AMRAP 20 Minutes
300m Row
30 KB Swings
This is a partner WOD! 1 Partner works at a time. Partners alternate complete rounds.
*If you are coming in to Total tomorrow then take it easy today and be sure to spend some time on a foam roller. Get your plan ready for tomorrow!
Post KB load and completed rounds to comments.
Happy Birthday Martha S.!
Good Luck Team CFSBK!
Our competitive team is heading to CF Hoboken today to their annual Winter Challenge. Join us in wishing them luck as they compete in not one, not two but FOUR WODs! For full details on the challenge check this link! Give ’em hell guys!
Our 2011 Winter Challenge Team is:
Team CrossFit South Brooklyn
Jaclyn Z
Rickke M
Mike M
Teresa B
Kiki P
Melissa L
Jessica F
Kate D
Chris F
Josh M
Join Coach Nick’s Sunday Rowing Workshop
If you’re interested in attending Sunday’s Rowing Workshop with Coach Nick and learning to dial in your recovery on the erg and learning more about competing in CRASH-Bs please RSVP to Nick(at)
The workshop is free to all and starts at 1pm!
Noah’s Muscle-Up Workshop is Today!
Filled to the brim with athletes looking to master the muscle-up Noah’s Workshop will meet at 1:30p today. Enjoy folks! Be on the look out for Noah’s next skills class!
Please remember to read Coach Fox’s article “Preparing to 1 Rep Max” and Coach Margie’s “Getting Ready to Squat” in preparation for tomorrow’s CrossFit Total!
The Bamboo Bar with Shane & Laura Phelps-Sweatt CrossFit
7 Essential Skills You Didn’t Learn in College Wired
Go team!!!
Go git'em guys!
Good luck today, you guys!
Great 8am with Margie and the boys. Good to be back in a group class, although the wod mildly annihilated me. I think Isaac and I got to 4 rounds each + my little chunk of row. Started with 1pood, switched to the 12kg after the second round as my forearms fatigued.
I just watched the Secret Powers of Time video posted here on Thursday. Really fascinating, I highly recommend checking it out. The animation/drawing is very cool, but ideas are really riveting.
Came in last night for Intensity Day:
Squat: 320×5 Booya! PR.
Deadlift off blocks: 375×5
Moving big weight very satisfying. PR-ing my 5RM this cycle (which has been a bit weird) was somewhat surprising and made my week! Margie said I had a 6th in there– maybe I'll take it at 325 next week! Not enough time for pressing, but maybe I should have gabbed with the girls a bit less.
GO TEAM! Good luck, kick ass and have fun!!!!
Hey, does anyone have an ottoman or a coffee table they are try to sell or get rid of?
if so, pls lemme know. thx
My client No-Showed for 11am so I'm taking this opportunity to mention that I did about 45 min of active recovery on my own last night (Ive got a foam roller, LAX ball and 2 bands at my place) and I feel like a new man today. I had spend a good bit of time sitting in front of the computer the previous 2 days and was feeling really stiff and achey. A few simple tools are worth investing in and for doing your own maintenance whenever you can sneak in the time.
Supple Leopard PSA
GO TEAM SBK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on the new 5RM, Badass Rob!
Good luck to all the Hoboken Challengers.
Today was my first time doing the standard warmup in a while — between doing strength cycle and doing non-standard warmups in the last couple of end-of-week classes I've come to, I think it's been about a month since I've done hollow rocks and I felt it!
WOD partnered with Sara(h?), who really killed it on the erg. 4 rounds each with 12 kg KB, plus about 100 m row for me. Forearms are fried!
Excellent active recovery class today Dave! It was my first time doing one and I think I might make it part of my weekly schedule now, I loved it. I feel like I could do backbends all over my apartment.
Also good luck to the competition team!! YAY!
Teresa and Melissa just got their first muscle-ups!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome! I never cease to be amazed and inspired by the strong ladies at SBK.
Congrats Melissa and Teresa!! How exciting!
Muscle-ups outta control!!! First T and M get them and then Marco, Josh G, Damien M and Chris A get their first ones today at the skill session with coach Noah!
Good times at the gym today. Had some good sessions and a LARGE Active Recovery class. Go forth and seize the day, supple leopards !
3 Rounds NFT
15 Squats
5 Pull-Ups, 5 Toes to Barss
10 GHD Hip Extensions with 2 blue bands
:10 Work/:20 Rest x6 Rounds
L-Sit strength work
Back Squat
(45×5, 135×5, 185x3x2, 205×1..)
On The Minute:
Was supposed to do 235x5x5 today but was feeling really weak, unorganized and unmotivated. I can best attribute it to.. 1. mediocre sleep, 2. An unhealthy dinner with a buddy last night (pizza) 3. not having eaten anything but an espresso and latte before 5pm..
Triple FAIL.
So I dropped the weight, did some on the minute work to at least get some weight on my back and try to work my bounce.. Time to go home eat and take a nap.
9 rounds with Ben Bierkraft. Quite enjoyed this workout – the forearms got jacked.
Congrats to the CFSBK team and to all the muscle-uppers!
8am with coach margie
20 hollow rocks
16 air squats with min band holding at the bottom
10 push ups
6 strict pull ups
pre wod
kb practice
partner wod with bjorn
9 + rnds.
tried to take it easy, but it was tough to.
twas a good one.
just enough time to recover and go balls out again.
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