3×3 or 3-3-3
This is our final exposure of Front Squats for this cycle. Novice and Intermediate lifters should add 2.5-10lbs from their previous exposure. Advanced lifters can take three attempts at a 3RM. Happy Lifting!
Post loads to comments.
(e5/5) compare to 11.26.11
Tabata Mash Up:
Kettlebell Swings
Alternate :20 of work and :10 of rest between both movements for 16 total rounds.
Post total reps per movement and Rx to comments.
Kahrin B Squattin her face off!
Leaderboard Props
Congrats to the following SBK’ers on their gym record performances:
Ellie June M: 5K Run, 22:25
Joe O: 1 Mile Run, 5:18.32
Craig C: 1RM Pull-Up, 125lbs
Good Luck Lifters!
CFSBK will be sending 7 lifters to compete at the USAPL Northeastern Regional Championships this weekend. Each athlete will have 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Back Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. Below are their projected lifts/openers (in lbs) for the weekend. Please keep us updated!!
Jeremy Fisher
Squat: 385 / 407 / 418
Bench: 275 / 297 / 308
Dead: 451 / 485 / 507
Margie Lempert
Squat 181.5 / 192.5 / 198
Bench 110 / 115.5 / 121
Dead 220 / 231 / 236.5
Chris Fox
Squat: 355 / 385 / 395
Bench: 250 / 260 / 270
Dead: 440 / 460 / 475
Sarah Haskins
Squat: 160 / 170 / 176
Bench: 110 / 115 / 121
Dead: 182 / 193 / 204
Jess Bailey
Squat: 214
Bench: 99
Deadlift: 242
John Gabrus
Squat: 395
Bench: 305
Dead: 405
David Byrd
Squat: 500
Bench: 225
Dead: 530
Super-friends also competing:
Paulie S
Squat: 463 / 484 / 506
Bench: 292 / 303 / 308
Dead: 550 / 578 / 605
and Gillian M!
Addressing Weaknesses in Training and Life Robertson Training Systems
Dazed and Confused Talk To Me Johnnie
Prepping For Your First Powerlifting Meet Starting Strength
Pigeon Toed Lifters CrossFit
Roaming “Diane” with CrossFit Verve CrossFit
Folks, check out @sarahhaskins for updates on twitter. Last time I checked Margie hit her 192.5!
Holy crap! Jess Bailey DL'ed 264. Awesome.
Front squat Saturday, partnered with Nino and Jeff.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 185×1
Work: 195×3, 200×3, 205×3
Tabata Mashup: 20kg KB, score = 11 (started with 12, so pretty consistent), pushups score = 5 (started at 11, 'nuff said).
FSQ: 195, 205, 215(f). Bailed on the last rep at 215. So close!
Tabata Mashup: 32kg KB: 11 (stuck with that all the way through), pushups: 7 (really wanted to keep 10 all the way)
Nice to get paired up again with Chris A.
235-245-250 (f)
Got 2 reps on my last set of 250. I probably should've tried for the 3rd rep, but racked it after 2. 255 was my last 1RM on the front squat. I'm gonna shoot for a year-end 255×3.
Tabata KBS/push-ups at 2pood. 10/12 all 8 rounds.
Can't wait to hear about all the numbers from the powerlifters! Congrats everyone!
Ditto, Riiccke!
195, 205, 215
Mobility the limiting factor for the lifts. Last one at 215 was falling off my shoulders and I started to laugh as my knees buckled in. Still, got it up. Silly.
Mash up. Didn't really plan how to attack it and probably would have made some adjustments. Still, not bad: 8 on the KB swings at 1.5 pood and 9 on the push ups. Kept it at 10 most rounds but 7th was the 9.
Samir, thank for the tip on Sarah's tweets. Sarah, thanks for tweeting. Go SBK lifters!
gotta proof my posts, Riiiiiiiiccke. :-/
Great day at the gym today. Good private sessions, good A/R class, nice lunch with Jacinto and Josh followed but some gym UUUPgrades
Row 3:00
3 Rounds:
15 Squats
:25 L-Sit
15 Slow GHD Hip Extensions
5 Chin-Ups (Fat Bar)
Back Squats
(45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 205×2, 225×1)
This took forever and was pretty difficult. I see that Im shooting my knees back as I come up trying to take the load off my quads and put it on my hammies. This causes my chest to collapse and my elbow to drop. No Bueno. Next set will be with a pair of eyes on me
Tabata Mash-Up
KB(1.5p KB) / Push-Up
9 / 10
10 / 9
9 / 7
9 / 8
9 / 7
9 / 7
9 / 6
9 / 7
Kettbell swings were too light. Should have tried the orange (pumpkin) bell. Push-ups were plenty tough
a grand 8am with coach noah
pre wu
2 rnds
20 hollow rocks
15 air squats with mini band holding at the bottom
10 push ups
6 pull ups
medicine ball fun.
FSQ with the bjorn
(45×4 95×3 135×3)
185 205 225
should have gone quite a bit heavier. 225 felt too easy.
tabata mash up
KB(2pd)/push up
good stuff.
very good to see dan rx'd back in da house!
Great day overall at the meet. A few PRs, a few angry belt slams. 3 (celebratory) drinks in now, will update in person if desired.
David and Jonathan are gonna kick ass tomorrow!