There are NO group classes or evening Open Gym today. The gym will be open from 12p-2:30p for Open Gym with Coach Jeremy.
Tough TitsDay Powerlifting Meet Still Has Space!
We are hosting our first powerlifting meet and it’s for ladies only!
What: 3 attempts at a 1 rep max of Backsquat, Bench Press and Deadlift
When: December 17 at 2pm
Who: SBK women who have been attending group classes for at least 3 months
How much: $20. Includes participation and a bench press/rules clinic with Margie on December 1 at 8pm.
Registration deadline is December 10, 2011
For more information contact Margie(at)
DeFranco Prowler Training T-Nation
Brinicle: Ice Finger of Death! BBC
Study Finds Link Between Red Wine and Letting Mother Know What You Really Think The Onion
Hey guys,
Does anybody use this website Beyond the white board or anything similar to this. Or should I just use our blog and save my $33?
Visited Practice CrossFit here in Troy, Ohio this morning. Josh was kind enough to give me a rack so I could hit my last intensity day before the meet. Wasn't sure what to expect from my lifts considering 12+ hrs in a car, 3+ lbs of food, beers, etc…So I was disappointed but not surprised when my last warm up on the squat felt super heavy and my first rep of 5 on my work set was such a grind that I racked the bar, defeated. I started unloading the bar and realized I left the 25s on. It took me a minute but I realized I had just squatted 385, a 45lb PR! Put 335 on the bar and hit my set of 5 and then got my 235×5 bench and my 425×2 deadlift. Oh Joyous Day!
See you all next week!
Great photo of Chris A.
Josh – I use a notebook
Out of town for the holiday… I won't name the box where I did a WOD today, what it was, or how it was run — but let's just say it made me even more thankful to be a part of CFSBK. Looking forward to coming back on Sunday!
Nice PR, Fox!
Josh – I use the blog as my log, but I need to go back to notebook or a phone app. BTWB is pretty good. I used it for a few months in 2009 when it was still free and really liked it. It's free for individuals if their gym registers and posts the workouts. I'm not sure what the affiliate fee is though. I'd say it's not worth it unless there's a ton of demand for it at CFSBK.
Josh, I've tried pretty much all of the crossfit trackers out there but didn't find any of them very easy to use. Their main benefit, as far as I can see, is it helps you get a sense of where your score puts you compared to other athletes. I'm mainly concerned with how my score stacks up against my own personal records, so I use to track my stuff. It's basically a free, lightweight blog that I can access anywhere I have an internet connection. I tag my workouts so it's easy to find anything I'm looking for (which isn't necessarily the case if you just post in the comments here). I've also used google docs in the past, which is pretty much the same idea – you can set up a spreadsheet that makes it really easy to compare lifts and workout scores over time.
Nice work, Fox!
Like Chris said, we visited Practice Crossfit and as always got a very warm welcome. Front squats were on tap today which worked great with our programming.
FSQ: 2 on the minute for 8 mins at 80% of 1RM
-this is the same weight I worked my fsq last week but the tempo work made them more challenging.
Then we did "Grace"
3:21 PR by 16 secs from when we did this in august. Not bad considering how poorly I've been taking care of myself lately.
Cooldown involved goofing off in the hotel pool. Hope to hit the hot tub later.
At Crossfit Park City (Spealler's gym) at 4000 ft of elevation…of course they program a Hero WOD on the day after thanksgiving!
10 HSPUs
15 DL @ 250#
30 Box Jumps @ 30"
50 Pullups
100 Wallballs @ 20#
200 Double Unders
400M Run with a 45# plate
31:03. Took it kind of slow due to elevation, weird pullup bars I kept slipping off of, and general turkey day hangover. Biggest triumph was 9 unbroken HSPUs to start the WOD which is a PR, however humble it may be. Deadlifts were pretty clean and easy and box jumps felt good. I felt like I was trapped in the wallballs for about 15 minutes, I need to find the Zoltan machine and get BIG.
definitely PR'd my sugar intake today.
breakfast: chocolate and churros at the #1 spot in the city
afternoon: we played a game called, visit every bonboneria we pass on the street
late afternoon: cookies are traditional this time of year, yay!
evening: i better buy this chocolate tartlet in case i need dessert later
dinner: traditional catalan dessert of fresh goat cheese with honey
after dinner: white chocolate bonbon
now: that chocolate tartlet is still staring at me from across the room.