Add 2.5 – 10 lbs to last week as appropriate
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Compare to 11.16.11
3 Rounds NFT
8-12 Pallof Press
8-12 RDL
Add 5-10lbs to RDL from last exposure if appropriate
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Optional DIY finisher
Benchmark your 1 mile run time or 1500m Row
Safe travels to all the CFSBKers heading home for the Thanksgiving day holiday today!
CFSBK Thanksgiving Schedule Reminder
We will have a different schedule this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Check out the information below or on the Class Schedule page.
- Wednesday, November 23rd: Regular Class Schedule
- Thursday, November 24th: Gym is Closed for Thanksgiving Day
- Friday, November 25th: Open Gym from 12p-2:30p with Jeremy
AMRAP of Thanksgiving Dinner By Jim Ryan!
He’s strong, he’s debonair, and he’s one hell of a cook! CFSBK’s Jim Ryan has the perfect Paleo Smoked Turkey recipe for your Thanksgiving day get together. Check out his video and recipe at Brooklyn Paleo! Thanks Jim for your great breakdown and for sharing your skills with us!
How would you warm up the following movements?
1. Deadlift Work Weight: 275x3x5
2. Press 1 RM Test, Previous 1RM was 63lbs
3. Max Kipping Pull-Ups (previous best was 13 reps)
Time Lapse From Space-Literally. The Journey Home Vimeo
Meet the Woman Behind the 2:26 Fran CrossFit
Debonair? LOL
warm up for deads if its 275x3x5.
turn on ac/dc
Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
Ha, JR. I'd swap in Beastie Boys for AC/DC.
I really have no idea on #2 and #3, and am looking forward to hearing other people's answers, especially since #2 pretty much applies to me.
Strength cycle day 4:
BSQ 110x5x3. These felt good — the last set was a challenge but at no point did I ever doubt my ability to get the bar back up.
Bench press 75x5x3. These were not difficult.
Clean 63x3x3. These continue to bedevil me, but I'll get that quick snap eventually. It was great to work with Jenna, who definitely has said snap.
Afterwards I did chins 5×3 with the white band. The first set felt easy, the third set was more challenging but still doable. I think I'll switch to the thin blue band next time.
Also, Stella-the-dog is very confusing to me. At least, she is when I'm getting ready to spot Jenna on the bench press, and Shane's on the other side of the gym saying, "Stella-bear!" and I whip my head around thinking, "We're that close?" ๐
Hit my back squats yesterday since we're on the road to Ohio as I type. Meant to pack the lacrosse ball for the drive out but we forgot the damn thing. ๐
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 185×1)
work: 195x5x3)
-these were heavy! But in some way I felt a little more organized than last week.
-no time for accessory work.
JR, that seems like very minimal warmup sets to me with rather large jumps. Someday when I can pull that weight, I'd probably warmup like this:
135×5, 185×3, 225×3, 255×3, then work at 275x3x5
6 am with coach josh
pre wu
inch worms
mountain climbers
20 hollow rocks
15 squats with mini band holding at the bottom
10 push ups
6 strict pull ups
bsq with the one they call bjorn.
(45×5 135×4 225×4)
felt good.
acc wk
8-12 pallof press
8-12 rdl – delicious
excellent to see steph p, charlotte in da house
have a most splendid thanksgiving y'all.
Deadlift: 135*5 225*5 275*3*5. If I was feeling cold after the 225 I'd add 1-2 at 265
Press: 35*3 50*1 60*1 65*1
Pullups: shoulder MOB, dynamic warmup, 3-5 kipping pullups, go time
195# Squat
rowed 1500 in 6:05
I am trying to Zen for the trip home later. Bus is going to suck.
Headed out of town today, so I made it in for the 8am class with Josh, which was great. I need to throw in more morning workouts every now and then. I wasn't sure how productive I would be after a late night of eating and drinking.
245x5x3 – up 10# from last week
These felt surprisingly more solid than last week.
Pallof press 3×12
RDLs 145x10x3
Haven't run in a while, so I went for the mile benchmark. Didn't have a ton of energy, so I'm glad Josh (thanks!) ran with to keep me from walking. 5:59 I used to love running. Now I look forward to squatting more.
I hope everyone enjoys eating great food with family and friends. I'm very thankful for being a part of the CFSBK community.
1-I think JW and JR are right assuming this were a light/back off weight. It's a work set though, so: Hip and torso DROMs, 115×5, 165×3, 205×3, 245×1, work
2- Shoulder DROMs, 33x5x2, 43×3, 53×2, 60×1. Now open at previous PR, hit it and go up by 2-5 lbs…new PR!
3-Shoulder DROMs, few strict pull ups, a few sets of 5 Kipping, work.
10 hrs in the car already…yeeeah, holidays!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
My 2 cents:
1. Deadlift Work Weight: 275x3x5
If this was a back off weight work set then Jim's progression would be fine. If 275 was a heavy work set I would do:
135×5, 185×3, 225×3, 255×1, then maybe 265×1 if you were not feeling warm yet
2. Press 1 RM Test, Previous 1RM was 63lbs
(22×5, 33×3, 43×2, 53×1,) 58×1, 63×1…
3. Max Kipping Pull-Ups (previous best was 13 reps)
2 Rounds: 5 Push-Ups, 1 Pull-Up, Lots of Droms and then go
the woman behind the Fran has quite an interesting approach to strength training: "a combination of a conjugated, Wendler, and Bulgarian approach."
DO – don't think I haven't noticed that you can bold stUFC in your comments and I can't…
I'm super computer savvy.. but I still forget how to hyperlink..
Some Droms
Barbell Warm-Ups
Skill Work
Worked on Snatches at light weight today. I really wanted to work on finishing my pulls and finding that pop at the hip. A ton of reps around 95 was pretty productive.
Fun Stuff
:10 on/ :20 off x 16 intervals of 116lb Keg Bear hug
This was fun. It lit up my spinal erectors pretty good. Next time I'll try an 8 round normal tabata
Finished with some foam rolling and then taught 8pm
In Park City, Utah for Thanksgiving at my Uncle's. He swiped me into his old folks/ski bum gym and I got some of my 5-3-1 work done. The gym had the weirdest erg- the flywheel was submerged in water in a clear case- it was like a rowing fishtank. Weird.
Deadlift 260×10 (ugly, felt funny and clangy)
Bench 190×13 (Felt pretty ok.)
Then did a little version of the pyramid WOD from a few days ago.
50 Squats
40 1.5 Pood KB Swings
30 Burpees
20 Pullups
10 Thrusters
Finished in a bit over 9 min and felt crushed. Then I forgot, I hardly slept last night and am at ALTITUDE. Stupid me.
Hope everyone has a happy one, eats like its their last day on earth, and gives big hugs.
strength cycle week 2.2
nice quiet night at the gym ๐
squat: 235x5x3
these felt good, especially once i raised the bar up a few notches on the rack for my 2nd and 3rd sets. seriously having the bar up a little higher when i go to rack it is doing wonders for me. jeremy says it's probably due to a better rack position. i need to find out how to create that rack position even when the bar is a bit lower, which has to happen most of the time since i'm on the short people platform. this weight is only 5 pounds off my PR so i'm pretty excited to continue the progression.
press: 85x5x3
this felt pretty good. this is about the weight where things got funky for me last cycle. i remember failing at 90, then started microloading at 86, and i ended the cycle at 87.5. so i'm hoping to hit 90 on monday which will be a PR.
chinups: with thin white band, 3-3-2
this is a pretty good improvement over last week, where i got 3-2-1. i was hoping to have 3-3-3 by the end of the cycle but i think it's much closer than i think, especially if i manage to lose a few pounds like i'm hoping.
Fun being in the 5PM today. I'm all over the place scheduling wise this week. Today I ground out perhaps my most satisfying sets of squats ever at CFSBK. 305x5x3. I am still crushed from this. I was doing it on 5 days rest as I am trying to get back on Wednesday squats. First set felt tough, really settled in on the 2nd set, and for four reps of the 3rd set, before being completely dirty on the 5th rep but standing up somehow.
I went back and looked at my squats from Late May/June just before the Hybrid Total. I PR'd at 300×5 then. So I've definitely had gains. I'm looking for a 4-wheel squat next time we total.
Excellent 7am class with Coach Josh. So great to see McG, Bjorn, and Steph on the tail end of the 6am. Worked 180# for squats–heavier and heavier…skipped the benchmark and shopped for Thanksgiving.
175x5x3 Still going up by 10# each week.
181 3/4 lbs. on the scale. Feels good to be in sight of the 170s.