AMRAP in 15 Minutes of:
9 Deadlifts 155/100
12 Push Ups
15 Box Jumps 24″/20″
This WOD was part of the 2011 CF Games Sectionals.
Post Rounds and RX to comments.
Coach Fox Pulls 467.5
Again Faster Revolution Jump Rope Order
Coach Josh is organizing a bulk order of the Again Faster Revolution Rope. He needs five more interested players to make it happen. The cost per rope is 23.67/person down from $34.42. If you’re interested please contact JoshuaM86(AT) to get in on the order by Sunday December 11th!
Cal Strength Weightlifting Clinic at CFSBK!
We’re always trying to bring the best educational opportunities to SBK for our members and staff. We’re proud to announce that Glenn Pendlay and his crew from California Strength will be leading a full-day seminar on the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk. This is an amazing opportunity to learn from some of the best! The seminar will be Saturday, June 16th 2012 and will be $200.
This seminar will include roughly 6 hours of practical instruction on the snatch and the clean and jerk. The seminar will cover the California Strength system for learning and teaching the Olympic lifts. This seminar is relevant to people interested in learning the lifts, coaches teaching the lifts, and trainers who are teaching the lifts. Everyone who attends the seminar will lift weights, so please bring appropriate attire and lifting shoes if you have them.
EXTRA features for this seminar: Along with instruction, California Strength will be bringing members of the California Strength Olympic weightlifting team to demonstrate and assist. Current members include Spencer Moorman, Donny Shankle, Jon North, Rob Blackwell, and Kevin Cornell.
All sign-ups will receive a 10% discount code to the California Strength online store.
Register HERE!
Muscle-up Workshop almost Full!
Coach Noah’s Muscle-up workshop is almost full there are two slots left. The class will be this Saturday at 1:30pm. Remember the sign-in sheet is in the community area. For full details click here.
RSA Animate: The Secret Powers of Time Youtube
How Exercise Benefits the Brain NY Times
CRAZY Cravings: How do Pizza, Cookies, etc. know your name? Robb Wolf
Wow, nice DL, Fox! Dude, you should wear that singlet and coach!
Wow! I laughed out loud this morning reading the “Crazy Cravings” article, especially the part referencing: eating by association. Yesterday I left the gym a bit bummed with my back squat progress or lack thereof, and told Damian when I got home, “If I was with my mom she would give me ice-cream!” Oh memories… I am an extremely emotional eater and never knew it until last night that I DO eat by association. I'll try very hard to recognize when it's happening and keep that in check! 🙂
Amazing Fox!
Nice one, Fox. Please, please, please wear that singlet to the next 6 AM class. Did I say please?
Is the Cal Strength clinic open to members of other Crossfit gyms in the NY area? Thanks.
The Cal Strength Seminar is open to everyone! Spread the word!
oh hell yeah i am so there for the glenn pendlay seminar. i follow his blog and youtube channel — he is training some amazing athletes.
btw – for anyone interested – there's another O lifting seminar nearby but in february. it's 2 days in fairfield, CT with greg everett (author of the olympic weightlifting book that we have in the gym). here's the link.
i'm still on the fence about it because it's kinda expensive but if i do end up going i can give anyone else registered a ride up and back both days.
A bit of catch up from last night-
Jules- Ready, willing, and able to be your Booze+Ice Cream test dummy. I've got the dummy thing down pat, so now I just need a test.
As far as the talk of the blog eating comments- its done that to me too, and it always seems to be the long, artfully worded entries that disappear. I've been trying to remember to copy my text before I hit "post" just in case.
Ro- sorry to hear about the back dude- a little rest will go a long way.
Super cool, Fox! LIGHT WEIGHT!
P.S. To the Management: Please purchase some of those awesome shiny plates for the barbells. Thx.
if the blog gives you that 'unable to post' thing just hit the back button in your browser — your post should still be in the text box. just copy it, login again, and try posting again, and it should work. at least it has been for me.
Kills me that video gets blocked here at work. Never see anything good. Mixed feelings on this one, I'd love to see fox pull a big number, probably ok missing him in a singlet, but I'm sure that he's dashing in it.
Congratulations. I am going to have to go home and see these lifts. LIGHT WEIGHT!
nick, i've tried that and had it be "unable" multiple times in a row. you shouldn't have to go through that – it should work reliably the first time. UPDATE: in fact, it just happened with THIS post.
after some time on the Squarespace forum, i found the directions for MGMT to put in a help ticket, in the off chance they haven't already:
"Send us a support ticket from within your Website Management > Billing & Support > Support Tickets and we'll be happy to help."
Thanks to Dave and Jessica for allowing Maria Jones and I to visit and hang out a bit at CFSBK. Hopefully we will see you guys at the Hoboken challenge this weekend in some really Sick Socks! Lol.
Dudes. Orbit Wheels. Check this video.
Happy Olifting Dance!!
Signed up for the Pendlay seminar – thank you Management for bringing them to your gym with such advance notice I can actually attend.
If it isn't filled, I'd like to do the muscle up class. I forgot to sign up the other night on the bulletin board. Thanks.
So, in the depths of my "Mets Without Jose Reyes" related depression, I've been trying to find a silver lining in the cloud that this baseball season will surely become.
Reading about Andres Torres, who the Mets just aquired in trade, and came across this, in an SI article the year he helped the SF Giants win the Series:
"Torres is only 5'10" but he's jacked. His arms and shoulders define definition. He's a solid 190 pounds, he said, because he trains as a sprinter would, doing maximum-weight lifts and working on his explosion through power cleans, snatches, jerks and squats."
Looking a little deeper and I found this video!. Fast forward to :53 seconds in, and you see Torres hitting a Power Snatch (in jeans…ok?) then doing some broad jumps, lunges, sprints, and throwing a cinder block around, in what looks like waist deep dirt.
Look for him in a Foundations class coming to you soon.
I know what i'm wearing to the total. capri jeans ftw!
olympic weightlifting in jorts? now i've seen everything
I put in a ticket with square space and will let you guys know what comes back. Also- If anyone posts a bunch of links the system will pull it into automatic moderation since it detects it as probable spam. I just went into the admin/comments area and saw a couple comments there awaiting moderation. Jeremy's comment form the 5th about the PL meet and one from Marc M about his book/music recommendations. I'll try to check that more often but that doesnt seem to really be the problem.
The management is glad you signed up.
I've been to the cathletics seminar and really enjoyed it. This will be our first go around with Cal Strength but I assure you they are pretty legit guys and gals. It's about $300 cheaper minus travel costs so if you're on a budget the Cal Strength might make the most sense for you. If you take the cathletics sem I guarantee you'll enjoy it
5PM with Shane.
Shoulders were a little sore from yesterday's K2Es so was a bit nervous but it worked out OK.
135lb DLs, 24" box
Got 6 rounds + DLs + 9 Pushups. Returning to the DLs after the boxjumps was a little painful.
David: Thanks!
Anyone monitor his/her resting heart rate? Mine seems to be higher than what it should be if it were consistent with my aerobic ability.
FFirst WOD back tOnight
7+9DL Rx'd
Tempted by today's WOD, but decided to press instead.
115-125-130 (pr)
My last 3RM 3 weeks ago was 125. Nice to make a little jump. Thanks to Shane for the advice and general chit chat.
Then 1 min max calories rows x 3 at 3 different damper settings with the same stroke rate each time – 5 min rest between each row. Each one ended up being about the same calories and total meters. (24-25 cals, 33 s/m, ~300m)
I have monitored my resting HR in the past. This is extremely variable across individuals dependent on genetics, age, general conditioning and current state of training.
That said, an "elevated" HR– relative to your personal past HR monitoring, can be a sign of overtraining and/or adrenal fatigue.