumni
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in, they can contact Jeremy to discuss placement.
3x Pew Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
Continuing Ed is one payment of $200
Class Sizes
Space is limited to 8 participants
Class Length
One hour and thirty minutes
The Paleo Challenge Countdown Continues!
Only 13 days left to sign up for the 2012 Paleo Challenge! Sign up today!
Eating Animals The Atlantic
Olympians Warned: Don’t Eat Liver Yahoo News
New Year’s Day CrossFit Games Marathon Youtube
Drunk History Christmas Funny or Die
Thanks to all who came out for the Holiday Social at Pacific Standard! More folks showed up than expected and it was great. Lots of good conversations and not surprisingly loads of nerd-talk. Happy holidays all!
Good stuff 9am class.
7am swim
2x100m kick board flutter straight on
4x100m kick board flutter left, right 3/4 position
2x100m kick board frog
2x100m on back flutter
2x100m no arms, side to side roll, flutter
1x100m kick board dolphin (don't doubt someone was getting a chuckle at this from the pool side, been many years since I was good at this when not wearing fins)
2x100m freestyle
2x100m butterfly
9am Presses
95 – 97.5 – 99.5
99.5 felt moderately easy, maybe could have gone to 102/105, but I was crazy disorganized with my breathing and midline today (both during presses and in the pool). I am going to blame it on coffee and being a bit wobbly in the knee.
Ladder in 15:36 with a big break on the 9th round b/c of a neck pinching, switched to planks.
Bent Knee Pushups
25/20# strict presses
25/20lb bent rows
Maybe should have skipped the WOD. Or just done slow, strict lifts or a gentle row.
Happy Holidays everyony! I've been out sick all this last week so I was a bit sad not to be able to extend the holiday cheer in person. I hope everyone has a wonderful time and very safe travels to all that are on the road, in the air or on the rails.
Did this WOD at my mother-in-law's gym, with a few modifications:
Press 65x5x2, then a set of 3 (failed on rep 4). I probably should have tried bench press instead, since we just did the Total on Wednesday. But I was just too darn impatient to wait for hubby to spot me.
Holiday ladder, Christmas version: 15:12. I subbed KB swings at 20 lb (the heaviest KB at the gym, bleah!) and switched to knee pushups in round 9. This was harder than I thought it would be! Fun, though.
Belated Strength Intensive Total Report:
First, my numbers –
Squat: 270/280/285F 50lb PR
Press: 115/120/125F 10lb PR
Dead (trap bar): 310/330/345 50lb PR
Total: 745
Huge thanks to Jeremy and to all of the other totalers. What a great event with a fine group of folks. I was glad to be part of it.
Let me just recommend that everyone at CFSBK – EVERYONE – incorporate at least one or two strength intensive cycles into their training each year. As much as we talk about being pretty good at everything, "unknown and unknowable," etc. what really makes you better at stuff is focusing on the damn thing you want to improve for a time. That's why our awesome coaching staff periodizes the work that we do and we don't just do mainsite programming or hero wods every day or whatever.
Focusing on strength for a few months has been awesome for me: I packed on some much needed mass, crushed my old PRs, and got comfortable pushing through plateaus. Most importantly, the strength intensive has opened my eyes to what incremental progress toward a fitness goal really looks like. I'm now able to apply that perspective to all of the work I do in the gym.
PS – Jeremy: You were right to question my choice of a medium strength cycle trophy t-shirt. Medium t-shirts are what I wore prior to the strength cycle. I am now a large. Thanks to you.
NINO! Awesomesauce!
I would like to give away "Starting Strength 2nd Edition." Please email me if you want it. I just got the 3rd edition and don't need both.
While the 3rd addition has a bunch of added info, that still makes the 2nd edition the 2nd best book ever written on getting strong.
Email me at robis -AT- robis.org
The SS 2nd edition giveaway is over….
I am in the third edition!!!! thanks Jeremy for the heads up:)
re: some questions I got today…To clarify, there is one class tomorrow at 9am…it runs until 10am. There is no 10 am class.
Merry Christmas!
The holiday social was fantastic last night, big thanks to The Foxes for hosting. It was nice to see new faces as well as the familiar – sans pillow creased faces, go go 7am-ers! Good times, good conversation. Happy merry and all that to everyone!
8am with coach margie
first time at cf for this week.
WU 1
3rnds nft
20 hollow rocks
15 air squats with mini band
10 push ups
6 strict pull ups
45×5 95×5 135×5 155×5
subbed du's for 30lb slam balls. a good one to get the blood going
signed me and mrs for the paleo challenge.
happy holidays all, see you in the new year.
Just did the holiday ladder in my parents basement. 12 Rounds, subbing lateral jumps for double unders (no jump rope), push-ups from the knees: 14:50
Let me just say that this was a huge mental victory for me. Remember a while back when we did an ascending push-up ladder with some sort of run? I do. I was partnered with Deb and I literally could not finish the WOD. Well, I finished this one. Yes, after all of this holiday eating, it felt like I was moving through cement, but I finished and it felt good.
Happy holidays!!