In 15 minutes row as many meters as possible with a stroke rating cap of 16 s/m
Couch Stretch- 2min/side
Partner OH with PVC-2min
Post meters rowed to comments.
Compare to 10.27.10
Strength Cycle Total is Tonight!
The ladies and gents of Strength Cycle are having their total tonight! Come out to watch these guys hit new PRs in the Squat, Press and Deadlift! This is one of the best nights in the gym! The awesome displays of strength start at 6pm!
Ladies! CFQ’s Hail to the Queen Competition still has slots!
CF Queens is hosting an all-women CF competition on January 28th! We’ve already got a strong contingent of SBK ladies registered to represent and if you’d like to join them hurry and register here. There are only 6 slots left! Get it girls!
Holiday Social!
-Where: Pacific Standard
-Who: everyone welcome…even dogs!
RSVP’s and questions can be sent to jessica(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com.
The Paleo Challenge Countdown Continues!
Only 16 days left to sign up for the 2012 Paleo Challenge! Sign up today!
CFSBK Holiday Schedule
Saturday 12/24 Normal Hours
Sunday 12/25 9am-10am Group Class ONLY
Monday 12/26 No 6, 7 and 8am Group Classes. No 7am On Ramp. 12, 5, 6, 7 and 8pm are on as usual
Saturday 12/31 Normal Hours
Sunday 1/1 Closed
Herondale Meat CSA still open!
There is still time to sign up for the next cycle of monthly meat deliveries from Herondale Farm! Each month, you’ll receive 15lbs of a variety of cuts from beef, pork and lamb – everything from porterhouse steaks to bone-in leg of lamb to english style bangers. Deliveries happen the first Wednesday of each month and run from January – May.
Total cost is $750, payable in installments, or $695 if you pay up front.
Questions? Email margie(at), or info(at)
High-Fat Diets Leave their Mark on Sperm New Scientist
How Meditation May Change the Brain NY Times
Bonnie Prudden, 97, Dies; Promoted Fitness for TV Generation NY Times
Zach Even-Esh on Developing Bone Crushin’ Hands Underground Strength
The Best Damn Bench Press Article. Period/ Print Version T-Nation
I'm grateful to CFSB, especially the members of the community that share knowledge and ideas on this board. Last winter, when I first joined the box, I remember reading someone's post about a meditation retreat she went on (sorry, forget who it was). Incidentally, I had just started to meditate and realize the benefits, so learning about retreats was very intriguing. I kept it in the back of my mind the whole year and occasionally looked at different programs to try to find one I could attend. Well, I just completed a 1wk retreat and it was profound. Very INTENSE and TIRING but worthwhile. It's hard to really explain how it feels but I definitely recommend meditating even if you never get to a retreat. Science is even supporting this age-old practice- see article posted on today's links- thanks again for dropping that knowledge.
Good luck to everyone going for their PRs today!
Oh damn, I wish I could come to the social! Alas, I'll be in the Cleve by then. Hoping I have the willpower to drag my butt out of bed for the 6 AM class that day.
I am STOKED for my first Total tonight!
Ask and ye shall receive. Thanks for the print version y'all.
GOOD LUCK tonight to the totallers. I hopefully will be at the gym.
morning cycle totallers: I am on the platform with you in spirit. and hopefully I'll be in the gym with you in body. make me proud, you filthy PR machines!!!
Yoshi, I hope you're healing up well. Also, you know that your price of admission tonight is Felix, right?
My friend told me I look like I'm doing calculus in my head in that photo from the Titsday meet.
An additional plug for Pacific Standard: their supply of It's-It ice cream sandwiches (), which according to my Californian friends are hard to find on the east coast. A perfect pre-paleo challenge sugar-, gluten-, and dairy-filled treat.
Good luck, strength cyclers. I hope to squeeze in some cheerin' and spectatin' tonight.
The title of the first article is very misleading, unless I'm missing something. It mentions "bad diets" and fat mice but doesn't give any particulars. bah humbug.
Nice post Rolando. I've struggled with the idea of meditation. I keep thinking that I could never sit still or that I could never quiet my thoughts. There's also always the "I don't have time" excuse that I've fallen back on way too often. But, I've been spending alot of time lately thinking about how to create more "free" time for myself and then how to spend said free time. Perhaps meditation will find it's way in to my schedule…
7am Squat Snatches:
-warmed up to 83# and then did a few sets of 3 snatches and 3 banded muscle-up transitions.
-maybe I'm just not an AM workout person because 83 felt so heavy and I felt so sloppy. Wasn't dropping down fast enough and I was receiving the bar soft. Had a few fails mixed in and on my last set I dropped to 73# to finish out on a postive note. Crazy how light that felt.
Good luck to the Totalers tonight!
Good Luck to all the strength cycle totalers!! Kick some ass!
P.S. I did a blog rundown of Paleo Hanukkah recipes on BKPaleo if anyone is into that sort of thing …
Thanks for the recipes Lana.
Happy Chanukah to all my Jewish peeps! I watched Inglorious Basterds last night, which in retrospect was an appropriate activity.
fox – i was also confused by that first article. i want specifics on what the "high-fat" diet was. i'm immediately suspicious when the alternative to a high-fat diet is described as "healthy", as there is nothing inherently unhealthy about a high-fat diet. :/
Good luck to the totallers! I regrettably can't be there, in fact I will have to do something distinctly unhealthy tonight, but I will be with you in spirit!
And remember, as you bounce out of the hole, this is you!
btw i'm enjoying that link about grip strength. that's something i really want to improve on in 2012 (i'm already using a mixed grip on my DL at only 250+ pounds and i'd really rather not HAVE to do that). i want to do rope climbs and lots of farmer carries and some axel work.
I'm bummed I'm not going to make it to the total tonight, either, but am sending you all super super strong vibes! Turn it out, y'all!
I went on a 10-day silent meditation retreat back in 2006. It was one of the hardest but most worthwhile things I've ever done in my life. I didn't find a way to keep up the practice beyond the day after the retreat, but remember the benefits fondly. Thanks for mentioning this, Rolondo. Meditation just might find its way onto my list of New Years hobbies.
Good luck tonight Totalers! I would love to be there to cheer everyone on, sad to miss the early-morning peeps as I've watched you do your impressive weight thang these past weeks, but am currently having a crisis that involves glitter, double sided tape and a glue stick. And no – I'm not getting ready to go out. Key words are: Bad and Crafts.
Go go go!
I may repeat this post tomorrow. Sorry I could join the rest of you totallers for a beer. Had to walk the puppy.
Apologies in advance for long post.
Let me start by saying I joined CFSBK a little over a year ago October 2010 I think. At that point I had never really squated and when I did it was super ugly, nowhere near parallel depth, back improperly set, everything was wrong.
A lot has changed in year, and i want to thank every single one of the coaches at the gym, for their guidance, but also for SBK.
Tonite was one of the most memorable days I have ever had, at a time when I really need it. I'm in awe of all of the lifters tonite, and humbled by all the effort that was given. The positivity here is unmatched.
Enough of the mushy crap!
BSQ: opened at #325 and the weight felt super light, so I went up to #345 on lift , and when that went up pretty well, I jumped to #370 and hit that. Needles to say I was shocked, but what was more shocking was that, I think there is more there. But I am thrilled with this lift.
Press: Opened at 150, the weight flew up, so jumped to 165 where a bad grip and a change in my routine or whatever happened I missed the lift. I really wanted to go back for it, but I knew Id be mad if I missed so I hit #160 and when that went up I knew that Im looking forward to continuing up with a press.
Deadlift: Never really switched griped until my last warmup set, but knew that was the way to go. Opened at 345, then jumped to 375, and ended at 405.
Thank you Jeremy for building all the confidence in me to hit these lifts. This was some of the most rewarding 6 weeks I have ever had. I look forward to another cycle in march.
Congrats on all the PR's and sorry for the long post.
That 15 minute row really messed me up even though I keep the stroke rate at 16 and took it suuuuper easy, oof!
CONGRATS strength cyclers, awesome lifts tonight! I missed most of the squats but got to watch my favorite part, the deadlift. Jenna, Stella and Kahrin were great fun to watch and pulled impressive numbers for first Totals! I am sooo happy for Sarah getting her well-earned 200 pound deadlift. Jess Bailey, holy wow lady, you are officially in a whole other league with that 280! Next stop, 300?
Sweet total tonight– great work and spirit.
Happy to witness the growing confidence of the lifters and everyone hitting big PR's. Nice effort and determination on a bunch of those lifts– good work!
@#&! yeah Total!
175/77.5/225 = 477.5
I missed my third attempt on the press but more than made up for it by going a little more aggressive on the deadlift than I'd originally planned. I'm signed up for another cycle and I am totally going to chase 500!
Congrats to everyone — I've heard how great it is to see everyone go for it on Total night but no amount of talking about it can prepare you for how sweet it really is.