CrossFit Powerlifting Cert and Cal Strength Seminars in 2012!
Inspired by the ladies lifts this weekend? Want to learn how to get just as strong? We’re hosting two amazing events in 2012 that can help get you there!
The CF Powerlifting cert will be March 31, 2012-April 1, 2012 and will be led by Laura Phelps-Sweatt who holds world records in powerlifting. She’ll be sharing many of the methods developed by Louie Simmons and the crew at Westside Barbell. Think powerlifters just squat, bench and deadlift? Learn the accessory work that’ll take your lifts to the next level. This cert is for any athlete looking to get stronger, more explosive and more athletic! Register here to reserve your spot today.
Glenn Pendlay and the boys from Cal Strength are coming June 6th, 2012 for a 1-day Olympic Weightlifting clinic designed to increase your proficiency with the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. Glenn is one of the best lifting coaches in the game and trained numerous high-level competitors including our very own Brian D! If you’re serious about making gains in your lifts you won’t want to miss this great opportunity. You can find out more details and register here!
Help It’s A Lifestyle LLC win the Robb Wolf Recipe Challenge!
Help CFSBKs Kristen S. owner of It’s a Lifestyle LLC win the Robb Wolf Holiday Recipe Contest! Polls close today at 1pm. All you have to do is click here and then scroll to ‘Pick the Best Dessert’ and select ‘Chocolate Almond Cups’. Click the circle at the end of the Desserts list to vote! It’s time to VOTE!! CLICK HERE NOW!
Paleo Challenge Countdown!
Only 17 Days Left to Sign up for the 2012 Paleo Challenge. Sign up today!
How has a Paleo lifestyle or incorporating Paleo principles affected your training and health?
Interview with Laura Phelps-Sweatt Critical Bench
California Strength Madness Cal Strength (NSFW-language)
Krista “Stumptuous” Scott-Dixon’s New E-Book F**K Calories Stumptuos
Gabrus in Men’s Health. Yes, I just typed that. Men’s Health
To PR, my squatting partner, I will see you in the CFSBK fantasy football finals.
As to paleo principles and the effect they've had on my well-being: I don't have to eat often anymore, because of all the protein and vegetables, so it helps me regulate my weight which had been an issue for me. That and fish oil.
If you've got about 15 minutes, I recommend you watching this SEALFIT video. It's got a bunch of games level competitors going through sealfit training.. I think at this point they're at almost 50 hours of no sleep.. so ridiculously intense
Today I worked out alone. It's nice sometimes to plan your own session.
Gentle 1000m row
3 sets of
15 bench presses at 90# with varying grips
Isometric overhead scaption to failure
3 sets of
60 sec Switch grip and snatch grip iso scaption
30 sec scap retraction on pull up bar
2 sets of
10x 100lb supported rows
35x 10lb pinch grip bicept curls
Oh, forgot the best part. My bra strap snapped in two. Awesome.
@Billy how are the wrist doing? It seemed to me that when my wrist were bent back, that, although marginal, my arms might have offset a bit by being just a hair forward (still a pretty vertical bar path.) Letting it sit in the meat of the palm with the wrist straighter, it seems like I was ever so slightly more vertical with my arms, aka less forward. Either way, I am used to it now, but that's how it was at first.
good luck!
Hey management,
Would it be possible to place a giant order of fish oil from somewhere (not sure which brand is recommended) for all the paleo challengers? We might get a much better deal if we get everyone to chip in. Any other paleo challengers interested?
Regarding fish oil:
They stock good brands at the food co-op and the price is right. I'd be willing to coordinate a bulk order there for us.
Ladies! Only 20 spots left for the Hail to the Queen! For those that don't know, it is an all-ladies competition hosted by our friends at Crossfit Queens. There will be at least 3 different events with a 4th event for the top competitors. The events are usually posted one week in advance and there will be scaling options. Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions! jessica(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com
p.s. I believe MGMT already has plans to buy fish oil for the masses. Details should be posted soon…
happy fish oil to all, and to all a good night!
also, watch the cal strength video if you want a laugh. Lugs Behaving Badly.
I can't speak for how my training was before I started a paleo diet because I wasn't training before starting it… but I can speak for my lifestyle I suppose. Since switching to Paleo (and starting CrossFit), around 6 months ago, I feel like a million bucks! I'm not so sleepy, not so grouchy, and not so generally crappy feeling. I'm tackling my full time job, running my side business, maintaining a zillion blogs, and going to the gym regularly — very happily and with tons of energy. I've lost 15-20 pounds while undoubtedly gaining a bunch of muscle. I pretty much feel like a rock star all the time ๐ Obviously this isn't due completely to the Paleo diet, but it's part of the equation — I attribute 25% of these changes to the fact that I got into any sort of diet/exercise program, 50% to the exercise being CrossFit and 25% to the diet being a Paleo Diet.
Also, that SEALFIT video was awesome! I never knew about that program… I absolutely love, love, love the mental component of CrossFit, so the fact that there is a WAY more mentally oriented program just blew my mind! (plus ::ahem:: those dudes are pretty hot… just sayin')
The biggest difference for me eating paleo is also not getting so hungry, or not hungry in the same way. It used to be sudden, all-hands-on-deck, full-crash desperation with my eyes rolling back in my head, and now it's like, 'oh, hey, I'm getting hungry, I should get some food at some point.'
I'd be in for a bulk fish oil buy. What brands would people be interested in?
Gabrus' line about the Jackson Pollock of toilets reminds me of my favorite Australian slang expression for that act: "The technicolor yawn".
This article is long and a bit all over the place, but worth a skim and will ring all sorts of bells for paleo types w/r/t the mysteries of cholesterol, the evils of inflammation, and why a lot of nutritional science is not very helpful when you're trying to figure out what's healthy to eat.
Paleo – lost a good bit of weight, plumbing is a lot better. All good. Feelin good in the neighborhood.
Happy first night of Hanukkah for all of you that are celebrating!
Ugh. I decided to indulge in a little grain-fed excess because the paleo challenge is coming up (fried chicken and a small — like maybe 1/2 cup — portion of mac and cheese, plus a side of cole slaw).
Yeah, THAT'S why paleo is good. Because I'm hating this brain fog (though the mac and cheese was amazing!).
Home WOD: A strict 10 minute Cindy Version: 3 strict pull-ups, 6 push-ups, 9 squats. 11 rounds on the dot. I think that last time I got 9 + a pull-up or two? So this is an improvement. ๐
@jr thanks for asking! I think it was better. Focused on punching the ceiling with my big knuckles. I think it will take a bit of time to fix. ๐
Sorry to be all up in your grill today, but any thoughts on incorporating a performance benchmark (like our friends at CF Virtuosity do) into the paleo challenge? If we mandate a before/after score on a benchmark workout as part of the challenge, we would have a concrete, quantitative result along with the qualitative results already outlined (photos, how you feel, etc). Science!
Perhaps a Wilks Index comparison Dan? I think there is a temptation with something like the paleo challenge to try to lose a lot of weight rather than just body fat and then you lose strength. Something that matches the two could be fun/useful.
I had a marked decrease of tummy problems when I went paleo. I've isolated that to gluten and my "paleo" is not really paleo anymore, but I stay clear of sugar, processed food and grains pretty strictly. I also am fairly strict about grass-fed and pastured stuff only and limit my omega 6 intake (as opposed to upping the omega 3 via fish oil like I did the first few months).
The result is much better digestion and lack of intestinal pain and much steadier energy. Like Alex said, I don't have those sugar crashes when I get hungry and can just be hungry for a little while as opposed to in the past when I would lose it or feel like fainting.
I think I was heading for some bad gut issues and am very grateful to have found my way out of that.
My favourite question from people when they find out that I eat paleo:
But where do you get your fiber?!
It's been good to me. I have more strict months than others, I'm signing up for the paleo challenge as soon as the school dust settles.
Went in today at 7pm, because I can't read a calendar. (Looked at the am classes.) Ended up doing Sunday's WOD, which was not entirely fun.. although I feel like my burpees looked pretty good form wise. Thanks David for pushing me through the last few sets. I warmed up with some rowing, I'm trying to continue to practice the form that Nick taught us last week, so I can get it to where it's second nature.
Things to work on in the new year: pullups, box jumps and, as always, double unders.
That Queens competition has me thinking about all the stuff that they could throw at me that I'm not so hot at…