1-1-1-1-1 or 5×2
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Compare to 3.9.11
AMRAP 10 minutes:
5 Power Clean 155/105
10 Over the Bar Burpees
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Happy Birthday Ariel K. W.!
Thanksgiving Week Schedule
We will have a different schedule this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Check out the information below or on the Class Schedule page.
- Wednesday, November 23rd: Regular Class Schedule
- Thursday, November 24th: Gym is Closed for Thanksgiving Day
- Friday, November 25th: Open Gym from 12p-2:30p with Jeremy
What’re your plans for the holiday? Folks who are traveling, are you planning to visit a CF box while you’re away?
Congress Pushes Back on Healthier School Lunches Associated Press
CF Gym Raises Money to Cover Medical Expenses of Member Charlotte Observer
Hey has anyone been to a box in Las Vegas that they would recommend? T Bone and I are planning a trip there and want to show them how we do it at CFSBK
Strength Cycle week 2, day 1
BSQ 105x5x3
Press 50x5x3
Deadlift 135×5
Theme of the day: "challenging, but totally doable." Oh yeah, and my dumb ass had an extra 5 pounds on one side of the bar for that last set of back squats. I was wondering why I felt like I was pushing harder off my right foot.
Also stuck around to do chinups, 5×3 with the thicker blue band. Next time I'll go to the thin blue band.
Holiday: going to visit my family in the Philly 'burbs. There is a box about 20 minutes away by car, but I'm probably just going to find a bodyweight WOD and do it at my brother's house. My family doesn't really have enough cars for me to just borrow one for a couple of hours, unfortunately.
Very fun times at 8am with Coach Shane and his deputy Felix, rocking the Crossfit PJs. Thanks Shane for helping me out on my squats, on my weight progressions, and on my cleans. Feels good to be getting into the gym more regularly. I might one day experience warmup 2!
Push Press: (45×5, 65×3, 85×3) 95, 105, 115, 125, 130F
I am afraid of dynamic pressing overhead from my shoulder injury last January. Thanks Shane for letting me wuss out on that last one. I'll get there one day.
WOD: 5 rounds plus 1 clean Rx'd. I liked this one. It's always a sign of a good WOD when I find myself thinking, "oh thank god, now I get to do cleans." Heh.
Theres a small box that just opened up near my house in good ol' Cerritos, Ca. They still work out of a park, but its less than 5 minutes away so I will probably join them for metcon work when Im there.
I'm dumbfounded by our govt's inability to do the right thing. Ever….
I always go home to FL and spend Thanksgiving with my parents, but Bina and I are moving Wednesday so that ain't happening. We'll have it in NJ at her Mom's– a much shorter trip!
I'll be at open gym Friday– it's intensity day, so I want to do that and keep my schedule somewhat inline. Plus I'll need a break from unpacking. Hopefully I won't be as tired as I was yesterday.
Happy Birthday Ariel! Where you at? Our schedules are unaligned– come back to strength cycle.
Jess and I will be with family (my in-laws) in Ohio this week and will visit Practice CrossFit in Troy. The're a great place to visit. Josh Bunch (the owner) is a cool dude and I think that their overall vibe is pretty similar to SBK.
Great picture of Sarah!
Hey Guys,
Just wanted to say thank you for hosting me on Saturday. You guys have a great spot and have obviously established a very close community. If any of you are ever in the Worcester/Boston area, I coach at CrossfitCenter Mass on Shrewsbury Street in Worcester, MA. Come by and we'll get you set up. Thanks again.
Ryan: THAT was your name! Three of us were trying to remember what it was so we could yell encouragement during your heat. Someone said it might be Ryan but we weren't sure, so we settled on yelling "Go Boston!" instead. Hope that was OK ๐
i'm going to Barcelona (today!) for a week; sadly, there are NO affiliates in BCN right now. hard to believe, right??
i did buy a backpack, rather than a rolling bag, for this trip so i'm planning to "WORK MY CORE" carrying that sucker to and from the airport ๐ my companion is beside herself that i want to carry my suitcase like a pack animal.
i'm also prepared with a ton of yummy paleo food for the flight, including a delicious seared hunk of flatiron steak from the CSA that i cooked this morning. also, wild boar sausage, some delicious raspberry-ale-washed cheese, almonds, apples, some nice broccoli dressed with champagne vinegar, and a bunch of dark chocolate by Madecasse, my current favorite.
dammit, now i'm hungry.
Have a great trip! All of the fresh seafood will be great for you! They also have bicycles that you can rent and go all over to sightsee. You can pick it up in one spot, drop it off at another, a great way to see the city. Enjoy!
Barcelona is wonderful! Make multiple trips to the Boqueria. Definitely visit the Miro and Picasso museums, Gaudi's house and Sagrada Familia. Have a great time!
did you catch the game last night? I have amnesia. What happened?
@Josh: Years ago I trained with Zack Forrest out at his box in NV. Highly recommended. And if you're feeling bad ass, know it's a 5K run from the MGM hotel to CrossFit Max Effort. Check the WoD first before you decide to gun it there — I made the mistake of running the distance only to get hit with FGB upon arrival.
The run back was no bueno.
Happy Birthday Ariel!
Sarah, awesome pic!
We are in Quebec at the moment and I was entertaining checking out the local box but it's probably not going to happen. We are then in Boston through Tday weekend and family will not allow slipping off for a WOD. That leaves bodyweight workouts in my room!
safe travels to all those hitting the road.
It's all really adding up weight wise. This took a solid 90 minutes to complete. Thanks, McDowell, for the spots and for the eyes and cues.
Gonna hit Surf City crossfit in Huntington Beach, CA.
Happy birthday Ariel!
Nice 6PM class today with Margie.
Paired with Josh for push presses.
WU: 45×5, 75×3, 95×2, 115×1
Work: 125, 135, 150F, 145 (old PR), 150F, 150 (PR!)
Sometimes when pressing, we cheat and push-press. Sometimes when we push-press, we forget to push and just press. Get it straight.
Accessory WOD @ 125lbs: got 5 rounds + 5 cleans
Im hanging in BK for thanksgiving. Wednesday night at the gate is always a real big hangout for native park slopers, so I look forward to that, if it happens again this year.
Strength cycle day 4 of 18:
Bsq: 230X5X3
Bench 205x5x3
DL: 250X5
BSQ feel solid, Im very happy with my progress here the last few months. The weight today felt light, or i should say it moved pretty easily.
DL- This lift felt really good today. All the cues from Jeremy, and watching Fox teach the comp class last week really helped me understand what Im doing wrong.
really enjoying lifting with nick A.
Oh and to all eagles fans, us Giants fans challenge any of you to a game of football, anytime any place. a 1-1 season series means the fans need to play this one out since there will be no 3rd game. (No chance of eagles making the playoffs)
Awesome workout, I'm really digging these short metcons and feeling like I'm making some progress in my speed.
Press: 110-115-120-125-130
Felt really good, I probably could have gone heavier, but I didn't really know what I was working with.
5 rounds + 3 PC Rx'd.
Warmup–2 rounds of warmup 2 with 17.5# db
(45×5, 65×5, 75×3, 85×1)
work: 90×4, 88×4, 80×5
-goal was to hit 90x5x3 but i just didn't have it tonight. Hit 87.5x5x3 on Thursday so maybe I just should have opened with 88. I always forget it's baby steps with the press. (And yes, I'm sticking with strict press right now)
6 rounds plus 1 clean rx'd at 105#.
-this hurt…but in a good way. was trying to catch christine d. and the ever speedy kate d. it was surprisingly hard to jump over the barbell. quads were smokin'.
strength cycle week 2.1
squat: 230x5x3
set 1 felt heavy. set 2 felt scary heavy. set 3 felt oddly light. not humblebragging i promise, i was just shocked! my PR is 240 so we're getting pretty close to new territory. i think i have a good amount of room for growth on my squat this cycle.
bench: 115x5x3
this felt fine. my PR is 120 so also getting pretty close here.
deadlift: 250-250-250-250F-250F
got 3 reps at 250. this is exactly where i failed last cycle (when i only got 1 rep at 255). the first rep went up great, the third rep was a bit of a grind, and the fourth rep came up maybe 2 inches off the floor. idk what's going on here but i'm pretty bummed. maybe some combo of assistance exercises can help me make progress on this.
also dan i'm really enjoying lifting with you too, but i think you've been doing most of your lifting with nick P. ๐
Push press: 115, 120, 105x2x2
WOD: 4 rounds + 5 cleans (95) + 2 burpees
Still just trying to find my rhythm in group class. (Today, with no shoes. So I can now add socks to the growing list of clothing I have sacrificed at the altar of CrossFit). Someday soon, I will get my wind back after a 4-month hiatus.
Once the adrenaline was running, the bar was flying high enough I didn't really need to get under it. So I could have gone heavier, but I'm still working on technique. Maybe it's the years of tennis, but my body doesn't want to stomp heels (or stick the ass out, as was noticeable in the push press). Power cleaning reminds me of returning a hard serve or chasing something down the baseline.
Bought a few lacrosse balls. Scapula mobility, here I come!
Pp 185(pr) ran out of time on this one but felt i could have hit 195 if i attempted it.
Wod as rx 5rounds 1 clean. Some of you on the whiteboard got 7+ rounds, you people are not human. Good work…..